The End.

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Emma and Harry are both 18.

This year had been a whirlwind for Harry, they had gone from losing the X Factor to having hit singles and a number one album

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This year had been a whirlwind for Harry, they had gone from losing the X Factor to having hit singles and a number one album. Emma didn't know how to take it all in. All of a sudden it had gone from being able to see him, speak to him, go out to places with him whenever she wanted to everything having to be hidden and secret.

She was targeted by extreme fans for being such good friends with him, half the fans celebrated her and thought she was amazing to be such good friends with The Harry Styles. Others sent her death threats and made nasty comments about everything from her hair to her shoes. She couldn't really digest it all.

Harry didn't change in himself, the minute he got home he'd always go straight to hers and they'd stay up all night talking and catching up. He'd tell her about America and Sweden where they were recording their second album, she'd talk about guys at college - which he was slightly jealous of, and her part-time job she'd taken up in a nearby beauty salon. He was proud of her, he knew she'd always liked doing people's hair and nails.

Emma started to feel like she had taken a backseat with Harry, he had insisted that she was important to her, and he kept up contact when he was away. But when he started to go away and promise to be home in six weeks, but end up coming back in nine she grew a little.. tired of it all.

Harry was finding it hard, keeping up with the One Direction flow, relationships, his family, Emma. He couldn't juggle it all, he was starting to lose it a little bit and he knew Emma had noticed. He hadn't heard from her in a couple of weeks and when he reached out it would be a few words or no reply at all.

That christmas, when he arrived home for his two week break he couldn't wait to see Emma, she was the first thing he thought about when he arrived home.

"I've missed you so much," He hugged her tight.

She hugged him too, crying into his shoulder. "I've missed you so much it's stupid."

"Don't cry," He pouted pulling away to wipe her tears.

"Sorry," She laughed. "I've missed you a lot."

They sat around her dining table, both with tea in their hands. He had changed since she last saw him. His face was more mature, his hair a lot better looked after. She could tell he was being morphed into a popstar, not that that was a bad thing but she hoped he wasn't changing.

She had dyed her hair, Harry noticed. It was a deeper brown and layered. He wondered what else was different about her now, the thought made him sad. Sad that he was missing out so much on her life.

"How have you been?" She asked excited to hear all of his stories.

"I'm exhausted Em, all I've wanted is to come home. I love it, but I've.. I've had enough, I'm working all the time, in this hotel, that hotel, this show, that show. We're constantly in America.. it's a lot."

Emma smiled. "But this is what you wanted, this is what we'd always speak about on the way home from school,"

He nods. "Yeah, but sometimes.. sometimes I just think what if. What if it never happened and I stayed here with you, went to college. Lived normally."

"It wouldn't be fun and you'd be bored." She frowns. "You were meant to do this, we all know that."

He sighs. "How are you?"

She smiles, watching him. It felt so good to see him, to have him next to her not on a tv or laptop screen. "I have some news,"

Harry drank some of his drink. "Right.."

"I'm moving to France,"

Harry's eyes widened. "What?"

She nods with a grin. "I've been offered an apprenticeship there as a hairdresser."

"That's.. that's amazing Em. When do you go? And how long for?" He tried to control his voice, his heart had completely sunk.

"Not until March, for a year."

"That's so great, Em." He kisses her knuckle making her heart flutter. "I'm so proud of you,"

She smiles. "Thanks, all these new things that are happening! We're really growing up now, ey?"

He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"What's the matter?" She frowns, noticing.

"Nothing, I'm just tired from jetlag. How about we watch a film?"

She nods, accepting his white lie.

When it came round to March Harry made sure to get back to Holmes Chapel. He was about to embark on a mammoth hundred and something date tour but getting home to see Emma before she flew to France was the most important thing for him. Skipping the last touches of the tour rehearsals and annoying management, he arrived at hers.

They spent the night together watching films, talking about Harry's tour and talking about the future. Harry had given her their Paris dates tickets with VIP and AAA passes. She wasn't sure who'd she'd take as she didn't yet know anyone in Paris but he was sure she'd make some friends.

The next morning, Harry helped Emma's dad wheel her two cases to the car.

"You okay?" Emma's mum cuddled her.

"Fine, great." She forced a smile. "Just want to get there now,"

When Harry and her dad reappeared, her mum and dad left to give them some privacy.

"It's going to be weird coming back to Holmes Chapel and not seeing you,"

"Well," She shrugs. "Now you'll know how it felt for me everyday the past two years."

He couldn't argue with her on that one. "True,"

"You'll have to come to me in Paris."

"You can teach me french, and show me all the boutiques."

She smiles. "Of course, and you need to keep me up to date with all of the tour shenanigans you guys get up to."

"We're doing a film." He announces.


He nods. "A documentary all about us, weird right?"

"Very," She laughs.

"I want to give you something." He swallows reaching into his tight back pocket. Emma constantly teased him about his tight skinny jeans, always telling him he'll lose circulation in his legs if he's not careful.

He holds up a necklace, a H necklace.


"I can't be with you all the time, but this can be."

With a tear in her eye, she let him put it on. "Thank you,"

Wiping her tears he smiles through his own. "I love you, Emma."

Gasping, her eyes met his. It wasn't his usual I love you like he does before he ends skype or a phonecall. This was different.

"I'm.. I don't want to be selfish, and I don't want to make you stay. But I am in love with you." He admits. "And I don't want this to be the end of our story even though in a way it is."

She shakes her head. "It doesn't change anything," She promises. "I love you too, ever since.." She bit her lip. "Ever since you helped me to english class." She cries.

He wipes her tears with a smile. "At least we both know how each other feels."

She nods not saying anything.

"You've got to go do what you're best at," He spoke quietly. "But when this is all over, and I'm allowed to have my life back a little, we'll be able to be us again. We can be who we used to be."

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