Seele Under The Rain Chapter 1: Bus Stop

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The skies cried over the inhabitants of the world under it's belt, sobbing over those who have been wronged or those who will be wronged, the sky cried with no signs of least that's what our teacher said

"Wah It's raining like there's no tomorrow" I said

"Well there is no tomorrow" said the blonde boy beside me

"What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow does not exist because tomorrow we have something called the weekends"

"Eh~ and here I thought you had something interesting"

"Hah? What were you expecting Derleib?"

"Hmmm, I don't know~"

As we were exchanging some small talk the school speakers sounded an alarm telling us that an announcement is to be made

"To all students due to heavy rain classes will close early, we advise students to return home as soon as possible and to not take detours along the way"

It sounded another alarm to signal the end of its announcement

I looked at his green eyes and he looked back at me and said

"it's not like we were planning to get soaked in the rain anyway"

"Sure Geist because being home is better than going outside"

"What are you 5 or something? Didn't I tell you not to be stupid"

"Well according to you being stupid is just my nature"

"Being Stubborn seems to be your main nature too"

"And being a mom seems to be like your main feature too Geist-oba-chan"

He sighed briefly

"Do as you please Derleib but don't tell me I didn't warn you"

"Yes, Oba-chan!"


Our school's level consideration is just like every other school

Level zero

Some students didn't have umbrellas, they shared theirs with their friend or with a random stranger

Some students had their bags above their head running from cover to cover to hide away from the rain

Which one was I?

I was the moron who was using his science textbook as a cover from the rain, my bag will get wet regardless so at the time I didn't know why I decided to use the textbook as my umbrella perhaps I thought its knowledge could deflect the raindrops

From the school's main entrance to the shade in the park that covered the bench, I stopped here to check which bus stops were present near me

I slid my hand through to my pocket and grabbed my phone

"Let's see...ah!"

There was a bus stop five hundred meters away from me

I opened up the navigation app so that it can lead to me towards my desired destination

If I were, to be honest, if I was going home on both of my two feet then I would have just walked around without any cover on my head, I might get sick due to the rain but I think it's worth it

The rain feels nice, feels relaxing, I wish every day can rain just like today although even an idiot like me can guess the problems that will arise from such a wish

The sound of the raindrops falling onto the road was very pleasing to my ear, the smell of the rain as it washes the dirty parking lots were also very pleasant

I heard that only fifty-year-old adults like the smell of a rainy parking lot, I think I can understand why

In a crowded city whose scent is gasoline and coffee, no matter the kind of advancement we have had a part of me wonders if I would be able to enjoy nature if I ever had the chance to

My generation is so used to being on their phones that I feel like we won't be able to grasp the meaning of anything if we saw it in front of us

The more that I was exposed to the rain the more the thoughts became stronger, aimlessly wandering was me, I forgot about the bus stop luckily in front of me was another bus stop

I hurried over to the bus stop, taking a seat on the cold metal chairs I waited for the bus to come around

As far as I know from the TV shows, manga and other media that I have consumed, the bus will take a long time before it gets to this stop unless it's route is short

I looked around my area, I spotted a number on one of the signs

"Stop 23....."

I am at the twenty-third stop huh? Since I had nothing else better to do I pulled out my phone from my pocket again brushing off the drops of rain from it using whatever dry part of my clothes remain

"Bus Routes in area ****" and search

The bus leaves route one at 12 pm, it takes around 30 minutes to get to each stop, the time changes however after route 19, the time it takes for the bus to get here is about

"3 hours...."

Right now I'm stuck soaking wet, cold, with nothing better to do with my life, I didn't bring my earphones or my headset, my phone is about to die!

What can I do to entertain myself!

Looking around me again I noticed that the area was new to me I don't know this place, I've only gone to a handful of places in the city but this place seems odd, the moment I sat down at the bus stop I noticed that nobody was here

The only things that my ears can pick up are the drops of rain, each drop sounded different somehow....

M'I going mad due to boredom?

No that's not possible or rather that's just plain stupid

Then again who m'I to tell you what is and is not plain stupid after all just like Geist said

"Being stupid is just your nature" I ended up saying it out loudly whole chuckling a little bit

Ah~ I'm a hundred percent sure I'm going mad

I laughed out loud again this time with some self-mockery sprinkled in on the tone, eyes closed I heard a different sound that accompanied the rain, it sounded like somebody's hand was running through the rain?

I slowly opened my eyes and looked down

"H-Hey what are you doing"

A girl was bent down on her knees gently touching a body of water that was formed from the rain

Her hair just as black as her one-piece dress, in fact, her whole appearance could be watered down to A Pale Shadow


She looked at me with a blank expression while tilting her head off to the side

"there's no one around here besides you right?"

She looked around, looked at me then looked at the puddle of water

" it is only me....." her tone had some confusion mixed into it

She gently stands up and lower's her umbrella towards her head

" name....Is Seele"

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