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Anthony didn't understand what the doctor said. He was shocked. Is this real? Tessa cant be pregnant. He must have misunderstood.

Anthony: "Excuse me what?"

Doctor: "Tessa is Pregnant"

Anthony didn't know what to say, so Jake stepped in.

Jake: "Are you sure?"

Doctor: "Positive"

Jake: "Um well ok thank you I guess"

Fifteen minutes later and Anthony still hasn't said a word.

Jake: "Anthony cmon say something"

Anthony: "I..I don't know what to say"

Jake: "Well first off is it yours?"

Anthony: "Most likely"

Jake: "So you slept with her"

Anthony: "We we're both drunk ok"

Jake: "What are you gonna do"

Anthony: "Idk man I really don't know"

More time passed and it was the next day.

Doctor: "Anthony?"

Anthony: "Yes"

Doctor: "We've got more news"

Anthony: "Yes"

Doctor: "Because your the father of the baby, we're giving you the choice in 2 weeks if Tessa hasn't woken up to stop her breathing tube"

Anthony: "Why me?"

Doctor: "Because if Tessa lives the baby lives and right now that's your choice. The only thing is that she might never wake up if you let her live. Which would only be torturing her and the baby. But it would make the baby live."

Anthony: "So What your saying is your giving me the choice to kill my baby and the mother of my child"

Doctor: "I don't want to put it that way but yes. We're giving Tessa 2 weeks and if there's no improvement in her condition then it's up to you."

Anthony: "Um ok. Well thank you. I'll need time to think"

Doctor: "I understand"

Jake had been listening to the conversation and knew that Anthony was on the verge of breaking down. He ran over to his friend, and he didn't care if it wasn't manly and let Anthony cry in his arms. He never had seen his friend like this and it hurt him so much.

Anthony: "I don't know what to do Jake?"

Jake: "I'm so sorry Anthony I really don't know"

Anthony: "I wish this didn't happen. I wish we didn't go to the Bahamas. I wish she wasn't so perfect so that I wouldn't have fallen in love with her and made this happen. I wish that I was the one in the coma"

Jake: "Ik I'm so sorry man. But know that I'm here for you always no matter the decision."

Jake pulled Anthony tighter in his arms trying to comfort him. Anthony couldn't stop crying. They stayed like this until it became dark outside and Anthony had calmed down and eventually gone to sleep.

Jake: "Erika he really doesn't know what to do"

Erika: "I can't imagine what he's going through"

Jake: "Ik and I can't imagine the pressure he's dealing with. It hurts me to see my best friend like this"

Erika: "Ik same here. But also I can't believe Tessa is pregnant"

Jake: "I can't believe it either. I mean that must make his decision so much harder"

Erika: "We just have to pray that she wakes up"

Jake: "I know I am"

2 weeks pass. Anthony hasn't really talked to anyone. He's always visiting Tessa everyday praying that she'll make some improvement. But nothing happens. Tomorrow is the day that he has to decide and he still has no idea. He can't decide to kill his child and the woman he loves and live with that the rest of his life. But suddenly at 1:00 in the morning when Anthony was sleeping by Tessa's side he hears a voice. A familiar voice. TESSA'S VOICE.

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