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After I woke up I felt fresh . Even though I was so hungry I decided to take a bath . Smoke filled bathroom and I began to feel hot . After bath I decided to ask my mother about what happened today . I bended air . NoNoNo!this might be my thinking unless I am a decendant of Anng from avatar which is not possible . Maybe I should stop watching avatar its getting in my mind. I should ask mom . Maybe she will answer me . I rushed out of bath ready to shoot my questions to my mom .As I expected she was in the kitchen washing dishes . I felt power building inside me . Finally when she was done . Anna plastered a questioning face and asked her mother " I want to ask you something " her mother said " I will try my best to answer" she asked " Can air benderes exist ?" Her mother tembeled at this but answered softly " Its time to tell you truth . Your  dear father didn't left us . He was killed . And yes we are air benders " she said with tears flooding her eyes. I was breath less so I am a air bender my father was good afterall but main question was who killed her father ? She turned to ask her mother but as soon as she opened to ask her mother she said as quick ss lightning "go away . No more questions just leave " Anna felt tears flooding her eyes and left for her room. As soon as she reached it she saw mirror her brown eyes crying her black hair luke a bomb exploded there . After what she saw she decided to set hetself and go to her job as a waitress . She never liked but she had to do it for her mother , for herself as soon as she reached out for the door her mother was standing as she passed saying good bye ,her mother mumbeled "
Sorry anna my dear I don't know something got me " Anna was word less but getting back to her senses she said hugging her mother " no need to be sorry " and then she went to cafe  words "your father was killed"ringing in her mind

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