One Last Time

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Eliza looked up from her book as the sound of soft knocking flooded the entryway. She stood from her chair and walked over to the door where she lifted her hand ever so slightly to turn the lock so she could open it.

There stood a man, elegantly dressed in white and blue. He looked down to her with a soft smile and held out his hand to greet her, "Mrs. Hamilton," he spoke in a gentle tone, "My name is Tobias Lear, Is your husband home?" he asked.

She returned his smile and placed her hand in his, she watched him bend over ever so slightly to kiss her knuckles. She laughed quietly and looked at him, "For once, yes, may I ask what you need him for?"

"General Washington has sent for him," Tobias said, his tone changing to a more timid one, "I don't need to see him, but if you could please have him make a visit to the home of Mr. Washington, it's urgent and would be very much appreciated by him himself."

Eliza bowed her head slightly in a nod, "I would be happy to relay the message to my husband, thank you for stopping by." she said and looked back at him, "Have a good day, Mr. Lear."

"You as well, Mrs. Hamilton." he smiled a little at her and turned to leave.

She waited just a moment before closing the door around. She promptly locked the door and made her way to Alexander's office where she lifted her hand and knocked lightly, "Alexander, darling," she said simply and waited for an answer.

It took a little while for Alexander to drop his pen and push his paper slightly to the side, once he did, he stood from his chair, "Come in, Eliza," he responded, making his way to the door to greet her. He grabbed the knob just in time to feel it turn by her hand and be pushed open.

"Alexander," she looked at him, "Mr. Lear was at the door for you, dear,"

"And?" he asked her, "What did Tobias want with me?"

"Mr. Washington has sent for you, Alexander. Mr. Lear explained it was urgent, I think you need to go," she reached up and rested a hand on his cheek, lightly brushing her thumb across his cheekbone, "I'll see you for supper," she smiled at him.

He leaned slightly into her soft touch for just a few moments before pulling away, "Where is he?"

She pulled her hand away and turned to pick his jacket up off the hanger, "He's home, dear," she held his jacket out and watched as he slipped his arms into the sleeves.

"Thank you," he responded simply and turned to face her, he kissed her forehead and left quickly. He made his way straight to General Washington's home without giving himself a slight second to be distracted by anything else. When he arrived he gave a generous-sounding knock on the door and looked up with a kind smile as Tobias Lear appeared in the door frame.

"That was quicker than Mr. Washington and I both expected," Tobias explicated, "Shall I take you to him?"

Alexander nodded, "I was told it was urgent," he said briefly before stepping inside. He turned and watched Tobias close and lock the door before he found himself following him down two hallways and then upstairs to Mr. Washington's room.

Tobias stopped him in front of the door, "Proceed with a light heart, Mr. Hamilton," he looked at him before opening the door and stepping aside so he could proceed inside.

Alexander watched Tobias with a confused expression for a moment before stepping into the bedroom of George Washington. He turned back as Tobias closed them inside the room.

"Come here, son," George spoke weakly, looking over at Alexander with a sorrowful smile.

Alexander glanced over at him, unhappy with those specific choices of words but sauntered over anyway without any comment. He pulled a chair over quietly and placed it close to the bed. He sat and looked at him, "You sent for me," he spoke softly, "Is everything alright?" he asked.

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