Ch.1, Came across an old friend

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Max's POV
I was litterally tortured,I was in hell,I wanted to leave,I

I saw the Time,12 am,I could sneek out but...I have to come back,I wore  my yellow Shirt,My pants,And my hoodie,I snuck out and went to the dock,As I was near the dock,I saw fluffy and puffy Turquoise Hair,I knew who that was,Her hair wasnt in pigtails,I saw her turn around,A smile was on her face,I sat down next to her,She emedietly hugs me,I'm not a very huggy person,But I hugged back,The warmth of the hug had ended,"How are you Max?" She smiled,"I have been tortured,Yeah...How about you?" I asked,"I...I have been slapped and have been thrown suicidal threats" She looked like she was a perfect little girl but,She just hid behind her look a very boyish and strong girl,We both talked about our camp,then,"Do you miss Camp Campbell?" The girl mumbled,I nodded,"I'd rather be there than be tortured" I muttered,A yawn came from her mouth,I knew what I had to do,"You better get some rest..Its pretty late" I gave her a smile,She nodded "G'night Max" She stood up and left,I went back after an hour,I got worried about her,'What if she gets killed by gunshots?!By knives!? or by words!? Calm down Max...She's strong...But...why do You care? You never did...' My mind was a mess...but why...? Why would Me,Maxwell The III,Would care???
(I dont know his full name but I will use that,I dont think That It isnt stated in the show)
They know Me as a heart less,Fearless,Dull,Jerk,A-Hole,Sarcastic,and Snob.but...I'm like that other than being dull to many things,I might be also is sarcastic and fearless,

Total of words above 326!

Finally! Yes! I'm Frikin Done! Writing this w province which means I have to go to bef early because Many people here tend to sleep early,
as easy but I had a hard time doing this first one because: I was In our province,And The some people tend to sleep at 8 pm,Which is kinda early,plus,It rains pretty hard,And sometimes we experience Brown Out's,Its pretty annoying,But heck is it cold here when its night time,I also had to sleep earlt because Me and my cousin are gonna cook break fast,And I have to wake up at 5:30 or 5:45 am...Please be patient,I might start writing on paper and just copying it when school comes back,Which means I wont run fresh out of idea's,I  have to live a week without Camp Camp,but I might be able to watch it from time to time just to get more of my memory refreshed,I am in a place without WIFI,I can live without it because I have this,
Ok! Bye Bye Eggies!

Total of all words above is 517
oh gosh,The A/N was even longer than the story XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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