Chapter 1: The Chapter That Should Have Been a Prologue.

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The events of the tale I am about to tell you, more or less, happened. Probably. See, if you prescribe to the reality I live in, it's difficult to say that anything has happened. See, few people realize this, but outside of their own universe exists a variety of other universes in which other timelines and existences have happened. The system works as so. My boss creates concepts for how a universe works. He constructs a background and an idea, and he writes it down. Then, the Worker Bees begin to construct the universe. Since every universe is unique in its own right, and there are billions of universes, The Boss employs people like myself to keep balance in the universes.

This tale is one from a rather volatile universe, classified as <•••••••••>, or more commonly; Winters. Winters is known for its dangerous inhabitants known as Psychics. Psychics are known for their supernatural abilities. Each one is unique and allows them to perform various tasks. The Boss created the universe with the idea that my team could draw members from it. A good concept on paper, unfortunately very bad in execution. Many of the Psychics ended up as murderers or psychopaths, whom terrorized the normal people. The Boss ended up having to inject his own human hero to protect the universe from devastation, but that's not important. A small group of Psychics do manage to peacefully coexist with the rest of the universe, and their efforts came to fruition in 20XX, when the floating city of New Winters was founded over the Specific Ocean. The town was named after the Winters incident of 20XY, when a massive settlement of Psychics and Humans was destroyed by a controlled meteorite.

New Winters had since become a friendly place that housed many Psychics, and more importantly, the NWDA, or New Winters Defense Agency, the owners of the infamous Pedalrock Penitentiary for Psychic Threats, and the agency is also known for being defenders of the Planet. One of the organization's claims to fame, was their renowned Psychic Warriors and Heroes. One special Hero was known by the name of Nexus Steriph. He is the subject of our story.

Nexus Steriph had slept in past eight for the fourth day in a row. 

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