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Patton's pov:
I had spent the last twenty minutes baking cookies for roman who was sitting on the couch just staring at the wall above the tv which makes me frown anxiety must have hit a nerve because I haven't seen roman like this since, actually it's better not to think about that. Ding! I turn my attention to the oven a smile breaking out onto my face "time to decorate!" I exclaim happily grabbing my Ariel oven mitts which matches my Sebastian apron I have on grabbing the cookies from the oven putting them on the counter before I go to the fridge grabbing the icing I had made while the cookies where baking before I start decorating making the first one none other then Mickey Mouse himself I mean who better to start with am I right? "You want some help Patton?" Romans surprisingly quiet voice asks behind me "of course kiddo" I say watching as he picks up the icing tube and starts to decorate the cookie which is starting to look like Cinderella's shoe I watch as his smiling but sad expression slowly turns more happy which makes me smile more nothing could make me happier then roman and the others being happy well....other then baking but I mean that's second...close...but second.

Logan's pov:
I sit in my room a rather gloomy looking anx laying on my bed pillow even his eyes are glossy while I flick through the pages in a book about traits trying to figure out why this happens to anxiety. "Anxiety?" I ask watching as his little ears perk up and his gaze turns to me "do you really think every time roman has apologised he hasn't meant it?" I ask getting a loud meow from anxiety "oh right...you can't speak" I say tapping my chin before I come up with an idea I stand getting a curious look from anxiety as I make my way to the door "can you wait in here for a few minutes I think I might have a way for you to talk" I say getting a small but noticeable nod from the fluff ball on my bed as I walk out closing the door behind me going to commons knowing what I'm looking for should be there. I walk into the room noticing roman and Patton in the kit- what is Patton wearing? "Logan?! How's..." he pauses his yelling putting down what he is doing walking out leaving roman to continue "how's anxiety?" He asks nervousness evident in his tone I nod slightly pushing my glasses up my nose "fine...just give him some time" I say making Patton sigh in relief I give him a small smile "you go back to baking with roman just remember to save me some" I say getting a happy nod from Patton as he walks back into the kitchen while I walk over to the couch in commons now if I remember correctly which I almost always do it should be...ah found it. I pull the large keyboard from under the couch tucking it under my arm and heading back to my room not paying attention to roman watching me leave the common room with it. As I get back to the door of my room I hear meowing and when I go in I find that anxiety has managed to fall down the gap between my bed and the wall and all I can see of him is his furry black tail waving around frantically. I chuckle placing the keyboard on the ground locking my door and walking over to him "how did you manage this? I was barely gone five minutes" I say as I reach pulling him from where he is stuck and sitting him on the floor he shakes making his fur ruffle a little before giving me a thankful meow I smile grabbing a note book and a pen before I sit on the floor putting them next to me them on the floor reaching to plug in the keyboard Anxiety eyes me curiously "ok I want you to press a black key for no and a white for yes is that ok?" I ask watching as anxiety moves closer to the keyboard bringing his paw down on the white key before looking up at me I smile happily "great!" I say grabbing the pen and book to write in before I ask my questions "was this because of what roman said?" White key "has anything i or Patton said ever made this happen?" There is a hesitant look in anxiety's eyes white key. I continue to ask questions possibly ten minutes although it could have been an hour because well frankly I loose track of time easily when I do stuff like this the only indication that I needed to stop was that anxiety was taking longer and longer to press keys as he grew more tired. I lean over the keyboard scratching behind anxiety's ears making him purr softly "I'll grab you something to eat ok?" I watch as he nods softly curling into a small ball on the ground. I stand making my way to the door opening it to be greeted by roman "anxiety I know your in there I need to talk to you!" He says lowering his hand he was obviously just about to knock I look back seeing a panicked look in anxiety's small face his eyes wide before he staggers on all fours under the bed "anxiety's not here" I reply quickly making roman frown "I know you don't talk to yourself Logan move" He says attempting to push past me and succeeding I can hear the hurt in his voice as he speaks but looks confused as his eyes search the room "anxiety just come out...I want to say I'm sorry...and I know you think when I say I'm sorry I don't mean it but I do! I really do!" I watch as he yells to the seemingly empty room "I was letting my ego hurt you....and for that I'm truly sorry...none of what I've said or done have I meant none of it!... I'm sorry I'm so so sorry......" he says I can see his clenched fists by his sides shaking softly as tears drop to the floor in front of him and watch as anxiety slowly comes from under the bed walking over brushing himself against roman in a comforting way nervousness in his eyes as roman looks down forcing a small smile at him before turning out of the room standing at the door looking down "you know you could have at least acknowledged you heard me..." he says his voice quiet as he goes to start walking again before a familiar voice echoes "I heard you Princy..." I turn my gaze seeing anxiety standing in the centre of the room tears glossing his eyes roman also turns before he nods softly walking down the hallway to his room while anxiety sits back on my bed "how did you change back?" I ask quietly getting a tired glance from anxiety "I-I don't know..."

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