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After anna came from cafe and she was exited for the first day of her training  . Her mother was waiting in garden for her . When she arrived her mother greeted her with a wide smile . they  begun to train "concenterate anna command air what it need to do connect your heart with it " she said . "Allow me to demonsterate" as anna's mother said . Anna immitated and it worked . She practiced even more and she was able to do it more gracefully and usefully . After a few days she was ready to fight back use fully . Her mother said "now you are ready and trained as a air bender . Now go and sleep . You will leave on a quest to take revenge yourbdead fathers killer . " anna gave a confident look but then asked "I dont know who killed him mother please tell me" her mother looked back and mumbeled "follow me anna" anna nodded and followed her mother took her to her fathers room and opened a  wooden box there was  a paper inside it . Anna's mother said "if you are lucky enough you'll find him or her" anna took important paper and weng to sleep in het ting room she fell asleep almost instantly . I will do it she thought . Next day she woke up early and packed her bag it consisted of 3 suits , a map , her cell phone and some other things she needed . Later in day she was standing infront of her houses door step and wawing good bye to her mother she vowed she'd find her fathers killers and take revenge on his behalf . She felt like crying but she didn't . She needed to be strong

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