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She spoke of the stars as if she has been there , in the sky, touched them, danced with them floating halfway in between the balls of light , her eyes shined everytime she mentioned them and I could catch a glimpse of them framed and captured perfectly in her eyes and though she never left her place on that chair of hers I could feel her freely gliding in the room , roaming and dancing with her feet off the ground , moving, swishing but never settling , in that moment I realized that's what I wanna be dynamic , flowing never tied down. She said:
When she was with them amidst the stars , she could shed all layers of lies and feigned perfection she could rip her skin off ,the one she puts on just to blend in , she could strip down  to her true self. Among the shimmering balls so far she could be herself , her true self , she could fly ,no longer weighed down by all the fallacies .
The company was welcoming unlike the company of most humans she met , she didn't feel like an outsider , she belonged there with the stars , stardust  that is what we are made of,her being there felt just right in the presence of the stars , strange isn't it , something so far away can give you comfort while those right next to you rip you off your joy .
She could feel a calm , peace descending upon her , and on the roof top in the middle of the night with no one in plain sight she would dance freely with the breeze nourishing her body with a feathery touch , the air smelt like the daisies in her garden , and the whole night was hers. For once in her life she felt wanted , she felt received , she was the centre , in that moment the world was hers and only hers and she belonged to it  . The stars, the moon all witnessed her in her true glory , the mess that she was , was no longer her shame , it turned into her pride , she had no masks on , she was who she was , true and raw . Scathed and scarred but no longer afraid , no longer timid , she adored the night and fell in love with the stars and found a childish comfort in the moon , and the stars and the moon and the night cherished her in all her glory with all her bruises yet everyday she still cruises , living the life she is meant to live , she looked up and felt like she was home , they looked down upon her and warmed her with their gaze telling her that she was safe and there was nothing to worry about , that was her home and they were her family , a roof without a ceiling and distant faint balls of light yet numerous and lighting up the whole night with the moon as the fair maiden closer to her than anything else reminding her that there is no beauty without a little darkness and there is no point in  being beautiful without the darkness which covers the night , beauty is pain and light swallows the darkness setting ablaze the vast cover we call the sky , because what is sky without the stars and what are stars without the dark ?
What are humans without the battles ? Battles of love and wars of heart ? What are we if it was not for the scars ? With no darkness for the light to swallow , what is the purpose of light ?
It was only then that she could feel the world fixated on her rather than the other way round . The world swirled around her , she could feel the earth shifting , moving , and her spirit dead for so long would stir , she would let go of all that held her back , she would let her hair loose and spread her arms like wings and spin with her arms spread wide and she would roam around wild and free , she would jump not fearing the  fall , transcending all limits of her physical being she would let the bird out of the cage , she would feel like a feather .
The ground was hard but not harsh unlike most people she would see . It was hard and the hardness was revealed in the sight of it, unlike most humans it was bare and wasn't hiding the hardness with unkind deceptive hospitality . Being soft outside and hard within was a hostility she could never quite put into words. If you dont like someone you dont have to hate them and you certainly dont need to pretend to love them . The ground was rough but it was honest.
For once in her life her she would feel a connection . Now the attention was hers , the breeze , the stars , the shimmering ball we term as the moon , the sky , the infinite ceiling , it was all for her , the show was there for her to see,  unlike all the other times she was the center of attention .
Now she saw a glimpse of him , hidden in all of those blazing balls with the  light lining the sky spread in a Brownian hierarchy spreading with no boundaries , in the vast sky with no cage , in the face of the moon dotted and spotted with imperfection yet so perfect just like the people around us , the perfect metaphors of the stars , everything is perfect when seen from afar, in the aura of the night ,in the tales of the skies , in the images of the stars joining them tracing them across the sky ,the wind rustling through her body untying all the knots , breaking all the chains setting her free, she could witness him in the splendour of the night , she would catch him staring back , the one who never talks but speaks through everything that has been passed on in the vastness of this entire universe and he speaks in entirety , the one who listens and watches over the skies , the one who flows in the misty rivers and speaks through the clear skies . The one who orchestrated this world in it's magnanimity   . She could feel him there , watching over her , answering her prayers . It wasn't all a shout in the void , the love of life is reflected with intricacy in the universe itself , but only for eyes that not only see but hear , eyes that feel  . He is there only for those who seek him  not with the mind that is rigid but with the heart that is benign and tender the only place with cracks and bruises so the light could get in .
Every night the sky told a different story and she would calmly listen to all it has to offer not just with her ears but with those two orbs , eyes that hear as they capture , eyes that feel as they see , eyes that listen as they observe , not just merely two balls set up to see . She held the whole word in her eyes , and once they were tired she would lie down there and close them and let the wind rustle through her tired spirit and numb her soul , numb her to sleep  .

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