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Me: This chapter and maybe the epilogue maybe will be the only chapters that I will make it 1,000 words. I am not making any promises on the epilogue, but I will try to make this 1,000 words. This chapter will mostly be mostly be flashbacks. His stare though is just. Oh and noticed I said maybe, so some chapters may be over 1,000.

Oh and when you see something like "Brother!"  it means that Kai is talking to Jongin. 

Jongin's Pov:

My name is Kim Jongin. I am sixteen years old. I have been separated from my two older brothers, since I was five years old. I sometimes wondered if they were okay or at least still alive. I remember the last time I saw them. It was Kai and my birthday.

Flashback begins

I woke up to Taemin shaking me away. Taemin smiles and I asks, "Our parents aren't home?"

Taemin's smile widen and he says, "Yeah. They won't be back until later."

I look at Kai, who is silent as usual. Kai doesn't smile or talk to anyone else that isn't Taemin and I. Even when he is with us, he usually let's Taemin and I do the talking most of the time. Kai looks at me then says, "I know you are looking at me, but why?"

"I am just worried about you." I say.

Kai smiles and says, "I am glad that you are worried about me baby brother, but it should be the reverse. I think I should be worried about you instead." 

"I am worried about both of you. Now let's go eat your cake that I made." Taemin says.

"I will race you to the kitchen." Kai says and uses his super speed to get there.

He really has to stop with this racing thing.

I teleport there and get there before him. Kai whines and says, "Wae~"

He is such a sore loser. He whines every time he loses. I wonder a lot how he is older than me a lot.

"I heard that ya asshole."

I am telling Taemin on you.


What you aren't going to beat me up Kai?


Taemin sighs and walks in. He says when he sees me open my mouth, "I don't even what to hear it."

I shut my mouth then pout. Kai smirks then pats my head.

The reason he doesn't smile that much is because he loves to smirk a lot. I smile more than I smirk and he smirks more than he smiles.

Taemin takes the cake he made and puts five candles on the cake. He can't find the matches, but then realizes that they are on top of the fridge. Taemin just looks at it and it starts to lift off of the fridge then float towards him.

He recently mastered using his power by just staring at it before he had to lift up his hand and make a gesture for it to move to him.

When it is in near him, he just lifts a match out and strikes it against the side using his telekinesis powers. He uses his powers to light the candles then he moves the match towards him. He blows the match out then grabs it. He uses his power to put the matches box back on top of the fridge using his telekinesis powers. He turns back to Kai and I then says, "Well what are you two waiting for? Blow out the candles after you two make a wish."

Kai and I look at each other then closes our eyes. We make a wish then blow out the candles together.  I open my eyes then asks, "So who gets to cut the cake and get the first bite?"

Kai looks at Taemin who has already started cutting the cake. Taemin hands me a slice then Kai a slice. He says, "There now eat up."

After we finish eating, Taemin hands us two present box each. Kai opens his two presents first. He gets a toy robot and a silver necklace that a lock on it. I open my presents next. I got a Pororo plushie and a gold necklace that has that has a key on it. Taemin says, "Grandma told me to give the necklace to you when I felt was the right time to do so. Your key necklace can open Kai's lock necklace and my necklace as well."

I look at Taemin's necklace. It is a heart shaped necklace with a key hole on it that is the same size as the key hole on Kai's necklace. 

They look the same color, but I think Taemin once said that his necklace was made from white gold...

We decide to watch some tv until our parents got back later.

Flashback ends.

When they got back, something happened and I don't remember what. I was told that I was found unconscious behind our home. When I asked about my brothers, I was just told that our parents took them away and left me behind. I haven't seen them since them and I couldn't talk to Kai using our bond because our bond was never given anytime to form properly. I was very surprise to see them last week when I was shopping to get grocery for the Oh's. I meet Sehun, while I was in the hospital that day. Persistent boy. Anyway....

Flashback begins 

I walk around the store. I already have chicken, rice, and noodles. I need to get other things before I can go back there. I sigh and grab my necklace. I don't know why I always grab it, but it calms me down. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn and see Taemin and Kai. My eyes widen.

It has 11 years, since I last saw them.

Kai smiles a little.

"Great to see you again Jongin. How are you?" Taemin asks.

Flashback ends

We ended up shopping together and I told them about working for Sehun's family. Taemin told me that they moved here to avoid our parents. They only vaguely told me that they were able to runaway from home with the help of someone. I found out that they are going to the school. I promise to show them around. I have been meeting them secretly whenever I get a break from my job. I work for Sehun's family, who happens to be a rich family, and help them out with whatever they need. Sehun begged his parents to hire me. I don't know why, but who am I to question it? I am just going with it because the job pays well and they let me stay at their house. I do wonder why they refused to hire me at first and why they looked at me funny when I told them I think I am a beta. 

Am I an actual beta...Oh well.

I never told anyone close to me about my family. I hope I don't regret this decision, but the reason I didn't is because it always makes me cry whenever I try to talk about it. 

Me: Okay this is over 1,000 words. From Chapters 1 to Chapter 20, I will be writing as much words needed to cover the plot that I have made.

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