Julia and shopping

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The summer passed, quickly. Stephanie dreaded going back to school. She was excited to be a senior though, and able to get out of there, soon.
Training with her dad had proved to be helpful to her in more then one way. She had gained some muscul, not a crazy amout though. She also some how got boobs and an ass. She smiled at herslef in the mirror as she tried on a pair of shorts, that deffenatly weren't any good for leaving the house anymore. She hadn't suddenly acquired any sort of show stopping curves, but her but was a small bubble, that help hold her pants up better, though. Her boobs weren't anything before, so she was very happy at the improvement.
She decied her outfit was fine for tonight, it was just Scud, and so what if he looked a little. She wasn't objecting. He was the only guy on earth that gave her any atention, besides her dad. She smiled as she went to find him. She walked in, but saw no one, but she could smell him. As she went to the company and twirled his chair around. She found Scud slouched down, looking miserable. She tilted her head at him, as he looked up at her.
"Hey," he said lowly. Her head tilted again.
"What happend to  you?" She had never seer him like this. She watched his eyes flicker over her outfit, he raised an eyebrow.
"Do you ever wear clothes?" He grummbled, sounding annoyed. She scowled at him.
"Fucks your problem? Performance anxiety?" She asked annoyed, he never acted like this. He looked at her more annoyed.
"You know anyone else would take the way you dess an invitation. Your dad is right to worry. Your lucky I'm such a nice guy, I wouldn't take advantage of you," he growld she just looked at him. He wasn't ever this mean to her.
"Fuck you Scud!" She yelled. As her eyes watered, and she ran out of the room. She went up to her room and cried. She put on an over sized sweater and sat on her bed. She couldn't understand why he was being like this. She wasn't up there ten minutes when she heard him knocking.
"Steph, I'm sorry," he said lowly. He sounded so little, like a child that had gotten introuble. She hated to let him in, but she couldn't leave him out there. She got up and opend her door. She scowled at him as she went back to her bed. Scud sighed as he fallowed her in.
"Can I sit?" He asked. She let out her own sigh and closed her eyes, as a few more stray tears fell. She felt the bed shift and softly Scud wiped away her tears.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. Stephanie looked at him.
"What's your issues?" She asked angrily. He sighed again, and pulled her in to a hug. She was both shocked and happy.
"Just a bad day. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you, but why are dressed like that?" He asked with a chuckle. She scowled a him again.
"Like what?" She asked upset. Scud smiled.
"Your clothes don't exactly fit you," he said slowly pulling at her sweater. She slapped his hand away, with a giggle.
"If you hadn't noticed," she shot him a look, knowing very well he had. "I've umm, blossomed?" She asked with a small laugh and a blush, wondering if that was the right word. Scud looked a her, with a mischievous look on his face.
"I've noticed," he smiled. "So let me guess, time to go shopping?" He asked with a laugh. She smiled with a nod.
"That and I fell good about the way I look," she blushed. Scud smiled and raised his eyesbrows.
"You should. Dam you might kill me," he laughed. She giggled again.
"I know now why girls dress like whores," she laughed. Scud raised an eyebrow waiting. "I like the attention. It makes me fee pretty," she admitted. "Even if it's from you," she laughed. Scud smiled mocking.
"Yes, kill your best friend. Then what are you going to do?" He asked joking. She smiled and pulled him back in to a hug. She heard him chuckle. They parted and she blushed.
"I'm really your best friend?" She asked. Scud laughed.
"Yes, your the only girl I've ever said that to, too," he laughed. Stephanie blushed and rolled her eyes.
"That sounds like a line," she laughed. Scud smiled, but shook his head. "No, but I'm sorry, I took out my frustration on you," he said lowly. She smiled, weakly.
"Next time I'll just beat you up," she joked. He made an overly exaggerated scared face. She laughed. Scud's face shifted, in to a mischievous smile.
"So are you going to wear that sweater all night?" He asked with a raised eyebow. She shook her head and let out another breath.
"Yes, you pervert!" She yelled. Scud sighed, but smiled.
"I had to try," he laughed. She shook her head.
"Alright, what's on the agenda for tonight?" She asked. Scud shrugged.
"I don't know why?" He asked. She smiled.
"I found some new songs I wanna show you," she said. He looked at her.  She smiled.
"I don't know," he said with a laugh.
"One them is literally called SEX," She laughed. Scud smiled at her.
"Alright, your DJ for the night," he laughed. She laughed.
"You hormones betray you again,"she laughed. Scud stood up and smiled.
"All the time," he laughed, as he grabbed her hand and they walked down stairs.
They listend to music while they worked, at one point Stephanie started singing. She caught Scud looking at her. She stopped, with a smile.
"What?" She asked. He smiled and started singing. She giggled and started to sing again. They sang and worked, but mostly goofed off, untill Blade got back. Stephanie was using a screw drive and was using as a microphone. Scud was smiling at her, when the music went off. They turned to see Blade. He looked at them and laughed.
"How much work is actually happening?" He asked with a raised eyebow. Then he looked at Stephanie. "What are you wearing?" He asked definited. She looked down at her clothes and smiled.
"Well, um, I need to go shopping," she said. Blade sighed with a slight sake of his head. Then Stephanie heard Scud's phone go off, she looked over at him. He smiled as he answered it. She felt tears threatening to fall again. They may be best friends, but they weren't anywhere near what she wanted. She caught Scud's eye as she looked away. She started to walk away.
"Hey!" Scud yelled to her. She stopped, her fist clenched, and ready to yell at him.
"So that was Max, his daughter is the one that's going to be starting at your school," Scud said. Stephanie relaxed. As she turned to look at him. So that was that large tattooed man's name.
"Oh yeah, Julia," she said. Scud nodded.
"He said she was here, and was wondering if you two wanted to hang out sometime this week. She's really shy and doesn't know anyone," Scud explained. She figured it was to bring her dad up to speed on what was going on.
