First Class, Last Class

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Jungkook groaned to the brightness of the room, until then he smelled something touch his nostrils. Sitting up, he sniffed the air which only made him hungrier. He stood up, walking to the door as he opened it, he heard the opening of the microwave.

"Smells good," Jimin said to himself. Jungkook looked up at the happy Jimin as he stared at his food. He wore black basketball shorts and a white shirt that fit him perfectly. It surprised him how fit this guys actually is. As Jimin took his soup in a cup in hand, he sat at the couch to watch an anime. Jungkook stared at him like if he was child still eating out of a ramen cup, and watching anime. 'Wait... That's exactly what he's doing'.

He groaned internally as he moved back to the room, and into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth.

After 20 minutes in the bathroom, he went to the living room fully dresses in his uniform. He walked to the kitchen, but he stood there for a while not knowing what to do. 'I don't know what to do', he thought to himself. He didn't know how to cook is what he was trying to say.

"Hey idiot," Jungkook said and walked to the living room. Jimin didn't look up to Jungkook to look at him, but he hummed in response.

"Where's the nerd so he can make us food?" He asked. Jimin just shrugged and continued to watch his anime. He laughed once in awhile when someone would do something stupid or something funny would happen, and it annoyed Jungkook. He groaned loudly and walked to the kitchen again to look through the cabinets.

"I don't know how make food," Jungkook reported.

"Why the fuck would I want to know that?" Jimin answered him.

"Make me food," He said back.

"No! Stop being a lazy ass and do it yourself," Jimin barked. Jungkook couldn't stop groaning today. As soon as he found a cup of ramen soup, the front door opened. Jimin looked up and Jungkook ran to see who it was and sure enough it was Taehyung.

"I thought you said you were leaving to class?" Jimin questioned.

"I did, but I forgot my books," Taehyung responded and went to the bedroom to get his books.

"Since when were you so buddy buddy's with the nerd?" Jungkook asked with a glare. He thought that he hated that guys guts just like he hated them.

"I talked to him without saying anything bad and he responded me," Jimin said, rolling his eyes. "I'm surprised he didn't yell at me like in the morning I asked him where he was going." Jungkook was amused at the nerd. He has a soft spot for forgiving people easily, and he liked it for some reason. Then, an idea popped into his head.

As soon as Taehyung came out with his books in hand, Jungkook stood in front of him and stared with a blank face. Taehyung glared at him, and tried getting passed him, but he couldn't. He started to get frustrated as the younger one still stood in front of him.

"Move," Taehyung sneered. Jungkook didn't say anything and continued to look at Tae with a blank face.

"Tae-hyung~," Jungkook suddenly said. It took Jimin and Taehyung by surprised that Jungkook called Tae 'hyung'. Of course Taehyung knew he was up to something so he put up his guard.

"Don't call me 'hyung'," Taehyung said to him, but then Jungkook threw a puppy face at him. It caught Taehyung off guard And he blushed lightly. Jimin stared in awe at the two. Admiring Jungkook's tactics and laughing at Taehyung's face.

I Love You Tae, I Love You Taehyung // JiTaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now