Chapter 1

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Max POV at the Wood Scouts

What a long day, I thought, as I sat in fetal position under my covers, unable to sleep. That day had been a living hell. Last night I had decided to escape camp (again) with Nikki and Neil, and an old Wood Scout named Billy said he would help us. The Wood Scouts are the toughest military camp on the lake, and it was certainly not a camp I would ever want to go to. We were in the boat, finally getting away from Camp Campbell, and I was so excited to finally be free that I didn't even notice the boat belonged to the Wood Scouts. Then I realized that Billy was still a Wood Scout, and once I noticed, he immediately stabbed me in the back with the sharp end of a candy cane which he had been chewing on. The next thing I knew we were greeted by more Wood Scouts. They had started kidnapping kids because enrollment was low, which was not a surprise. They made me change into the Wood Scouts uniform, and I absolutely hated it. It was itchy and stiff, not like my worn out warm hoodie and jeans. Then throughout the day I was tested on impossible courses, running mile after mile, lifting weight after weight, and I had to do so many ropes courses I couldn't feel my legs by the time it was over. As I lay in my bed I wondered if Nikki and Neil were safe. I remembered the boat being empty before I passed out. I hoped that they at least noticed I was gone, and I hoped that I would soon be saved by Neil, Nikki, or even David. I missed my teddy bear Honey Nuts, and I even missed David. Wait, no. No. I didn't miss David at all. But for the first time in my life, I wished I was at Camp Campbell.

3rd person POV at Camp Campbell

Neil and Nikki had just landed from the eagle, Timothy, that had brought them from the Flower Scouts to Camp Campbell, when they were greeted by David.
"Where have you guys been? I have been worried sick," David said with a frown on his face.
"We tried to escape, got thrown off a boat, woke up with the Flower Scouts, and now we are here," Nikki said happily. David looked confused but did not question her story.
"Wait, where's Max?" David asked curiously.
"Probably with Billy and the other Wood Scouts if he's not here with you. Billy stabbed him in the back with and candy cane and that was the last we saw of him."
"Wait, what?" David's voice started rising to a yell. "We need to go and get him! Who knows what terrible things they are having him do! The Wood Scouts don't care about their campers! He could be in some serious danger!" Nikki and Neil slowly backed away from David.
"Wow, David. I didn't realize you cared about Max so much," said Neil, surprised. David looked at him.
"Of course I care! I'm a counselor! I can get in serious trouble for losing a camper! And besides, I care about all the campers! I would go save any of them!"
He was looking very concerned as he walked over to Gwen, who looked like she didn't want to have any part in this situation. As David explained it to her she threw some anxiety pills into her mouth, and then she reluctantly agreed to join them.
"David, can we come?" Nikki asked. She started jumping up and down in excitement at the prospect of an adventure.
"Sorry kids, but I am afraid it is just too dangerous," David said, and he gave her an apologetic look. He and Gwen climbed into the row boat and started paddling over to the Wood Scouts camp.

David POV on row boat

I put on a look of determination on my face as I continued rowing, but on the inside I was worried sick about Max. Even though he had said to me over and over again that he hated Camp Campbell, I knew somewhere in Max's heart he had a soft spot for this place. I wanted to show Max how great this place was, just like Cameron and Jasper had shown me. I started to tear up when I thought about Jasper, and Gwen noticed.
"What's wrong?" Gwen asked with a look of concern on her face. "If you're worrying about Max, then don't. He's a tough kid, I am sure he will be fine."
"It's not that," I said, looking down so I didn't have to meet her eyes.
"Then why did you tear up?" She said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I doesn't matter. What is our plan of making it into the Wood Scouts camp?" I realized I had stopped rowing and immediately started moving the boat again. "The Wood Scouts have an impossible security system to pass," I said, then remembered how Edward has a crush on Gwen. A grin grew across my face as I looked at her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Gwen asked, concerned.
"Well, Pikeman might let you in," I said still grinning.
"Oh hell to the no I am not letting that ugly faced boy let me into the camp," she said in disgust. I frowned.
"Oh come on Gwen, just act like you want to date or something to get inside and talk to him. Then while you do that I can sneak into the camp and get Max. After today we will never come back here and you will never need to talk to him again." Gwen rolled her eyes.
"Fine, whatever," she said. "But I'm only doing it to save Max." She threw some more anxiety pills into her mouth as they rowed closer and closer to the Wood Scouts.

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