Who are you? Lafayette x reader

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You were walking on the busy streets of the big apple. You were just looking around until you found a bar that was supposed to be a local bar. "Hmm, I'll get a taste of New York's beer" you thought. "You walked in there and was greeted by a familiar face, Your motherfucking cousin, nonetheless, Alex-and-er!! "Yo! What up cous?!" You yelled. "Well. If it isn't my sister from another mister! How ya been, ya motherfucker?!" He greeted back. "Are you tipsy already? Man hook me the fuck up with them shots!" You howled. "Tequila shots or whiskey? Nah, I'm just kiddin! Tequila shots for both of us!" He howled. "Auuu!!!!" You both howled again. "Zey! Hamilston! How you been buddy?" A voice called. "Lafayette? Good to see you bud!" Alex yelled, giving him a pat on his back. "Oh my! You founz a vezy cute madam muosele." He smirked. "I'm his cousin." You said coldly. "Oh? V'ye the attisude? You ar a zery pretty lady" He said, winking. "Get lost." "I'll ghet lost in zose aeyes, mamouselle" he smirked. "Alright, you two. Knock it off." Hamilton said, getting between you and Lafayette. "He started it!" You yelled. "Nou! Howz dare zyou blame Lafayette!" He said offended. "Oh don't act innocent, you arrogant Frenchman!" You snapped back. "Hou! Hou! Someonez who's face is mour ugly zan a blobfizh!" Lafayette snapped. "AUERGH!!! You won't be laughing when I get my hands on your-" "STOP!" Alex yelled. "You two will be in this room till you make up." Your cousin said in his scary voice. He lead you and Lafayette into the basement. "I will let you out when you get along. Understand?" He said in a very scary voice now. "Hmph" you both sighed. "What now?" You thought. "Whazt now" Lafayette thought. "Hi" you muttered. "Hi" Lafayette replied. "Do you want to start off on a new start?" You asked in a louder, but still a soft voice. "Oui" he replied, turning around facing you. "Well, to start off. How did you come to America?" You asked. "My mohzer" "My mohzer was a zery nize woman. Shze was selfless. I admired her. Shze was my role model. But." He paused. "But what?" You asked. "My mohzer got shot, by the British, she snuck me in a ship to America the night befozre ze war. Anz, zats ze last time I met my mohzer" he sighed. "I...I'm so sorry" you said, facing your face down. "Why're you sorry?" Lafayette asked. "I didn't know what you've been through and I was a jerk." You said. "I'm guilty." You admitted. "Noh. I should haze known better" Lafayette sighed. "You two get along?" Your cousin smirked. "Oh shut up Alex!" You both yelled in sync. You looked at each other and smirked. You both chuckled and went to the counter and ordered shots.

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