"Yeah, what day do you wanna take us shopping?" She asked with an evil grin. Scud threw his head back and growled. Stephanie laughed.
"Fine, what about Friday?" He asked, still holding his cell phone. She smiled and looked at her dad. Who looked like he was thinking about it.
"Alright," he finnaly agreed. She smiled as she walked over and kissed his cheek.
"Your the best daddy," she said. Blade just shook his head.
"You only say that when you get your way," Blade said with a small smile. Stephanie smiled bigger.
"But you are!" She said innocently. He smiled more.
"Alright, this counts as School shopping,"   He told her. She nodded, with a smile.
"Sounds good," she agreed. She looked over to see Scud on his phone again. He looked up and nodded.
"They agreed sounds good," he said. Stephanie smiled again an ran to Scud and hugged him tightly.
"Scud your the best!" She asked not letting go. She heard Scud chuckled.
"I know, I know," he said sarcastically. Stephanie scowled at him, and slapped his arm. " Ouch!" Scud cried out. Stephanie shrugged her head.
"God, get laid or something," she growled. Scud looked at her and the words fell out of his mouth.
"I tried!" He growled back. She looked at him. His eye's widened, as he studderd to say something to redeem himself. Stephanie just shook her head.
"Night Joshy!" She said as she walked away.
The days went by slower the Stephanie wanted. She wasn't sure if she was excited or not to meet Julia. She knew she was excited to go shopping. Scud hadn't been quite himslef sence he told her he hadn't been laid. She sighed as she went down the stairs. This was dumb, they were both adults, more or less. She found Scud in his chair again, slouched down.
"Stop whining!" She said as she turned the chair to look at him. He looked up at her, with a confused look on his face.
"What's your problem?" He asked, with a low growle in his voice. She rolled her eyes.
"So you haven't been laid, big deal," Stephanie said bluntly. Scud looked at her, but looked away. She sighed. "We are best friends remeber? Your supose to be able to tell me shit like that," she said more like herslef. Scud sighed, he looked like he was contenplaing something.
"I mean, I have, tried," he finnaly said. She scowled at him.
"How old are you?" She asked. He never really told her his age.
"Age has nothing to do with it," he gowled. "It can happen to anyone. I'm twenty-nine," he threw in. She smiled, twelve years wasn't that big of a difference. At least not to her.
"So maybe, your just not picking the right types of...." she trailed off. She didn't want to call them girls. They were way to loose for that tearm, and she would be lying of she didn't make her bit jealous. "Do you have a type?" She decied to asked. He looked at her.
"Female," he said lowly. She sighed and shook her head.
"Ok, wow. Man whore," she commented lowly.
"Hey, you said I could talk to you. Don't be an ass," he said sitting up. She smiled.
"I never said I wouldn't pass some judgement and tell you what you need to hear," she growled back. He moved his eyes to the side.  "Now, come on there's got to be something specific you look for," she said. He looked at her, unamused.
"I like women and I like boobs," he said flatly. Stephanie could see she wasn't getting anywhere with him.
"Fine, when you want to actually talk to me I'll be over here," she growled, she went to turn away from him, and he growled as he caught her hand. She looked back at him, unsure about what would happen next. He stood up and pulled her in to a hug tightly.
He didn't say anything as he pulled away, and smiled.  She though he was acting odd, but it was Scud. He was probably just trying to cop a feel. Although she didn't really believe he'd do that to her.
Time passed, and finnaly Scud got up from the computer. Stephanie watched as he lit a joint and walked over to the table she was sitting at. He looked at her a long time. She pretended not to notice. Finnaly she couldn't take him looking at her.
"What?"She asked. He chuckled.
"So why are you single?" He asked with a smile. Stephanie scrunched up her face at him.
"What? How did this become about me?" She asked, bushing. He laughed.
"Stephanie, your a beautiful girl. Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked. She smiled, she liked when he called her beautiful.  She shrugged, looking down at the keyboard.
"I don't know," she said lowly, she didn't want to look up. She did know though, she didn't think she could find anyone who would be ok with what she was.
"Come on. There has to be a better reason that that," Scud said. She sighed, she couldn't very well tell him it's becuase the only guy she'd ever felt anything was him!
"Guys I like don't like me," she finnaly said with a shrug. Tears stung at her eyes, she refused to look up. It was quiet for a while then Scud spoke.
"Don't date guys like me," he finnaly said. She looked at him. Did he know what she ment? He went on when she didn't answer. "Guys like me are only after one thing. Guys like me don't do relationships, they don't want you to call them. They don't want to cuddle, and watch a movie. Guys like me want to get our rocks off and then go find someone else," he said. Stephanie bit at her lip.
"Why?" She asked lowdly her voice kinda shaking. Scud took a drag of his joint and exhaled.
"Why settle for kind of candy when you can have whole candy store," he said lowly. She looked at him. That was just it though, he was the type of person who had his vices.
"You eat the same donuts everyday," she remembered him. He smiled at her.
"Yeah," he agreed with a smile. She wasn't sure what he ment by that. "Don't worry, if you ever do bring a guy like me around. I'll tell you," he smiled. She smiled and shook her head.
"Thank, what a sweetheart," she giggled. Scud smiled at her. She knew it would never happen though. The only guy she had ever been interested in was Scud. She wants going to take her time to look for an empty relationship when she knew the only one she wanted, didn't want her. She was a kid, he was almost thirty. Sure, it didn't bother her, but she would never get the courage to ask him if would bother him.
Blade came in and Stephanie smlied. She knew in a few hours she'd be at the mall, more or less with Scud. She loved her time with him. Even if they weren't dating or anything besides friends. He was nice to her and called her beautiful. That was enough for now. As she wondered up to her room, she heard Scud yell after her.
