Chapter 2

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The clicking sounds of heels hitting the ground echoed through the long empty hallway.

'I promise'

Those words echoed through her head as she made her way through the guild. Her cloak was falling over face together with her hair, hiding the small smile that crept onto her face.

"Oii Hood" a deep voice said. Her head cocked up as she looked to the person who called out to her.

Hood. That was the way her partner called her. He wasn't allowed to call her by her real name outside if the guild, something that the both of them were quite often, and he found 'Death's left eye' and 'Death's arrow' too long.

So he choose for Hood. It was based off of the fact that she always wore the hood of her cloak over her head and off of 'Robin Hood', the famous fairy tale of an archer. He also used 'Arrow' and 'Leftie' based off of her code name.

"What do you want Spiky?" (Y/n) said, referring to his spiky brown hair.

"Master wants to speak to you" He said with a grin. He walked over to the (H/c) haired girl and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He elbowed her softly in her side and snickered.

"He seemed to be a bit happy when he told me to get ya, so don't worry 'bout it" He said, sensing the slight bit of fear sensing off of her aura.

It was just Aiden who could feel her emotions and knew how she felt sometimes. It had to do something about his magic, he was different. Ever since the day they met, he And she both noticed that they were different then the other people here.

"SILENCE" the guild master, Hidou shouted while punching the little (H/c) haired girl into the wall. She hissed a little and reached out for her arm, due the fact that she got stabbed by a piece of stone from the wall.

"M-My apologies, Master Hidou." She said with a trembling voice. The master scoffed and sank back into his chair.

"Get out off my sight, you liar" he hissed.

It was no lie. The woman she was doing the job with really DID attack her. The woman really DID commit suicide in the middle of the job, taking the big gem with her.

Hindou didn't believe her. He said that she was a coward and ran away from the job, leaving her 'Comrade' all by herself, she ending up getting killed by the council members and them taking the gem back.

Slowly, she was making her way to her room. She was only 15 years old and he expected her to do such a big job all by herself?!

She pushed the door off her room open and entered. A strong pain shot through her knees and she fell onto the ground.

She groaned and reached for the door knob to use that as support off getting up, but then she heard fast foot steps coming towards her.

As she grabbed the door handle, she felt a strong pair of arms support her and help her up.

"It's okay, slow down. You'll only hurt yourself more if you force yourself" a manly voice said.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she let the stranger help her. Was he actually trying to help her? She couldn't believe her ears.

The boy lead her into her room and placed her down on her bed. He backed up a little and she could know see him.

He was pretty tall, looked around her age maybe 2 years older, had brown spiky hair, bright blue eyes and a scar going up from his jawline.

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