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When we got back from our dangerous adventure, Aetheria ran into my arms. I hugged her back automatically without even thinking. My head was somewhere else. She pulled away and looked into my eyes. Her eyes were so bright and innocent, but contained concern and fear. She understood right away that what happened in the forest was something other than a simple explanation. I gave her a look that said we'll talk about it later. We, then, faced King Caerleon who greeted those of us who were left. I walked up to him and bowed. He gave me a horrible look.

"You've failed your quest,"  he simply stated. All I could do was stare, expressionless, at him. What was I to say to the man who sent a bunch of children to their deaths? Who sent me to die? He must have known I wasn't ready, or something I just don't understand yet. I heard murmurs on our way back to the castle. Even Philip had mentioned the truth of that horrid place. Anyone who walks in are destined for death. The king knew this and had banned entry to the forest. Although, those he didn't trust or believed were too weak were sent there to die. It was the best kept secret rumor I've ever heard. And I wish I could unhear it.

"What are we to do with this information, Myrddin?" King Caerleon questioned. I bowed my head ashamed. I had to act like I didn't know of his plans. I have to pretend to be disappointed in myself. At least until I know more information.

"I'm sorry, Sire. I have failed you," I spoke up. I looked up to meet his eyes. For the first time ever, I saw the coldness of his soul, the darkness within him swimming around in his eyes. But when he sighed and looked down, it was gone. The man I always looked up to as a father was back. Were the rumors wrong? He was probably just testing our bravery, our strength within. Maybe he wanted to see who came out alive and who stayed loyal to him. I just couldn't see him as a man sending children to their deaths. But his eyes just seconds before and what Joseph had told me in the forest rang in the back of my head begging for attention. What am I to think anymore?

"Maybe 18 days was too much for you. The rest of you are alive, and that's all that matters now," he smiled down to us. "You may go." The rest of the knights walked away after bowing their respect to our king. I bowed my head as Aetheria guided me away.

We took a stroll around the castle grounds until we made it to the gardens. "Myrddin, tell me what happened?" She asked me once we made sure no one else was around. I took a deep breath and let it all out. I even told her about the Lamia. She was upset at first but glad it was just a spell and I was able to recover. I told her about the last demon we fought and Joseph's last words to me.

"Emrys? Why does that name sound familiar?" She questioned herself. "He called you that?" I nodded my head. "Interesting. And he spoke poorly of my father. The king. Yet, he still saved you. He was loyal to you and only you until the very end."

"That's the thing, Aetheria. Why was he loyal to only me? What makes me so important that it's worth getting himself killed? And what destiny was he talking about? Why do I have to stand up for those children? And what happened between my father and yours? Something just doesn't feel right anymore," I told her. "I don't know who to believe or who to trust. I have so many questions that need answers and so much to learn but not enough time. What am I supposed to do?"

"Right now, all you need to do is rest. You've been through a lot these past weeks. We'll talk about later," she replied before pecking my cheek. We walked back in silence until we reached my chambers. She turned to block me before I went in. "Myrddin, even if you don't trust my father, know that you can trust me. Always and forever. And trust me when I tell you that I believe my father is a good man. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Rumors spread, but that doesn't make them true. My fathers orders were probably made from a good cause. Not a good choice, but remember he's only human. I trust him. So can you," she spoke. I took her words into consideration, but at the end of the day, she didn't know everything that happened behind closed doors either. How could she have known her fathers true intentions?

She gave my hand a squeeze before letting go and walking away from me. I watched her go. The same way I watched her run away from me after our first kiss in the garden. The same way I watched her walk away from me the last time we spoke.

The last time we spoke. Her tears. The way her voice trembled. I witnessed the looks she gave me in flashes. Fear, worry, anger, disappointment. She shook her head and walked away from me. Her shoulders slouching. I watched her go.

Leon was showing Elizabeth how to handle a dagger a few feet from me. He told me he would teach her the basics while I rest up. Once I was feeling more energized, I was to teach them a few moves of my own.

I watched as Leon got into position with his sword. He swung, and Elizabeth ducked down and went behind him. Her dagger found its way under Leon's chin. She smiled at him as he realized what she did.

"I was teaching you to block!" His voice cracked. I couldn't help the smile from creeping onto my face. I looked down at my hands to distract myself.

My head was started to ache for the fourth time today. These aches last for about ten minutes before they go away. It's quite new and only makes me feel worse. It's what I've feared. Although it's only been a day since we made it to the field of flowers, I'm not getting any better. How do I know if it's not all down hill from here? I need to get to the city before I don't have the strength to carry on.

Elizabeth is learning quick since they started this morning. I never doubted it. She's always been a fast learner. As for Leon, he may need a little more help than Elizabeth. I only hope they're fast enough learners so we can start moving.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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