«Stop sneaking up on me»

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3rd Person P.O.V

Nico was tired of Annabeth's shit. She was always bothering him about Percy. He knew that Percy had dumped her, and come out of the closet, but it's not like Nico had known. She could bet her bottom dollar that if he had known, there would've been some serious changes in their friendship.

"I don't see why you didn't just tell me." Annabeth grunted as Nico jabbed at her with his sword. He was actually quite ready to kill her, but she was still a close friend of Percy's and that wouldn't look very good, now would it?

"I swear on the Styx I didn't know." Nico was panting by then, and he was grateful that Annabeth froze as the sky rumbled so he could take a break and catch his breath.

"You and Seaweed Brain need to stop that. One of these days the freaking sky is gonna fall on us."

"Please excuse our idiocy Daughter of Athena." Nico snorted and jabbed at her again. He didn't know how the hell she always managed to block anyone with that tiny little knife she uses.

"Shut up. I'm gonna hit the showers. Later Neeks." she laughed, and ran off.

See, it wasn't that he didn't like Annabeth, he just didn't like her attitude. He never liked the way she always seemed to boss the savior of O-freaking-lympus around all the time, and he really disliked the fact that Percy had been unhappy with her since they were 16 and he hadn't had the guts to do anything about it, because he didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings.

Sometimes living creatures were just too complex for a certain son of Hades.

He walked back to his cabin. It was squat, low and dark, and no one ever wanted to enter it. Just how he liked it. There was a kind of sitting room when you entered, there were chairs and a black desk pushed up against the wall. Nico had stolen a super, super contraband laptop form some company while shadow traveling in Washington, D.C, and he had downloaded all his favorite music onto it illegally. But it was untraceable, so who cared, right?

Right then, Panic! At the Disco was singing about closing doors and he was glad because all he wanted was to be left alone. He ate some food he nicked from the kitchen and walked to the bunk area. There were only two bunks, and the bottom bed of each one wasn't visible when you walked through the cabin because the ground was sunken in right there, meaning to give the occupant some privacy, he guessed.

Nico used his remote and turned the music up to full blast, shaking the desk a little. He was grateful for having one of the only soundproofed cabins in camp (the other two being the Apollo cabin and the Ares cabin, everyone had gotten tired of the Ares kids obnoxiousness). He settled into his bottom bunk and belted out the lyrics much too loudly, thinking about Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson and the way he managed to make the smell of salt water sexy. Percy Jackson and the way his sea-green eyes could compel even the most heartless of people to feel bad for him, or be incredibly happy around him. Percy Jackson and the way his sinewy muscles rippled and waved like water when he swung that deadly extension of his arm (A/N that was a reference to Finnick Odair, when Katniss was telling us how he won the Hunger Games with his trident! I 3 u Finnick!) Percy Jackson and the way he laughed, the way he smiled the way he worked in his own skin and made everyone feel comfortable and needed. Percy Jackson and his general hero Percy Jackson-ness.


Nico wouldn't stop arguing with Annabeth, and Percy just wanted them to stop. Annabeth had been one of his best friends since he was 12 and Nico was like… a younger brother for a while. The fact that Nico was so hot made it even more annoying that Annabeth was always putting him down.

Percy Jackson x Nico Di Angelo oneshots(mostly Lemon) [ ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER Where stories live. Discover now