- Chapter 1 -

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The day was nice out, well at least for Yoongi it was. The sounds of the rain hitting the ground. Yoongi was in his apartment looking out the window. Yoongi wished he could go outside, but if Jin, his roommate, finds out that Yoongi went outside in the rain and got soaking wet then he would flip out about how Yoongi can get sick.

"He's not even one of my parents, yet I feel like I have to listen to him," Yoongi whispered to himself.

Sounds of rain echoed through the apartment, coming in from the window which was open just enough for Yoongi to reach out and catch raindrops in his palm. Yoongi smiled slightly as he could feel the raindrops fall upon his cold pale palm.

"Hey, close the window Yoongi! I could feel the draft in my room!" Jin yelled as he tied his robe.

"Just close your room door then," Yoongi sighed.

"No! I have to hear what you're doing in our apartment!" Jin yelled again.

"You act like I'm a child, Jin." Yoongi said.

"Well, you act like one." Jin argued.

Yoongi sighed and just shut the window.

Jin checked his phone and sighed.

"Yoongi do you mind if a few of my friends come over?" Jin asked.

"No I'll just be in my room most of the time," Yoongi said.

"No you have to meet them! Maybe they'll end up becoming your friends too!" Jin smiled.

"Fine," Yoongi sighed.

- an hour later -

There was a knock at the door, Jin quickly rushed to open the door. Yoongi sat on the couch and proceeded to pointlessly scroll through his apps.

"Namjoon! Hoseok! You guys are finally here!" Jin exclaimed as he pulled both the guests into the apartment.

"Yeah, sorry for keeping you waiting Hoseok kept having second thoughts on each outfit he tried on," Namjoon explained as he nudged Hoseok.

"It isn't my fault that my body decided to look better in one outfit than another," Hoseok said.

Yoongi looked up from his phone and made eye contact with Namjoon. Yoongi couldn't help, but want to keep the silent eye contact.

"Hi, my name is Namjoon! What's your name?" Namjoon smiled as he walked to where Yoongi had been sitting.

"My name is Yoongi, nice to meet you." Yoongi said.

Jin smiled as this was the first time Yoongi had talked with someone new in a while.

"My name is Hoseok by the way!" Hoseok enthusiastically said.

Yoongi and Namjoon both chuckled at the energy Hoseok had. Namjoon couldn't help, but love the sound of Yoongi's laughter. Yoongi smiled at both of his new friends.

"Well I hope our friendship will prosper!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Yeah, I hope our friendship becomes something unbreakable!" Namjoon smiled.

Yoongi never had felt this way ever, he was quite confused about the feeling. Yoongi shrugged the feeling away and ended up talking with Namjoon for so many hours about music, the rain, food, the piano, and so many other things that they both lost track of time.

Jin and Hoseok had passed out on the couch after binge watching Netflix chick flicks while Yoongi and Namjoon talked together. Yoongi and Namjoon were both still full of energy even after all those long conversations.

"Looks like they passed out," Yoongi laughed as he pointed over at Hoseok and Jin practically spooning on the couch.

"Huh, I didn't realize it was so late," Namjoon said as he ruffled his own hair.

"You two can stay over, I don't mind and I doubt Jin will mind either!" Yoongi stuttered, the strange feeling he had when he had just met Namjoon was back.

Hoseok and Namjoon staying over became a typical thing ever since then. It's been almost 11 months since Namjoon and Yoongi met. Namjoon and Yoongi had stayed up to talk all night again, but during the conversation Namjoon seemed to be checking out Yoongi.

"Namjoon don't stare at me like that," Yoongi mumbled.

"Huh? I-I wasn't staring at you!" Namjoon stuttered and tried to act cool.

Both of them went silent, but occasionally one of them would glance over at the other. Yoongi was tired of pushing the feeling aside for so long, but he didn't want to ruin his friendship with Namjoon. Namjoon pushed his hair back and took a sip of his beer. Yoongi tried pushing the feeling aside like he had been doing for the past few months. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, what Yoongi didn't know is that Namjoon had the same feelings. Namjoon was too shy about his feelings to even hint at the fact that he loved Yoongi more than just a friend.

Jin and Hoseok were in Jin's bedroom talking about how happy they were to see their two friends get along and be happy with one another.

"I'm happy that Namjoon and Yoongi have gotten along so well!" Jin exclaimed.

"Jin shut up! You are so loud, they're going to hear that we're talking about them," Hoseok snapped at Jin.

"I just love seeing Yoongi happy for once," Jin sighed.

"Well don't be so loud about it, I'm happy that Namjoon is happy with Yoongi, but I feel like they are getting too close.." Hoseok explained.

Back in the living room, Yoongi stood up from the couch to go take a quick shower. As Yoongi walked to the bathroom, in his room, he noticed Namjoon had left his jacket on his bed.

"Hm..may be just once.." Yoongi said as he grabbed Namjoon's jacket to put it on.

Yoongi slipped the jacket on and looked into the mirror. Since Namjoon was slightly taller than Yoongi, the jacket felt like something cuddly to sleep in. Namjoon was about to walk in to get his jacket and ask Yoongi if he wanted to go get more beer, but then Namjoon saw Yoongi wearing his jacket.

"Wow this jacket makes me feel way smaller than I am," Yoongi sighed, but laughed.

Yoongi felt comfortable in the jacket that belonged to the one person who he loved the most. Namjoon was so happy to hear Yoongi laugh and be happy, but he accidentally stepped forward and opened the door.

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