May I or May I not die

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'Son of a pepperoni' Lucy says in her head as her calm breath turns into an uneasy and fast one.

"Can you see me?" Damon asks pulling slightly away, knowing the girl was very much frightend.

Lucy looks left and right before quickly shaking her head, not realising what a dumb decision that was.

Damon looks at her in an annoyed motion as Lucy tries to get away from his grasp but fails.
"Don't play dumb with me. I know you can see me....Which is why you can see that dumb ghost, Finna" Damon said smirking.

Lucy's eyes widen as her teeth met angrily "What do want from Finna??" She asks through gritted teeth.

"Oh nothing" Damon seemed amused at the girl's reaction and he was sure hoping to get another one just like that out of her. "Just her death"

"What?! No! Not before I'm finished with her!" Lucy growled pushing Damon away from her. She attempted to make a run for it but she was nothing against Damon's power.

"Tell me where the ghost is" Damon demanded as Lucy shook her head angrily "No!" Lucy yelled trying to get away from the handsome reaper.

"Fine then. I hope you don't mind me doing this" Damon said before forcefully pushing his lips against hers. They didn't move for two seconds untill they started dancing with eachother.

'No! Not my first Kiss!' Lucy shed a tear angrily but Damon didn't seem to notice 'might aswell give it all I've got then...' Lucy grabs Damon by the nape and pushes they're lips harder against eachother.

The kiss became heated without either of them knowing but Damon soon took notice. He pulled away from the girl and licked his lips. Without another word Damon dissapered and Lucy fell to her knees.

"What's that weak feeling on my lips??" Lucy asked putting her finger on her bottom lip to try and figure out what she was feeling but she managed to throw the feeling away and ignore it.

"Guess I should go home...." Lucy told herself as she stood up and walked down the streets to her house, even though she was in the worst mood imaginable she still bought some flowers for her dad on the way.

"DAD? I'm home!" Lucy called out to her father as she placed the flowers inside a flower-pot where fresh water always layed.

Lucy decided her father wasn't home and walked to her bedroom where she sat down on the bed, exhausted to death.

3:45 pm.

Lucy groaned angrily at the ghost who had awoken her by singing.

"Finally you're u-" Finna starts to cheer but she's cut off by Lucy throwing a pillow at her.

She turn to her side and closes her eyes, hoping Finna would go away.

"Ok, ok. I'll just tell you tomorrow!" Finna growled before she dissapear to weep over her death.

"Damn ghosts...." Lucy bit her lip still feeling that wierd feeling on them.

Damon's wet lips against Lucy's made Lucy feel warm and weak.

"Follow me" a voice says from behind her. Lucy doesn't think twice before running after the voice.

"Over here" the voice whispered before Lucy fell into a colorful hole where she continued to fall down not stopping one second.

She was unable to scream or move for that matter, all she did was look at the colors as she fell to her death.


Lucy's eyes widen as she took a deep breath through her nose. She decided to get up but realised she couldn't even move her body.

'What?! What is this??!' Lucy shouted in her head as she was unable to open her mouth.

Lucy tried closing her eyes but just when she was about to do so a strange noise comes from under her bed.
Lucy shots her eyes open as her breath hitches and she starts to look around in a frightened way. Before she knew it a pair or cold things start to strangle her.

Lucy immediately starts to freak out knowing she couldn't even move one muskle. Her breath became harder and harder and she felt herself pass put from pain.
"S...Stop...." Her voice broke as she fell onto the bed, her vision got bored and just before she could pass out she saw a pair of black eyes.

The second her head touched the pillow her eyes shot open and she started gasping for air. She quickly stood up from her bed and stumbled to the bathroom to splash water on her face and look in the mirror...Her face was pale and her eyes were watery as she fell to the floor and hugged herself. Lucy stayed like that the whole night.

7:00 A.M.

Lucy's eyelids slowly opened as her breath hit the rug which was on the cold floor. She softly stood up and rubbed her forehead before taking a deep breath and remembering what had happened last night.

"Hey! There you are!" Finna gasps as she floated through the door "I've been searching for you for like...2 minutes! Do you know how long that is???!" Finna says angrily as Lucy groaned and stood up. "Why are you even on the floor???" Finna finally asks as Lucy stands up and brushes her teeth.

"I...Had a bad dream...." Lucy says in a scratchy morning voice after she finished brushing her teeth.

"Hmm?" Finna rubs her chin as she looks at Lucy "you're sick! You should stay home today." She states proudly.

"Finna. I need to find your Ex husband!" Lucy growled to the girl. "I swear I'm okay." She said with a sigh and turned to smile at Finna.
Finna turned to smile at Lucy but soon her smile fell and her eyes widen as she looked at the girl's lips.

"What?" Lucy asks raising a brow as she stared at Finna.

"N-Nothing...." Finna nodded to herself before sighing.

"I think I found the Hospital...." Finna says once more making Lucy smirk "We have our heading~!" Lucy says proudly as she walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom where she proceeded on getting changed.

-The End of this chapter 💗💗💗

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