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"So you've said yes to the tour?" My mum asks as she pours me some tea, Alex was happy with the doughnut she had bought him, I rolled my eyes when he excitedly clapped his hands. I wouldn't say I'm strict, but I don't give him sugary doughnuts everyday. But I guess as part of her grandma duty she has to spoil him a little. He is her only grandson after all.

"Yes, I had meetings all week about it." I roll my eyes. "I didn't think I'd have to sit through so many boring meetings just to style someone's hair." I joke.

"He's a big deal that's why." She winks.

"Yeah, well. It's all sorted. Contracts are signed."

"No backing out?"

I shake my head. "No backing out."


"No, it's just Harry."

"Are you taking Chloe with you, I mean you start in the States right?"

I nod. "I wasn't going to, I usually never take Chloe on tours. But this one is slightly different and it'll be longer, and because Alex is older and more aware I've figured I'll need her, plus his bedtime is during the show and I'll have to be there throughout. I've discussed it all with Chloe though," I explain wiping Alex's mouth. "She will have the day to explore and do what she wants, or she can hang out with us. But then she has to meet me around five at my hotel room, then we head to the venue, have dinner together and then she has to take him back to the hotel around six thirty and have him in bed for seven."

"That's a good plan,"

"I want to be with him as much as possible, and I don't want to overwork Chloe. She does so much for us so I want there to be a balance,"


Mum was sneaky and invited Anne, Gemma and Harry round for dinner that evening. I wasn't aware that she had, until around an hour before they were due to arrive.

I took the lasagne out of the oven just as the doorbell rang, I heard mum answer it, Alex following her.

"This must be Alex!" I hear Anne call.

I walk out from the kitchen smiling as I see Alex hide behind my mum from Anne.

She looks up and grins at me. "Emma, darling." She holds her arms out and I quickly hug her.

"How have you been?"

"Fantastic, how about you?"

"I'm well thank you,"

I smile at Harry who follows his mum in.

"Gemma couldn't make it I'm afraid. She said to say sorry though,"

My mum pouted. "That's okay,"

Everyone sat down while my mum served up the dinner, I sorted out Alex's dinner, he isn't a fan of lasagne so I gave him a small amount with some plain pasta.

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