Chapter 12: King X Diane

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Normal POV

Diane had arrived at the entrance of the tree dome. The pathway was very dark. The only thing lighting her way was the pink glowing light at the end of the tunnel. Somehow a feeling of safety washed over her. The walls were playing her a lovely tune. The wind passing through the holes made the tunnel sound just like a flute. Diane thinks that she had heard this tune before. As she listened better, she now remembered where.

"This the same tune King played on his leaf flute...." If King played this then that means Elaine taught it to him. She was close.

At the end of the tunnel displayed the Fountain Of Youth. It's pink holy water flowed beautifully. The major roots growing under the fountain must be the roots that keeps the Fairy King Tree alive. This was it, the source of all life and also, the cage of King's sister.

Diane can clearly see the cup displayed at the middle of the fountain. It was too high up. "I wish I had something to get me up to that spot.." her wish was granted when the nearby roots wrapped themselves on Diane's waist therefore hoisting her up till she was close to the cup.

"I forgot these trees listen to me. Okay..." Diane was like a foot away from the cup. Diane reached for the cup. Light emitted from it as her hand touched the cold handle. What seems to be a floating slab showed an incantation to say. " I can't read this......" But Diane had to try. Elaine's life is at risk here. " I go...."

Diane's POV

The writings were readable but I can't understand it but I have to try. At this rate, I would do anything to get the job done and that means reading the hopefully not cursed inscription.

"Me seize thy gore N' tie the loop.

Per wholly of my heart of hearts, Me long acquire thy place.

As per catalyst of limbo, wholly mean to see, to create Paradiso per site to stab.

Thou wholly be holy N' callous. As per acclaim the Reyna...the intended. Thy mean to reign."

The whole incantation sounded freaky but it worked. The pink water turned transparent. I hope that's a good sign. Looking around, I didn't bring a knife or anything I could use to make a small cut on my finger until my eyes landed on a leaf at the tip of the root holding me. I had an idea.

"Uh..excuse me but can you make this leaf sharp enough for me to be sued to cut?" These trees were so obedient. The softness of the leaf turned steel hard. It's particles turned hard and shinny. I plucked the leaf and sighed deeply. Slowly, I slit my finger.
"Ow..ow..ow..." the stinging feeling was there. I immediately let the red liquid drip in the cup. At least 3 droplets. Retracting my finger, i started sucking on the bleeding part. The transparent water turned blood red.

"What did King say again?" I think I'm supposed to drink from the cup. I was nervous but excited. With this, I'll have my wings. Down goes the liquid through my throat. It was tasteless and normal like water. Once the cup was empty, I put it back to it's position and waited for something to happen.

Everything was shaking including the root holding me. The root pulled me back to the ground. "What's happening?" I don't know if this was a good or bad outcome. The fountain was rumbling. Something was underwater. I can feel it. The water was rising and overflowing the area. I went to higher grounds by climbing up the branch. The whole area looked like a whirlpool. I hate to be sucked into that watery doom.

After minutes of waiting, the whirlpool stopped. The water was steady now. The atmosphere was dense because of the steam from the boiling water. That's another reason why I shouldn't go down yet. At the middle of the dome, the cup was overflowing even though there is nothing pushing the water.

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