Chapter 4

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Dia's POV

I woke up to the ringing sound of my phone I was still in my work clothes. Om was calling. I quickly declined it and went to freshen up and to do my morning business. I had oats for breakfast and then went to catch my normal subway. I had already decided that I will be all normal today in the office, the old feisty me. With that I entered the building.

I got a message from Om.

Need to talk. Will pick you during lunch hours.

I quickly send an okay and then went towards my cabin.

"Hi Dia" Allie greeted me. "Mr. Rai wants to see you in his cabin now"

"Okay" I said with a smile and went towards his cabin.

I knocked and then barged in.

"You will never wait for my instructions now would you" he said as soon as I entered with a smirk.

"Well Good morning sir and happy realisation" I said with a bright smile.

"Dia have a seat" he said. Dia when did this happen. I quickly sat on the chair.

"Mr. Rai I am trying my best to find new employees but their CVs  are not tha-" I was abruptly cut by him.

"Oh shut up woman" I just triggered his anger. "Forget about it go carry on with your work" he shouted at me. How dare he.

"You could have been more polite" I tried to be nice with him. "Anyways but I am a polite person so I hope Sir that you have the worst day of your life today" with that I stomped my feet out of his office. Rude.

I was doing my work when I realised it was almost lunch break which meant Om must be waiting for me so I quickly gathered my things and went towards the elevator. But how can this one particular person live without asking my questions.

"Where do you think you are going Miss Patil" Argh.

I didn't wanted to talk to him so I showed him my watch and motioned my hands as if I was eating and then entered the elevator. Stupid idiot. God knows where he had left his common sense. I knew he was very piss off with my smartness that I showed but what am I supposed to do I am really smart.

As soon as I reached the lobby I saw Om waiting for me while reading some photography magazine.

"Om" I called out.

"Come" he grabbed my hand and then we went to the cafe few streets away.

I don't know how I am going to tell him but I think he already knows about it and just wants to listen it from me. We ordered our food and then sat in silence. A very uncomfortable silence. I was always very chatty around Om but not today. My head was held low. I was staring at my lap I didn't wanted to talk to him. But I know he will force me to do so.

"Look that sulking body language of yours will not help here. Now tell me what did Dida say" he asked in a demanding voice.

"Please Om I don't wanna talk about it" I really wanted to it was really painful to talk about it.

"You need to tell me and right now I don't care" he said in a dead serious tone.

"Okay fine" and then our food arrived. We ate in silence and then I finally decided to tell him. I took a deep breath and started.

"Yesterday after my lunch break Dida called" I started.

"Ah ah" he replied.

"She said that mum is not in a good condition her heartbeat is irregular for past 28 hours blood is not going around the body, nervous system is completely damaged only 5 percent chances of gaining conscience, doctors have almost given up" I said while taking a bite of my food.

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