Until Then

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She is strong. She is fierce. She is adamant.They say. And ya she fakes it all the way.

She known by all, her soul
by none. Loud, chatty she is, yet her feelings hidden the most.
Deep down stays her soul, scared,timid, raw. Deep down she is still the 3 year old kiddo crying, unable to understand where did her nani go, she is still the 9 year old girl running away from crowd , she is still the 13 year old teenager fearing people thinking she be the ugliest. Yes she grew up with these fears.
Yes she grew up like this, losing the people she loved, choosing friends who never shared,
entrusting peeps who rarely cared.
Yes she screams, yes she cries, hiding away from the world, her trust faded, her feelings now eroded.
She ponders often, would life would have been better if she chose the ones she kept running away from? Would she have been happier if she entrusted the right people in life?
Maybe yes.
May be one day she'll learn making the right choices in life. Maybe one day she'll stop regretting her decisions. Maybe one day she'll have the right people in her life. May be one day everything would seem right.

Until then she would smile and twinkle as she does always, hiding the darkness inside, hiding her insecurities, hiding her fears, until then she would love with all she has, she would laugh with all her pains,  she would smile above all those screams. Until then🎆

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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