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In the distance, through the fog of her panic, she could hear the clock strike midnight. She came to halt at the foot of the stairs and inhaled the chilly air. Little clouds escaped her lips as she exhaled, still crying in her hysterical state. With every deep breath, the cold air helped her coming back to her senses.

The sound of footsteps descending the stairs made her turn around. Her cheeks were damp from her tears and she had a runny nose but she didn't care about her appearance when she looked in the eyes of the host. His aura was still as radiating as it was up on the pedestal but he looked older now that she was so close to him. He studied her for a while, not saying anything. She was the one to speak first.

"I know him."

He kept looking at her, his eyes didn't let go of her. In silent agreement, he nodded ever so slowly.

"You do."

"This can't be."

"Yet here you are. This isn't a dream."

She massaged her temple, trying to chase away an annunciating migraine. Suddenly she felt exhausted, the tears had stopped from falling and she just wanted to go home.

"Then how is it possible?"

The man sat down on the stairs, scratching his beard and motioning for her to sit down next to him. When she obeyed, he started talking. His eyes staring into the distance, avoiding eye contact.

"Year upon year I invite people to my manor. People in need of bliss. I give them the chance to dance with their true love for one night. By the break of dawn, I reveal the purpose of this masquerade ball and my guests can decide whether they want to reveal their identity or not. Some will put down their mask, others won't. Some already know their opposite, others have never seen each other before. I bring them together but the choice whether to reveal themselves or meet by chance later in life is up to my guests."

She listened to his words, let them resonate for a while. This was impossible but why doubt something she'd seen with her own eyes?

"I didn't have this choice."

Now the man shook his head in regret.

"You didn't. Not all of us get their happy end."

A bitter laugh full of pain vibrated in her chest and the tears started falling again.

"Then what do I get?"

His touch on her shoulder held sympathy and a promise of better days.

"One night with him, each year. The night where our world and yours collide."

Without an answer, she got up and walked away. She knew his words were her invitation for the year to come but she didn't know if she'd return. Return to the man in the tailcoat. Return to her true love. To sapphire blue eyes, he had closed forever over five years ago. 


Word count: 2985 words

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