"What no hug?" He asked when he reached her. She smiled, it was something that started, like when she called him 'Joshy'. She wouldn't change it for the world through. She loved his hugs. They were the only way she'd ever get to hold him. They only way, she'd evey get his sent on her. She hugged him tightly.
"Night Joshy," she giggled. Scud smiled at her.
"Do I get to call you a nick name?" He  asked teasing. She shrugged.
"Like what?" She asked, they hadn't parted he was still holding her. She wasn't sure if he had noticed though. She hopped not, she liked being this close to him.
"Humm," he hummed. 'I'll think of something and let you know," he said, as he pulled her in to tighter to him. She giggled, and then they parted, and he kissed her head. Stephanie almost stopped breathing. Scud looked horrified, as he cleared his throat.
"Night," he said as he rushed off. She smiled and yelled after him.
"Night," and with her covered in his sent she went to bed.
Stephanie woke up sometime later from another dream that scared her to death. She was with Scud, they were kissing, he was touching her. She was excited, and a bit nervous, but it was Scud. All of a sudden his blood was strong. Stephanie pushed him away, she wanted to know why she could smell blood. She watched as his lifeless body fell to the floor. As she looked at the blood all over him, and then on her. She got up running to the bathroom, she looked at the blood all over her face. She had done it. She killed Scud, she screamed.
Stephanie sat up on bed, screaming, as she looked at herself looking at her hands and clothes. Nothing. She rushed to the bedroom to look at her face, nothing. She ran water to splash on her face. There was a banging on her door. Her father yelled threw it.
"Stephanie! Are you alright?" He yelled banging on the new solid raw iron door. She went to open the door. She nodded, when she saw him still catching her breath.
"Bad dream," she said horsley. Blade looked at her he looked uneasy.
"You get them when you go with him," he said lowly. Stephanie sighed, but nodded. Blade took deep breath. "I won't stop you," he said. She nodded, again as he walked away and she went to get ready.
Stephanie wished she knew what the dreams ment. Why, was she always trying to kill him. Was it a fear she had? Maybe, she was seeing the enviable. Keeping a human around could only result in disaster. She sighed as she picked out a pair of her pants that still fit her, and made her new butt look good too. She giggled as she picked one of her band shirts she had cut up, in her new up cycling binge. She smiled as she slipped on a cute pair of ankle high boots. She smiled as she brushed out her hair, and decied to try a hair style she had watched a video on.
While she was working on her hair. Scud texted her. She smiled as she read the 'good mornin' text smiley face. He may not have been boyfriend material in his eyes, but in hers, he was all she ever wanted. She texted him back and sent a quick picture asking him what he though. She needed his opinion. If he didn't like it she'd Change the whole thing. He answered with smiley face with hearts for eyes and then on with 'x's. She giggled, then a picture came in of a very sleepy looking Scud holding a cup of coffee, and she got a peak of his chest. She got to see he had a tattoo over his heart, but she couldn't read it.
Either way she was saving  that picture. She smiled as she sent him the same smiley face with hearts for eyes. With the caption 'adorable', he really was, she thought as she looked at the picture a bit loger. He typed lol and said he'd be there in twenty minutes. She sent a smiley and finished her hair and make-up. She kept looking at the picture after she was done, untill scud texted her letting her know he was there.
She got in the van, Scud looked at her. She smiled with a small bush. He looked her up and down a couple times making it very odvious. She looked at him funny, he smiled raising his eyebrows, as he started going. He still don't say anything.  Stephanie finnaly wanted to know what was going on.
"What?" She asked. He smiled at her.
"You wanna blow this off and go do something else?" He asked, with a mischievous smile. She looked at him funny.
"Like?" She asked leary. He smiled at the road,  but grabber her hand.
"Have some fun," he said raising his eyebrows. He placed her hand on his leg, about half way between his knee and his...
Self. She looked up at him, nervous.
"What kind?"She asked again hesitantly. Scud pulled in to a motel. Stephanie swallowed hard and looked at him.
"This kind," he said lowly. Her eyes widden, did he just ask her to have sex with him?!
"Scud?" She asked her voice kinda shaking. He smiled, and raised an eyebrow. "Why would you pay for a hotel when you have an apartment," she said trying to sound way less nervous then she was. He looked kind of suprised at her. He shrugged, though.
"We're here," he pointed out. Stephanie giggled, slightly. She wasn't sure what she was going to say. On one hand she wanted more then anything to do this. At the same time, she was scared out of her mind.
"Ok, so we can just get in the back," he smiled. She bit her lip, she wasn't sure how to flirt and she didn't want to get in to something she couldn't get out of. She heard him chuckle.
"I knew you were just a tease," he said as he started the van again. She sighed.
"Take me to your place," she said lowly. He looked at her, with a crooked smile.
"Alright," he said as they drove out of the parking lot. She was so nervous the whole time they were driving. Scud glanced over to her.
"Your quiet," he said lowly. She nodded, not trusting her voice. "If your scared," Scud got out before she cut him off.
"Not scared," she said forcefully. They made it to a building and Scud parked the van. She took a deep breath and got out.
"Now, hook ups are different then relationships," He said they waked to his apartment. She looked at him and nodded slowly. "Are you going to be able to do this, and go back to the way things were when it's over?" He asked as they started walking up stairs. She thought about it probably not, but she wanted this. She did, why was she trying to convince herself? They made it to a door and Scud opend it.
"Welcome to my humble abode," he said as she walked in ahead of him. She took in the kitchen and a living room. "Come on," he said as he grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom. They sat on the bed and she looked at him wide eyed. He leaned tward her and she could hear a draw open.  Scud's hand came up and cupped her face. She started to shake uncontrollably. Scud stopped. He shook his head.
"My god was that easy! I'm glad I had that feeling," he said with a smile as as he pulled up his wallet. Stephanie looked at him confused.
"What?" She asked. Scud smiled.
"I got you alone, in my house in my bed in like ten minutes," he pointed out. She was annoyed with him, as she growled and got up. She was so stupid.
