3 - Drunk

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Thank you for being there still :)




"Listen, what does a dog say to the wall ?" Seokjin said, looking impatiently at everyone waiting for them to figure it out.

"Wolwol" the oldest said back clapping loudly with his hands.

Seokjin infamous dad jokes made almost everyone at the table laugh or at least smile, except for one girl.

Jungkook watched her stood up and quit the table silently, leaving everyone in an awkward atmosphere.

"Did I say something wrong?" Seokjin asked confused.

"No don't worry oppa... Eunbi has been acting weird all day, she doesn't even want to talk to me" Eunha answered with a pouting expression. Weeks have passed since Eunha's first day at Big Hit. Everything was going well as she became more acquainted to her daily life as a trainee, but today Eunbi was suddenly so moody. She did try to get the younger to talk but she was reminded that the stuborn girl would always keep everything to herself whenever she was having a hard time.

"I'll go talk to her" Jungkook said as he stood up and put his backpack over his shoulder. He just had the time to put his tray on the dish counter when Eunbi already left the cafeteria.

"Hwang Eunbi!" the boy shouted but she clearly didn't want to wait for him forcing the boy to run after her. Jungkook saw her turned around the corner. She entered the practice room first and he followed quietly.

Jungkook was behind her as she stood in the middle of the room, her face down. No one said anything until Eunbi began to sob.

"Are you crying?" the voice suddenly made Eunbi jumped as she wasn't aware of his presence. When she turned to look at him, Jungkook couldn't help but widen his eyes. He visibly wasn't used to see her crying. As far as he could remember it was one of his first time seing Eunbi in this state.

"I'm not" Eunbi tried to walk away, covering her face with her hair and wiping her tears quickly.

One things's for sure, the girl was bad at lying, and it was easy for Jungkook to notice right away that something was wrong only from her weak and shaky voice.

"Eunbi ah..." Jungkook whispered softly not knowing what to do. The boy was not used to comfort people, let alone if it was Eunbi. He could handle an angry Eunbi, an excited Eunbi, a tired Eunbi but crying Eunbi? Nop, zero experience in this category.

"I said I'm fine, can you please leave me alone?"

Jungkook complied and started walking away. He really didn't want to push her, if she didn't want to talk right now she'll do it when she'll be ready. But as he was about to close the door behind him he heard her starting to tear up again. Jungkook looked back and his heart clenched at the sight before him : Eunbi was leaning seated onto the wall, her face burried in her arms and her small shoulders were shaking because of her cries. Again, she didn't notice when Jungkook sat back down next to her. He just didn't want to leave her alone so he decided he'll stay next to her, not bothering to say anything because he knew all too well Eunbi will just push him away and pretend that everything was fine.

Eunbi's head was still in her arms resting on her bend knees when she noticed someone else's feet.

"What are you still doing here?" Jungkook heard Eunbi's muffled voice say as she was still hiding herself between her arms and knees.

"I was bored so I guess I'd keep you company."

"As if" Eunbi lifted her head for the first time and looked at Jungkook directly. Jungkook's heart skept a beat when he saw her with her messy hair, swollen eyes and her red cheeks stained with tears.

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