Nope. This is not true. So not frigging true.
But…considering the fact that they were in front of me and well it was obvious that my boyfriend- Brad Saunders- had his tongue down another girl’s throat during New Year’s Eve, (New year’s eve! Can you believe that?!) Well, it had proved itself to be true.
I can’t seem to turn away. Why can’t I turn away? My gosh. It’s so stupid to even think that I had any intention on sharing my New Year’s Eve kiss with him…considering the fact that he was, in fact, kissing another girl behind my back.
I started shooting daggers at his dirty blond hair…not that he’ll notice. That’s how oblivious he was to the girl standing behind him, staring at him, who is his girlfriend.
It’s okay, Sky, think about it. If you just turn around no one will get hurt…literally. My mind booms through the loud music surrounding me.
Just turn around and no one will be hurt…Just turn around and no one will be hurt…Just- God! Now I have a frigging mantra stuck in my head. But who wouldn’t if their boyfriend was with another girl?
Okay…I’ll turn around. I nodded to myself. No one’s gonna get hurt. After that I smile meekly to myself. And just when I thought I could just spin around and pretend that I didn’t see anything, the girl that my boyfriend was making out with squinted at me, with her smudged eye make-up and lipstick.
“Uh, stare much?” She said to me while rolling her eyes.
Oh. No. She. Did. Not.
My heart beats twice as fast, like it usually does when adrenaline courses through my vein. Wow. She is quite…bitchy. I never thought Brad liked…well, female dogs, like her.
And as if in perfect timing, my boyfriend turned around to see me. Wow! Perfect timing as always!
I can’t actually recall what happened next, but I remember looking away from his shocked face, those dark brown eyes I used to stare into…and even think I loved, and with a fast beating heart, I looked for any drink near me. I saw one and moved closer to them. I examined their faces- the girl’s annoyed and weirded out. And Brad…well the shocked face was still there. And not before long, I dumped the contents above their heads.
Make out girl started shrieking and Brad let out a few curses and said in a very loud voice, “I can explain, Sky.”
I just snorted and dumped the ice from the drink all over his pretty blond head.
Oh, and don’t mind me adding that I also said these words: “Screw you Brad Saunders!”, before spinning at my heels and making the perfect exit from my cheating boyfriend who was technically my ex-boyfriend now. On my perfect exit, I hear the hoots and cheers of unknown people for me. For me! I just felt more powerful after that.
No effing way can someone cheat on me like that. I wouldn’t even allow it anymore. Ever.
But, as my mind boggled out these words in my head, the other part of it was also saying, “this was a way too dramatic ending to my year.”
And to my demise, I find myself agreeing to it.