"Fuck you Scud!" She yelled as she walked away. She heard him behind her.
"Ok, I could have, but I'm not like that. You have to be more careful! You could have been raped!" He growled, as he sat beside her. She refused to look at him she felt so stupid.
"Go to hell," growled and started to cry. Scud pulled her in to a hug her. She tried to fight him off.
"Steph, I'm sorry, ok. I know I'm an asshole, but you were easily tricked in to coming with me. You thought you could trust me. I mean you can, but you also have no experience with men. I'm just trying to protect you," he growled. She looked up at him, and slapped him.
"Fuck you!" She growled. "I can defend myself," she said harshly. Scud sighed.
"Stephanie. I like all my limbs where they are! I'm not stupid enough to do that, your dad would kill me! I'm kinda fond of everything where it is," he growled. Stephanie couldn't help myslef as she laughed.
"He doesn't know about the bellybutton ring," she shugged.  Scud laughed.
"No. Your a beautiful girl. We are good as friends, I wouldn't want to ruin that," he  said. Stephanie sighed, she would have. She still felt dumb.
"Woud you have stopped me?" He asked. she shook her head. He nodded. "If I'd of forced you, and you didn't stop me because you were scared and weren't  entirely sure what you wanted. You would have looked back and hated me," he said. She sighed, but didn't answer him. "Besides your first time shouldn't be something you aren't scared of," he said. She blushed.
"I was not scared!" She yelled. Scud laughed.
"You were shaking," he laughed
"Fuck you!" She growled. Scud laughed.
"Come on," he said with a smile as they headed out to the van.
"You owe me!" She said as they walked out. Scud looked at her, he smiled.
"I know," he said as they got in the van. He was quiet for a while, as Stephanie still felt like a complete idiot. "Maybe if you were older," he said. She looked over to him he chuckled at least legal, maybe your dad wouldn't kill me," he smiled at her. She shook her head.
"Your right. It's not what I want. I couldn't go back," she admitted. Scud bit at his thumb and nodded.
"Yeah, me either," he said. She looked at him what did that mean? She didn't push it. She just knew that right now, she wasn't ready for Scud the stud, like she wanted to be.
They drove in mostly silance for a while as they went pick up Julia. Stephanie just kept replaying how stupid she was over and over in her head. She growled. She hated herself, of couse he'd use her dad as an excuse! Of couse he would say maybe if she was older! Scud didn't like her like that. He was proving a point. Twisted stupid point, but god she'd give anything to have just shut her mouth and let him do as he pleased to her. Then she though about after. After could he even look at her? They wouldn't be the same. They couldn't just be friends after.
"Hey!" Scud yelled, making Stephanie jumped. "Don't be hard on yourself. I know that's what your doing. Besides your only seventeen. We've got plenty of time," he smiled. She was torn and let out a sigh.
"No Scud. I my not know a lot about men, but I do know I want someone to watch dumb tv shows with and movies. Someone who will let me sing at the top of my lugs, to songs on the radio. I want someone who will let me hug them and who wants to cuddle. I don't want a player," she said truthfully. Scud nodded.
"I hope you get that. You deserve it and more," he said looking ahead. Stephanie noticed his expression was blank. She wondered what he was thinking about. She decied to put the whole thing out of her head.
"So I'm nervous about meeting Julia. I've never really had a friend, besides you," she said. Scud nodded.
"Yeah actually you two are kinda alike. Your real quiet, at first then you have a mouth," he laughed. Stephanie shook her head.
"Fuck you Scud," she giggled. Scud looked over at her.
"I thought you liked me, why do you keep trying to get me killed?" He laughed. She smiled at him.
"My mouth is becuase your a pervert!" She laughed. Scud looked over at her, quickly with a raised eyebow.
"You didn't seem to mind my pervertedness earlier," he said as they pulled in to the tattoo shop. She smiled at him.
"I was scared remember?" She said cooly as she got out. She heard Scud's muffled yelling when she slamed the door.
"Ohh. Now you were scared. I swear to God girl. Your going to kill me. If not by your father then you yourself," he laughed. Stephanie looked at him, maybe she was. Her dream flashed before her eyes. Being covered in his blood. She pushed the awful memory away. As she smiled and grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little. Scud did object as they walked in.
Stephanie waited for Scud to talk. She was nervous about this after all. Max, was very excited to see them, as he wore a big smile as they walked in. He was talking to a customer, so they sat and waited for him to be done. Stephanie looked at all the art work and pictures of tattoo's on the wall.
"When you bringing me for my first tattoo?" She whispered to Scud. He threw her a sideways look.
"I'm pretty sure I'm a bad influence on you," he said. Stephanie giggled.
"My dad's got one. I told him I was getting one someday," she explained. Scud nodded. 
"So what are you getting?" He asked. She shrugged.
"I don't know yet," then she smiled at him. "Maybe we could get matching ones," she said with a big smile. Scud shook his head.
"No that's for girls, or couples," he said shaking his head. Stephanie stuck out her bottle lip. Scud shook his head. "No," he tried to be ferm. She looked at him sadly.  She heard a small giggle from behind her. Stephanie turned to see a girl about her hight with brown hair and blue eyes. Stephanie smiled.
"Hi," she said lowly. The girl smiled.
"Hey," she said lowly. "I'm Julia," she smiled. Stephanie smiled back at a her.
"I'm Stephanie, and we'll I guess you know Scud," she said with a nervous laugh. Julia smiled.
"Nice to meet you, and no Scud I'm not eighteen yet," she said shotting him down. Stephanie threw him a glare.
"What?! It was before I knew you!" Scud defended himself. She just glared at him unhappily. Scud grumbled quietly behind her. Stephanie turned back to Julia with a smile.
"So, umm, hi," she laughed nervously. Julia laughed.
