Chapter 1 - The Incident

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This book contains inappropriate themes for children including sex and foul language. If you are uncomfortable reading intimacy then this might not be the story for you. This is a filipino themed story, so there will be a few tagalog lines here and there, but the story is mostly written in english.

Hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

I watch with lazy eyes as the priest goes on about how we should all learn the value of forgiving and turning the other cheek. This was the millionth time I almost fell asleep.

I brush my hair out of my face and cross my arms, trying to keep my eyes open when my mother pinches my arm and scolds, "Umupo ka nga ng maayos. Nakakahiya.".

Ugh. Bakit pa kasi ako sinama dito, I hate it here. They keep on repeating the same bullshit sermons every year so what's the difference if I don't listen to this one?

I let out a dragged out breath and sit up straight. I try my best to focus on the priest but it seems kind of impossible when your brain is half asleep.

My eyes travel the audience and I find a boy staring at me from across the altar.

Shit. Ang gwapo niya.

He doesn't seem at all fazed that I see him staring at me. Is he even staring at me? I smile. He smiles back.

Putangina. He really is looking at me.

He doesn't keep his eyes off me, so I give in to a little flirty stare contest. It didn't last a while because my nagging mother pinches my arm again. "Are you even listening to the sermon?" my mother whispers in a demanding tone.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "I need to go to a restroom." I state, and silently walk out not waiting for her response.

God that woman is annoying. She always has to get in the way of everything.

I exit the church and trot down the stairs, sitting myself down on the last step.

Why does she always have to be such a control freak. Nakakairita. Going to church is her thing, not mine. Well, whether she likes it or not, I'm staying here until the end of that mind-numbing mass. It's not like God is going to punish me for missing a few minutes of the homily- and the last part of the mass. I'm not even sure if I believe in a higher power. I'd rather be sulking in the comfort of my own home than sulking in a room full of people shoving their beliefs down my throat.

"Hey." A voice greets from behind. I turn around to see that guy again.

Damn, he's even hotter up close. The way his lips curve into a sexy and casual smile, and the way his muscles are lightly pushing through the fabric of his shirt, is enough to make my cheeks go a shade pinker.

"Hi." I greet, turning my head back. "Pwede bang maki-upo?" he asks, but sits down next to me anyway before I can respond.

He takes a lighter out from his back pocket and lights up a cigarette. I watch him as he inhales the smoke and blows it out.

He offers me the cigarette and without thinking I take it. I inhale and instantly cough and choke on the damn smoke. Puta bat ang sakit??

He laughs at me.

"Shut up." I try to hiss at him through my embarassing, coughing fit.

I've never had a cigarette in my life. Mother would kill me if she saw me so much as touch one of these lung intoxicating sticks.

"I'm guessing you're not a fan of church?" he says all casually as he takes the cigarette from me and takes another inhale. He looks even hotter now with this bad boy aura. Yea yea cliché girl fantasy whatever.

MalandiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon