Chapter 3

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It filled her head. Her thoughts were pure chaos. She didn't know what to do. She was screaming inside and shaking a little with her hands.

She held one eye squinted while the other one was half open. They were focused on the blonde haired man that was sitting at his desk while 'working' on some paper work.

The arrow was directly pointed at the male's head. He was workin in peace. Not suspecting a thing. His fingers were wrapped around a black pen, that seemed to be almost running out of ink due the fact that there was a small white paper next to him with swirls and lines on them.

"Come on, just get it over with. You've done this plenty of times haven't ya?" Aiden mocked with a childish voice.

(Y/n) scoffed and glanced at him over her shoulder. "Shut your ass, fuck face" she hissed.

Aiden chuckled deeply and leaned back against the tree they were sitting in. He looked at Sting Eucliffe and squinted his eyes. "Why'd you think master wants him dead? He seems like a cool dude to me" he said.

(Y/n) lowered her eyes a little and took a tighter grip on her arrow. The stories that Rogue had told her echoed through her mind as she looked at the none suspecting white dragon slayer.

Rogue really loved Sting. He loved him as his own brother, maybe even more then that. He cared so much about him and would be broken by the fact that he would be dead.

Sting's head shot up and he laid his pen down. A smile spread across his face as he looked at the door in front of him. A male with black hair and crimson eyes approached the blonde and looked at him with a kinda mad face.


He said something to Sting and Sting quickly shook his head in response. Sting jolted up and scattered all the paper work that was on his table. He shoved the pile into Rogue's arms and looked at him with a proud face.

Rogue rolled his eyes and looked through the papers that he had just received. His blood colored eyes scanned the paper and they widened slightly as they read the last paper. A small smile appeared on Rogue's face as he gave the papers back to Sting. He said something to Sting, making Sting smile brightly.

Rogue shook his head with a smile and continued to talk to Sting.

It felt as if some kind of wolf was nibbling and ripping on her heart. She bit her lip slightly and pulled her arrow closer to here while pointing it at Sting.

"Whoa! The other twin dragon slayer! Dude that's two birds with one stone!" Aiden said while his eye widened a little. "Master would be hella proud of y-"

"He only requested Sting Eucliffe." (Y/n) said in a cold tone.

Aiden raised his eyebrow and leaned closer to (Y/n). "Hey Hood, what's wrong?" Aiden asked worried, sensing her mood.

"Nothing, why'd you ask?" She asked while narrowing her eyes.

Aiden puckered his lips and leaned back. He sighed and laid his finger in his chin. "Well you've been pointing you arrow at him for half an hour now, normally you would finish these kind of jobs in like ten minutes" he said.

(Y/n) ignored his comment and continued to look at Rogue. He had his eyes focused on Sting the whole entire time and didn't seem to take them off of him.

'Sting is like a little brother, annoying but you still care about him no matter what'

'I really care about Sting,you know? He's been family to me ever since i was young'

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