"Hey. I know I'm a bit nervous. It's ok though," Julia laughed. Stephanie smiled. Just then Julia's dad came over. Stephanie was thankful for the distractions.
"Hey, so you girls ready?" He asked. Julia nodded.
"Yes, daddy," she smiled as she gave him a hug. Stephanie smiled.
"How old do I have to be to get a tattoo?" She asked still smiling. He laughed at her and looked at Scud, who shook his head.
"Whenever your ready," he laughed. Stephanie smiled widly.
"I was thinking about getting puzzle peices,  and you know that one funny shaped puzzle piece? That looks like it could fit anywhere but it's got that funny shaped end?"  She asked. He let out a hearty laugh.
"Alright yeah, where?" He asked. Stephanie looked at him.
"Over my heart," she said with a smile placing her hand on her chest. He nodded with a smile. I'll give you a discount, when your ready," he said. Stephanie smiled at him and then looked back at Scud.  He shook his head.
"We are not getting matching tattoos," he said. Stephanie smiled and turned back to Max.
"Not right off. I have to get asshole to agree," she smiled. Max laughed.
"Alright, we'll when you two are ready," he smiled. They said good bye and headed out. They got in the van and headed it for the mall. Stephanie looked  back at Julia.
"So how are you liking it here?" She asked. Julia shrugged.
"It's different for sure. We use to live in Cali, sun, surf, and sand," sh kinda laughed.
"And bikinis for miles," Scud chimed in. Stephanie threw him a sideways glare, and punch him in the arm.
"Ouch!" He cried. She smiled, and turned back to Julia.
"Sounds... Fun," she said. Julia smiled.
"Not a fan of the sun?" She asked. Stephanie shrugged.
"I mean, it's alright," she said. Scud laughed.
"Steph's a night owl, like me," Scud  explained. Stephanie smiled over at him.
"Yeah, I hate that schools starting up again," she pouted looking over at him. He shugged.
"Yeah, but after this year, your done," he reminded her. She sighed as she pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. Scud reached over and, rested his hand on her knee.
"I'll be there evey day. You'll be sick of me sooner or later," he said lowly.  She looked over at him and shook her head.
"No," she said with a smile as they pulled in and found a parking spot.
"So I'll let you girls shop. I'll be around, text me if you need me," Scud said as he started to walk away. Stephanie looked after him.
"Asshole!" Stephanie yelled after him. He waved as he kept walking. She turned to look at Julia, and smiled.
"Are you two dating?" Sh asked. Stephanie looked at her and laughed.
"No. Scud's a man whore. No, we're just friends," Stephanie smiled. Julia looked at her.
"Alright.  Look, my dad has been friends with Scud for a while. I know there's a lot of don't ask don't tell with him. So don't worry," Julia smiled. Stephanie smiled back and nodded.
"I'm sorry, I'm nervous. Scud's kinda my only friend, becuase of my don't ask life," she explained. Julia nodded.
"Don't worry. I don't scare easy," she laugher. Stephanie nodded.
"Well that's good," Stephanie said, becuase things could always get weird.
They walked in to the mall and decied to check out the closest store. They started shopping, and talking. They found they had a lot in common. They liked a lot of the same clothes, and they were about the same sizes, so barrowing clothes would be easy. Stephanie was so happy that she decied to do this. She would have to buy Scud something as a thank you for helping her make another friend.
Julia questioned her relentlessly on Scud. Stephanie smiled and denied any involvement with him. Besides that he worked for her dad. She did admit they were good friends, best friends, but other then that. He was a man whore. Julia laughed in agreement.
A couple hours later, the girls were heading in to the next store, when Julia looked over at Stephanie, with a confused look ok her face. Stephanie nodded, she noticed. A man had been fallowing them for a while now. Stephanie made up an excuse she had to use the bathroom and they went in.
"Have you noticed, tall dark and weird?" Julia asked as they went in. Stephanie nodded, again.
"Yeah," she sighed. She should have known that somehow this would be ruined. She thought of what to do. " I guess, we see if he's still fallowing us to the next store. Then if he does, I'll text Scud, you go meet him at the food court," Stephanie  told Julia. Julia looked at her funny.
"What? Why?" She asked. Stephanie sighed again.
"I have a feeling he wants to talk to me," she sighed, again. She knew vampire's couldn't come out in the day, but that didn't mean they didn't enlist humans to do some of there work. She figured this was one om them times.
"I don't think that's a good idea. What if he tries to hurt you?" Julia as Stephanie. Stephanie chewed on her lip.
"Don't worry my dad has been teaching me how to figh," Stephanie said lowly. Julia looked at her a moment, but nodded. They headed out of the bathroom and started to walk to the next store. Sure enough the bold pail man fallowed them. They went in the store and started looking aroud. He kept his distance, but fallowed. Stephanie sighed as she took out her phone.
"I wouldn't do that, Daywalker," he said lowly, walking up to her. She sighed.
"I wasn't calling who you think," she answered. He smiled,
"Well that's wise of you," he smiled. Stephanie sighed sharply.
"Can we go somewhere else?" She asked. The man nodded.
"So heroic of you, protecting them," he sneered. She sighed again and handed her phone to Julia.
"Zero, one, zero, six. Is the pass code. Josh," she said as she handed it to Julia. Julia sighed, but nodded.
"Alright," she said. Stephanie nodded and walked back to the man.
"We know all about Scud," he said on there way out. Stephanie clenched her jaw.
"It's just to protect the human," Stephanie said. She had never really knew where she stood. Was she human? She didn't believe she was. The man closed his eyes and shook his head, as they came to a small sitting area.
"How cute. Now, I want you to deliver a message for me. You can tell the other Daywalker that his efforts are futile. He'll never find the old man. We have made sure of that," he said as he he sat with his arms crossed over his chest, and looked ahead like he was just chatting about the weather. Stephanie clenched her jaw some more. Her dad hadn't told her anything about her grandpa. She was assuming the worst though. This wasn't helping that hunch.
