The Pass of the south hills

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"Kai... we need to rest, please..." Jay huffed as they both followed along the forest river.

They were getting close to a gaurded pass and so Kai decided to walk with Jay just to be sure they wouldn't be given away.

"Very well. Let's get to the pass, there should be a camp around there we can stay at." Kai said, re-ajusting the bag she had on her shoulder.

As the day went on, it became cool and grey, the sky preparing to rain on the world as its color surrounded the once blue heavens. The wind picked up, just a bit, but the travlers could see it sweeping the huge, deep grey clouds twords them.

"I love this kind of weather." Kai said, looking up at the sky. "It always makes me want to fly up there and touch them."

"What? The clouds?" Jay asked, peering strait upward as a giant cloud rolled over them.

"Indeed..." Kai said, closing her eyes as the first few raindrops fell around her.

"We need to get going... it is going to rain hard by the time we get to the pass, Kai." Jay warned, picking up the pace as more rain fell.

"Looks as if you are right, come then." Kai said, picking up her pace.

They pair went on for about two hours, the rain just becoming harder and harder. They reached the gate to the pass by the time the sun had set.

"Halt! Who seeks to enter?" A voice cryed through the rain, a armored gaurd came thumping out of the camp.

Kai suddenly looked worried, knowing that he was on the lookout for the tiger and that anything could tip him off.

"Greetings! My name is Cole, this is my sister Lillian. We seek passage into the camp so that we might have shelter from this downpour." Jay called, remembering that he couldn't use real names.

The gaurd inspected all their belongings and finaly let them through.

Kai let out a sigh of releaf as the huge gate closed behind them, inside was a canopy of trees, enveloped by a ring of tall cliffs sporting homes cut from the rock.

There was a large waterfall flowing down from the top of the cliffs and a bridge was built to cross the river it made.

The bridge looked exsqisetly made, but the rain was thick and Kai couldn't make out all the details of it.

They continued deeper into the camp and were set up next to a huge oak tree to be sheltered from the downpour. Taking a blanket they were given, Kai and Jay set up the blanket in the tree, safe from the rain at last.

As they lay in the branches, Jay noticed Kai was looking riled.

"Kai, something is the matter. What is it?" He asked.

"How long must we stay here?" Kai asked, her green eyes going pale. "I don't like being this close to... to..." She trailed off.

"Finish that thought Kai." Jay said.

"To Hertha's gaurds. They bear the same mark as Blackon..." Kai said in a whisper.

"Who? Blackon?" Jay asked, suddenly remembering that name.

"Yes... Captain Jorh Blackon... I would know his face anywhere... Him and his men shot me down the day before you found me. Then he came to your home as a rider that day asking for me. Remember?" Kai promted him.

"Yes... Do you think..." Jay started.

Kai's eyes widened suddenly.

"Yes. He knows who I am. He knows we are here." Kai said, fear shakeing her body.

"Then why are we still here? Why did his men not follow us?" Jay asked.

"Because they knew we were coming, and they were waiting for him to get here..." Kai Fey whispered, looking out of the branches and into the face of Jorh Blackon.

Ah! Jorh found them... now what?! Despite the fact that Kai is the main character, Jorh is my favorite. You'll see why. Lol. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!

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