My best friend and me

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Rachel got a puppy that's called Bella that summer! She loves her so much, she always wanted one!!She bought her chew toys,food bowls,and a cute doggy house!!!

Aren't you cutest doggy ever yes you are!! Rachel said. Don't spend your whole summer vacation on that dog. Her mother said. Dogs need love from their owners. Rachel said.

When Rachel Decided to clean the dog house there was a flat screen TV in there!! Wow! My dog could talk? Rachel thought. Bella come here. Rachel called! Woof! Bella barked. I know you can talk. Rachel said. No. Bella said. You just did. Rachel said. Ok, fine I can talk I didn't want to tell you yet because I thought you weren't ready. Bella said. Why, are you talking to the dog like it can talk? Rachel's mother said. Nothing. Rachel said.

Mom do you know where Bella is? Rachel said. Oh no Bella must have ran away because I was upset with her earlier. Rachel thought. Mom, Bella ran away!! Rachel said. Post up some posters that says MISSING DOG.




Old: Two Months

Eyes: Brown

Fur: White

If you seen this dog please

Call: 1 (555)-555-5555

Done. I hope people see the signs. Rachel thought. Honey, it's time to get inside the house it's 8:00 p.m. Rachel's mother said. But mom, Bella is out there some where. Rachel whined. You can look tomorrow. Rachel's mother said. Ok fine. Rachel said.

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