"Anything else?" She asked. She heard his sniker.
"No, now run along," he laughed. Stephanie knew she could kill him. He was human, she wanted to. It took everything in her to get up and walk to the food cort, but she did. Tears stung at her eyes. As she saw Scud and Julia. He was pissed she could tell by hid body. He was standing beside Julia at a table. Arms crossed over his chest, he was distinctly going over the whole thing. Stephanie steadied herself as she walked up to them. Scud looked suprised to see she was unharmed. He hugged her tightly. She hugged him back.
"Stephanie, you can't do stuff like that I was so worried. If anything would have happened to you!" He growled, as he pulled back to look at her. Stephanie just looked at him.
"I know," she said. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Scud looked at her, scared? Maybe.
"What he say?" He asked, his voice softer. She shook her head.
"Nothing, it's not important," she said as she pushed the awful thoughts away, and looked at Julia.  "So ready, I assume you want to go," she said trying to keep her voice calm. Julia pulled her eyebrows together.
"I mean you look worse for wear, but I'm fine," Julia said giving her an encouraging smile. Stephanie sighed, but smiled weakly.
"I do need to get a few more things," she said with a slight smile. Scud looked at her like she was insane.
"Steph we need to get you home," he said frantically. She smiled at him.
"We just talked, its the middle of the day," she pointed out. Scud shook his head.
"No, your dad would want you home," he objected. She sighed.
"Look. I don't even want my dad to know what happened. What that asshole said wasn't even important," she growled. Scud sighed.
"Alright, but I'm not leaving your side," he said. Stephanie smiled and grabbed his arm.
"It's a date," she giggled. He smiled, but shook his head. Stephanie looked. At Julia who was now standing and watching.
"Just friends, huh?" She asked coming infront of them to look. Stephanie blushed.
"Yes!" She said. Scud smiled at her then at Julia.
"Yeah," he agreed. Stephanie couldn't help but notice the way he looked at her though. It was different, but she didn't know how.
The rest of the shopping trip went by fast. Stephanie was sure to ask Scud what he thought of her outfts. He would laugh and told her if he didn't like one he'd say something. She was happy with that answer as she continued to look threw clothes. Julia didn't seem fazed by the incedent earlier and kept acting the same. Stephanie was excited that she might had found a real friend, besides Scud.
The ended there shopping trip and took Julia home. Scud looked over at Stephanie, she smiled at him
"What?" She asked. He looked back at the road.
"Are you in a hurry to go home?" He asked. She looked at him.
"No," she said slowly. He let out a chuckle.
"Nothing like earlier," he said, with a smile. "Unless," he chuckled. Stephanie blushed vigorously.
"Shut up! Pervert!!"She yelled at him. Scud laughed as they pulled back up to his place. Stephanie got out hesitantly. Scud smiled at her and grabbed her hand.
"Come one," he chuckled. Stephanie smiled, but fallowed him.  The made it in the apartment and she stood akwardly.  Scud chuckled at her.
"So what's up?" She asked, nervous. He smiled, and shugged.
"Nothing, figured you didn't wanna go home," he said offering her a soda. She smiled as a thanks.
"Not really," she said. Scud nodded.
"I mean if you want to," he said. She shook her head. Any time with Scud was welcomed.
"No. I'm just supprised your not tired," she said, shifting akwardly. Scud laughed, as he leaned her to the couch.
"Sit. Calm down. I'm not going to jump you," he smiled. "Naw, I haven't been sleeping well," he said. Stephanie looked at him.
"Everything ok?" She asked conserned. He looked at her and smiled.
"No. I keep waking  up with a stiff.." he was cut off
"Shut up!" She yelled at him. He laughed.
"You asked," he chuckled. She shook her head.
"How stupid of me to be conserned about you," she blushed. He smiled
"No, I'm fine. Just I guess there's finnaly something better then sleep," he smiled. She looked at him, was he talking about her?
"I thought you knew about sex for a while," she asked slyly. He laughed.
"Now who's the pervert?" He chuckled. Stephanie smiled and blushed.
"I learned from the best," she giggled. Scud smiled at her, but Stephanie had noticed that something about that was different too.
"So you like movies?" He asked, opening his laptop. She smiled and nodded.
"No, I'm that one person in the whole world that hates them," she said being smart.
"Smart ass," he laughed. "So horror, comedy, thriller, what?" He asked. "If you say romance your going home," he laughed. Stephanie laughed too.
"Aww, you know me so well," she laughed. "Alright, well that was a fun visit," she laughed. Scud smiled at her. "No. Anythings fine. You pick one," she  said, relaxing and getting comfortable. He gave her a crooked smile.
"Stop that," he chuckled lowly. Stephanie looked at him confused. What had she done.
"What?" She laughed nervously. Scud just kept smiling and shook his head.
"Nothing," he said, as he chose a movie. When he was done he sat back on the couch next to her. Stephanie noticed how close he was. They weren't cuddling, but it wouldn't be hard. Scud looked over at her.
"You alright?" He asked. She smiled and nodded.
"Perfect," she said, she could smell him, and it was amazing at how close he was.
"Now, give it a chance. It's kinda long, but one of my favorites," he explained. Stephanie nodded.
"Alright," she said as she stifled a yaw. He chuckled.
"Or pass out," he said, with a slight chuckle. She smiled up at him . They were close enough if he leaned down just a bit, they could kiss. Stephanie blushed as the thought ran accrost her mind. She bit her bottom lip and smiled more. Scud looked back at her, but he didn't say anything. Finnaly he decied to watch the movie insted of her.
Stephanie yawned again, and tried to get comfortable. Scud looked over at her with a smile. She blushed, as noticed they had just gotten closer. After a while she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She grabbed her soda trying to get some caffeine in her. Scud looked over at her.
"You alright?" He asked. She nodded.
