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Maybe it's the way she walked

Straight into my heart and stole it

Through the doors and past the guards

Just like she already own it

'Bye Mum! ' Lillian Sheriden rushed out of the door,carrying a rucksack in one hand and a paper bag in the other.

Jonathan checked the time.'15 minutes. Well done Miss Sheriden,we are getting late.'

'Shut up Jonathan Herandez.I'm starving to death.'She bent over to get her hot chocolate.

Jonathan shrugged.He started driving.

Lillian opened the paper bag.'Sandwich?'

Jonathan took it over.He feels sorry for them every time he does it.He knows he will never eat them.

He doesn't like sweet food at all.But he didn't tell her for 4 years.Receiving a sandwich everyday morning from Lillian is blissful enough for him.

I said can you give it back to me

She said never in your wildest dreams

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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