This can't be real

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(Hey y'all this is just a fun little thing I wrote for Halloween, I hope you enjoy it!)

"I'll go get it", Minseok yells. He is not sure if anyone else even heard him over the blasting music. Or if anyone else even heard the doorbell ring for that matter. Which is the main reason for Minseok to go and answer it. The other reason is that by now he is feeling a little dizzy and would take every opportunity to get a fresh breath of air, away from the loud music and the other drunk people. He is not even sure anymore why he even allowed his friends to drag him out for a Halloween party in the first place. But nowhere he is, slightly drunk, tired and with a growing headache. He opens the door and immediately swallows done the halfhearted welcome he had prepared on his lips for the latecomer.

Before him stands a young man in a police uniform. Apparently, he took the whole costume party thing a little too serious. Almost everyone else at this party just put on something that is just barely passing as a costume. Minseok has seen at least two guys with an "error 404 – costume not found" T-Shirt. And Minseok himself just put up his black hair and threw on some ripped jeans, a checkered shirt, and a leather jacket, if anyone is asking he is a drunk rockstar. No one bothered asking so far.

But the boy in front of the door looks like he put quite a lot of effort into his costume, maybe even spent some money on it. He is not only wearing a very authentic looking police uniform, he also carries around a pair of handcuffs and a gun – most likely a plastic toy – neatly attached to his belt. Also, he is admittedly quite handsome. Chocolate hair, hazel eyes and even now that he has this very serious stern expression on his face the corners of his mouth seem to bend upwards just a little. His smile would probably be terribly cute.

Minseok leans against the door frame in the most casual way he can, which is at the moment not really a lot before he looks at the boy in uniform again.

"Hey there, what can I do for you?", Minseok asks, doing his best to sound nonchalant and not slur his words. He probably fails at both of these but right now his head is way too clouded to mind the smaller things.

"Sir, I need you to turn down the music a little. The neighbours called and complained about it being a disturbance", the policeman says. He seems to really take this whole thing seriously.He even tries to stay in character and everything. Minseok thinks that it is incredibly cute and he can't help but want to mess with the other a little. Maybe he could take off his hat and give his beautiful hair a little ruffle. Or even steal the hat and put it on his own head. That could turn out to be quite funny if the other would play along and maybe arrest him for the theft.

"What happens if I don't do it?", Minseok asks, giving the cop a flirty look. "Are you going to put these handcuffs on me if I don't behave?"

Minseok stretches out one hand to reach for the handcuffs. With how they are attached to the belt they slightly rest on the other boys' thighs and as he grabs for the handcuffs Minseok uses the chance to slightly caress the cop's leg with his pinky. The fabric of the uniform pants feels nice, must have been a really expensive costume, almost too good for some neighbourhood Halloweenparty. And the handcuffs seem to be real metal, not the cheap plastic ones that tend to break when you tug a little too hard on them. The ones the guy in the police costume carries feel cold and heavy in Minseok's palm.

"Please refrain from touching them, Sir", the officer demands, but his voice sounds a little more unsure than before. Maybe even a little flustered. Minseok grins as he lets go of the handcuffs again.

"Don't worry, you can keep them", Minseok says with a slight chuckle. He thinks about adding in a comment about how he likes it when the other tells him what to do but then decides against it. Then he reaches for the gun and at the same time wonders where he got that sudden boost of confidence from. Maybe alcohol is not that bad after all.

Before Minseok can even reach the gun another hand grabs his wrist. He looks up to lock eyes with the officer, already preparing for the next flirty remark about putting the handcuffs to use, but the serious expression he is met with makes Minseok stop.

"This is a duty weapon, you can't just touch that, Sir."

The Sir at the end of the sentence sounds almost like an overused joke at this point and Minseok huffs.

"C'mon just drop the act already or do you want to stay here at the door all night? I get it, you have a really cool costume, now are you coming in or what?", Minseok questions, one hand on his hip.

"I'll leave, but first I need you to turn down the music, the neighbours have complained", the cop explains again. His expression serious. His costume way too authentic for this small neighbourhood party. And suddenly it begins to dawn on Minseok.

"Wait, you're a real cop?!", he screeches and the officer chuckles. He really does look terribly cute with a smile on his face.

"Took you long enough to figure out", he says and Minseok can already feel his face turning a slight shade of red. "So, are you going to turn it down, or do you really want to make me use the handcuffs on you?", the cop asks, the smile on his face is almost teasing and Minseok hates him for the way he makes the heat rush to his face.

"Sure, we'll turn it down", he briefly replies, already trying to shut the door before the situation can become even more embarrassing for him, but the officer stops it with one of his booted feet.

"Hey, I get off in about an hour, are you still going to be here then?", he asks. Minseok just nods, he is afraid that every other word he says will just make this even more awkward for him.

"Great, I can't keep on the'costume'", he draws quotation marks in the air with his fingers while saying the word, "but I guess no one will notice if I borrow the handcuffs for a bit, you seem to really like them."

Even nodding feels awkward now but Minseok does it anyways since he has no idea what else to do. The officer rewards him with another cheeky grin.

"I'm Jongdae, by the way", he says sand Minseok mumbles back his own name. Another cheeky grin, it's unreal how someone can look so cute even with the most shit eating grin on his face. At this point Minseok is sure that the amount of blood he can feel rushing to his cheeks should have made him pass out about half a minute ago. But then again it might just be the alcohol finally getting to his head.

"Okay then. I'll see you later, Minseok", Jongdae says, before finally pulling back his foot and allowing the door to shut. Once it is completely closed Minseok leans his back against it, letting himself slide down until he sits on the floor. One of his friends, and also the main headmaster behind this party, enters the hallway and gives him a confused look.

"Who was that?", he asks and Minseok just shakes his head before replying: "Just turn down the goddamn music a little, the neighbours complained."

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