"I'm sorry. I'm enjoying the movie. Do you have any coffee?" She asked. He smiled.
"Do you just want a pillow and blanket?" He asked. Stephanie blushed, yes, god she wanted to wrap herslef in something that smelt like him.
"No, I'm fine really," she blushed. Scud looked at her a few more seconds, but shrugged and went back to watching the movie. Stephanie felt her eye's get heavier, and heavier.
Stephanie woke up to a shift, and a grumbled. She laid still, trying to remember what happend. They were watching a movie. She felt tired, she must have fallen asleep, Scud sent was heavy in her nose. Sure it was his apartment, but he was closer then that, she was on him. She could feel the vibration in his chest as she heard him talk. She blushed. How did she end up on top of him?
"Steph," he said lowly. She looked up sleepy. "It's your dad," Scud said as he handed her the phone. She was sure this wasn't good.
"Hey dad," she answered lowly.
"Stephanie, where are you? You should have been home hours ago," Blade said, he didn't sound upset just conserned.
"Sorry, Scud and I decied to hanging out long, and watch a movie. I fell asleep, and by the looks of it he did too," she explained, hoping he wouldn't take it the wrong way. There was a long pause, she held her breath.
"That's fine, just next time let me know," he said, truthfully he sounded distracted. She breathed out.
"Alright daddy, sorry," she said. Blade chuckled on the other end.
"Just make sure Scud gets here on time," he laughed. Stephanie smiled.
"Yes daddy," she agreed.
"Alright, see you soon, then," he said.
"Good-bye," Stephanie said, as she hung up. She caught Scud's phone background, it was a picture of the two of them. She smiled as she set the phone up on Scud's chest. She then realized he was was holding her.
"How dead am I?" He asked unmoving. She yawned, and snuggled herslef back in two his chest. She wasn't going to waist any of this.
"Just don't be late to work," she said dreamily. She heard a small laugh.
"What are you doing?" Scud asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. Stephanie didn't bother to open her eyes.
"Going back to sleep. What time is it?" She asked pulling the blanket up around her chin. She felt Scud shift, her heard him click his phone on.
"Time to get up. If your dad doesn't want me late," he kinda grumbled. She sighed as she enjoyed a last seconds of his embrace. He rubbed her back, a second. "Come on," he said as he let her go. She growled and sat up. She heard Scud laughed again.
"Don't laughed that's the best I've slept in a while," she said streching, and looked at him.
"I hear ya," he said lowly. She smiled at him, as she bit her lip and looked away.  "Why can't relationships be this easy?" He asked. Stephanie wasn't sure if he was talking to her or just asking. She looked over at him again.
"Why aren't they?" She asked. He sighed. I don't know, just never was," he sighed. She nodded.
"Well, it should be. I would assume, maybe your gettin in to relationships with the wrong person. What even makes you decied a girl could be your girlfriend?" She asked. He pulled his eyebrows together an light a joint.
"I don't know, I guess if the sex is good," he said with a slight laugh. She shook her head.
"Umm, I'm no expert, but I've seen movies with sex scenes. There wasn't a lot of talking going on," she said, looking at him doubtful he'd tell her she was wrong. Scud chuckled.
"Right," he agreed. She looked at him, like it should be odvious.
"Umm again, I'm no expert, but shouldn't you get time to know a girl? One before jumping in bed with ber, but two before you decied to date her," she said feeling annoyed.  He looked at her and nodded.
"That makes sense actually," he said. She rolled her eyes.
"So if someone did all that how would they start getting laid?" He asked with a sly smile. Stephanie growled and shook her head.
"Calm your hormones! God your like a sixteen year old boy," she said annoyed. He laughed.
"Believe me, you don't know what you're missing," he laughed, reaching over and cupping her face. Stephanie blushed vigorously, but she didn't stop him or pull away.
"I'm sure," she giggled. Scud smiled slyly.
"One day, I'll show you," he said using his thumb to rub her cheek. She was at a loss for words. As she smiled at him.
"Pervert," she giggled. He smiled.
"That wasn't a no," he said raising an eyebrow. She pushed him playfully. He laughed.
"Seriously, I'd like a girls opinion. What makes her excited?" He asked. Stephanie blushed.
"Why are you asking me?" She asked wide eyed. He smiled.
"Come on, I know you think about it. Even if you don't want to admit it. Like if you were dating a guy, and he wanted to cuddle on the couch with you?"He asked. She shrugged.
"First what would you do?" She asked. He smiled and pulled her in to his arms, she looked up at him and shook her head.
"Ok, forceful, direct. Maybe not the best way," she said, again pointing out the odvious. He sighed, or growled.
"See relationships are hard," he said getting up and passing. She shook her head.
"No, your just impatient. I assume your going to start something when you tried to 'cuddle'" she said, knowing him all too well. Scud smiled as he sat back down.
"Well what the hell does cuddling do for you, besides give ya a boner?" He asked. Stephanie rolled her eyes.
"Ok, so let's go back. You pull me in to your arms, then what?" She asked. Scud smiled and raised his eyesbrows.
"Well, then I'd, turn your attention to me, and..." he shrugged looking kinda shy. She smiled it was cute, but unlike him.
"Come on, don't chicken out on me," she said with a quick rase of her eyebrows. He looked at her, but smiled. She knew he was taking the challenge.
"I'd turn you to kiss you," he said lowly, turning her face to look at his. All he needed to do was kiss her, there was no space between them. Stephanie nodded slowly, with bated breath.
"Ok," she said lowly, she could literally fell her lips brush against his, it made her whole body tingle. Scud was lost for a second.
"Then, I'd take her hands and place them.." he trailed off, as Stephanie watched him take her hands and stop just about his manhood. She breathed heavily, and smiled. As she wondered if she didn't move what would happen.
"I don't think that's a good plan," she said. Scud smiled lopsided. Oh god, was he trying to kill her, he looked so amazing.
