Journal Insert - 31.10.3017

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Scholars have noted things about the world before ours, experienced by others, as being very different to that in which me and my contemporaries find ourselves. The leading minds of our Kingdom have described these rusted materials we have unearthed as signs of a superior time. Many theories afloat and since the last 600 years, our efforts to understand our ancestors have been on overdrive.

My curiosity is fixated upon a debate amongst my fellows, Zachery and Jake, they both agree to understandings which perpetuate that we fought wars from incredible range. It is bewildering to think, nations were destroyed without the marching and battles of troops. However, the ranges at which these battles took place, have been a point of contention amongst our circle of junior officers. To the benefit of full discloser, this debate has embroiled Zachery and Jake, for over a few months now.

On to more pressing matters:

After 2 years of fighting, we have finally unearthed Vault 21. This is said to contain the history of our old world. As I await for reinforcements and transport to arrive, I am to find a way to open it and view its content. Our King has requested its matter be recorded and sent via our fastest horsemen immediately. However, welcoming the content is far more difficult than anticipated.

The vaults material composition and structure, is unlike any other materials of the old world we received exposure to at the academy. My battalions brightest minds have failed to open its locks and our demolitions experts have lost limbs trying to force it open.

After the fatigue of a long war and the loss of countless lives, it is a shame to not be able to read the anticipated manuscripts which we shed blood for. My questions are endless! Perhaps, this is for the best. Imagine the vault is empty? The horror such would bring, will be best received in the security of The Kingdoms walls and in the company of loved ones.

I part this journal extract with a positive note- my cousin is said to be amongst those reinforcing us. I have not seen him since we left The Kingdom and I bet he has much news to bring with.

Major A.Adam

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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