"What do you suggest?" He asked. She clear her throat and pulled away.
"Try something a little more suddle," she said taking his arm and putting it around her neck. She watched him, he seemed unsatisfied.
"How am I going to get you into the bedroom?" He asked with a smile. She shook her head.
"Try a little flirting," she whispered. Scud smiled and blushed. She removed his arm from around her and smiled encouraging. He sighed, but slowed moved his arm around her. She glanced up at him with a smile, and then went back to starting straight ahead. He leaned in close to her ear.
"Your beautiful," he whispered. Stephanie smiled and looked at him.
"Your sweet," she said, he smiled and leaned in like was going to kiss her. She froze, but she wasn't scared. Scud stopped and smiled more.
"And that shits going to get me laid?" He asked in disbaleaf. Stephanie looked at him annoyed.
"You asked me what I would do. There it is, your slow and sweet. I was going to let you kiss me," she said. Scud eyes lit up.
"Wait I stopped to soon?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, as she tried to get up.
"Wait!" He growled, grabbing her by her hips and pulling her back to him. She looked down at him shocked. She was now sitting on his lap.
"Your beautiful," he said lowly. Stephanie smiled and shook her head.
"Moments over," she said. Scud growled, but didn't let go.
"Alright, smart ass. What happends when I can't get off?" He asked. She looked a him confused.
"Your still having problems with that?" She asked. He sighed.
"Yeah, sence you have advice, tell me," he said, she was still on his lap.
"I don't know, porn?" She shugged. He shook his head.
"Tried it," he growled. She bit her lip.
"I don't know. Do you have like a fantasy girl?" She asked, Scud raised an eyebrow.
"I've read, it's natural to fantasize about someone, like a movie star," she said lowly. Scud cocked a smile.
"You were reading about masterbating?" He asked. She huffed and tried to get up.  "I'm sorry, seriously," Scud was quick with an apology, but not letting her go or the lingering smile.
"So?!" She growled. "I've read all the time about things. I want to have some idea what I'm doing, if I ever do it," she shugged, trying not to look at him. "Do you have a dream girl or not?" She asked. Scud nodded.
"That's just it. She's off limits," he said lowly.  Stephanie tilted her head at him.
"What do you mean?" She asked lowly. 'Off limits'? Did that mean he was talking about her? She was so not off limits, if he asked.
"I mean I don't let myself think like that. I'm never going to be with her, so why even think about her like that," he said. Stephanie shrugged.
"It's a fantasy, and I'm sure blue balls are uncomfortable," she kinda giggled. Scud cracked a smile.
"You have no idea. So I should try to fantasize about this girl, when? When I watch porn? When I'm with someone?" He asked. Stephanie shrugged although the thought of him with anyone made her more jelous then it should.
"Whatever helps you get your rocks off. It's not hurting anyone. I mean it's not illegal," she paused. "As long as it's not illegal," she said. He laughed.
"It's not. It's not weird, I'm not in to creepy shit. Just a gorgeous girl, who I'll never be  with," he said lowly, his eyes looking at the floor. Stephanie sighed.
"What's she like?" She was eger and jealous of this girl. He looked up and smiled at her.
"She's got nothing on you," he smiled. "Beautiful," he said leaning in. Stephanie was annoyed and pulled away.
"Not happening. I just told you to think about someone else. I'm not about to let you sleep with me, knowing that," she said. He growled, but smiled.
"I can show you what those articles won't tell you," he whispered. Stephanie closed her eyes. His hot breath ghosted over her face, and she wanted to let him.
"Get ready for work, pervert!" She growled, trying to keep her head. He pulled her in to a hug, and kissed her head.
"That's why your my number one," he said. She enjoyed the hug, and didn't bother to ask what he ment.
They left shortly after and headed to Stephanie house. When they got there, they both had both arms filled with bags. Stephanie walked in, and saw her dad waiting for them. She smiled at him.
"Hi daddy," she cood. He looked at her.
"Your late," he said, sounding more amused then agngry.
"Blame your daughter!" Scud cried, accusing. Stephanie's eyes widden as she looked up from the bag she was going threw and balled up the t-shirt she had gotten Scud and chucked it at him.
"Hey!" She yelled back at him. He smiled as he picked up the shirt.
"You bought the whole dam store!" He laughed. She growled at him and walked over to him.
"Give me that back!" She yelled taking his shirt away from him.
"Hey!" He yelled back grabbing for the shirt again, she pulled it away.
"Aright, you two," Blade said lowly, but firmly. Stephanie laughed as she pushed the shirt back on to Scud's chest. "Seriously, did you leave anything in the store?' He asked. Stephanie rolled her eyes.
"I needed pretty much everything. I don't know when I got boobs, but..." she was cut off.
"Stephanie," her father said. She shrugged at him.
"True," she muttered. He threw her a look, to be quiet. She rolled her eyes and slapped Scud's arm. "I'm going to change," she said.
"Alright, do you want food?" He asked. She smiled back at him.
"Chinese or pizza!" She yelled back at him as she walked out. Stephanie quickly changed in  to yoga pants and a tank top. She threw up her hair. Nothing wonderful, just soemthing to bummed around with Sucd in. She came back down, her dad was gone, she smiled at Scud.
"Dad gone?" She asked, he looked at her and smiled with a nod.
"Yeah, what do you want on your pizza?" He asked. She smiled back at him.
"Onions, peppers, pepperoni, doesn't really materr," she shugged. Scud smiled
"Mushrooms?" he still smiling. She made a face of disgust.
"On your half, maybe," she said, he let out a chuckle.
"I kinda figured," he said, still looking at her. She smiled more wondering what he was looking at.
"What?" She asked, with a small giggle. Scud smiled more.
"Nothing, come on," he said as he headed out to the van. She fallowed him wondering what had made him act differently lately, but she decied to just go with it. She didn't mind all his looking and smiling. She just hopped one day there would be more then that.

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