- Chapter 5 -

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As Namjoon drove to their first destination of their 'hangout', Yoongi decided to play some music so the drive won't be so quiet. They both weren't much for conversation starters, but when music was the topic they could talk for days! The first song that came on was Guillotine by Jon Bellion. Namjoon glanced over at Yoongi as Yoongi began to hum along to the song. Yoongi sang one lyric in particular.

I know that you love me love me, even when I lose my head. Guillotine.

Namjoon smiled, as Yoongi softly sang that lyric.

"That song lyric you sang just now, it's the way I feel. I love you even if you're such a dork sometimes or even when you don't think right," Namjoon smiled.

"Well it's true for me too. I love you even though you're such a clumsy dork that doesn't think straight when pressured," Yoongi laughed and laid his head on Namjoon's arm.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at the destination. Namjoon got off the car and so did Yoongi.

"Come on slow poke the place is over here," Namjoon took hold of Yoongi's hand and lead him into a building.

Suddenly as they entered, Yoongi's eyes opened wide. Namjoon had brought Yoongi to a restaurant that Yoongi had been wanting to try out for so long.

"Namjoon you remembered?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course I did, dork! Why wouldn't I remember something that meant a lot to you?" Namjoon smiled.

Yoongi smiled to hear that from Namjoon. Namjoon held Yoongi's hand as they walked to a table. They spent about an hour just eating and talking with one another. Most of the time Namjoon laughed too much and would almost choke. Yoongi teased him for not being careful even when he ate. Namjoon glared jokingly and grinned. They both soon got full and left the restaurant, but the 'hangout' wasn't over. Namjoon had a few more stops for them to visit. The next stop was at a park. Yoongi loves to walk in the park especially on cloudy days like this, but first Namjoon stopped by a convenient store to grab some snacks. Yoongi grabbed a few bottles of water and a can of soda. Namjoon grabbed some chips and sweet bread. They paid for the stuff and headed to the park right after. Namjoon and Yoongi sat on a park bench that was right by the small pond. Yoongi drank from one of the water bottles and scooted closer to Namjoon on the bench. Namjoon put his arm around Yoongi's shoulder and held him close.

"I love you," Namjoon whispered in Yoongi's ear, which made Yoongi blush so much.

"I-I love you too," Yoongi stuttered because he was just too embarrassed.

Namjoon smiled and continued to hold Yoongi close as they ate snacks while looking at the pond. There was a soft breeze suddenly and Yoongi snuggled more on Namjoon. Namjoon chuckled.

"You're so cute Yoongi," Namjoon smiled.

"I am not cute! Shut up dork!" Yoongi argued.

"Well to me you're cute," Namjoon grinned as he leaned in to kiss Yoongi's cute doll like lips.

Both of them kissed as the soft winter breeze blew the leaves on the floor. Suddenly, a raindrop fell on Yoongi's nose. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss slowly and looked at the raindrop on his nose. Namjoon smiled and wiped the small raindrop off Yoongi's nose.

"Come on we're going to get soaked and I have a few more stops we have to visit before we can dance in the rain," Namjoon smiled as he took hold of Yoongi's hand.

"Dance? In the rain? Really?? Wait you promise??" Yoongi asked.

"I promise we'll dance in the rain when we're done okay?" Namjoon kissed Yoongi.

Yoongi blushed and followed Namjoon back to the car. Namjoon started the car and they drove off to the next place. They both held each other's hand as Namjoon kept one hand on the wheel to drive. Yoongi's phone started ringing though. Yoongi thought it would be Jin calling, but it was an unknown number. Yoongi answered hesitantly.

"H-Hello? Who's this?" Yoongi questioned the unknown caller.

"He's mine. Stop pretending like you love him, you don't. I love him. Tell him you're not feeling well and to drive back to your house." the unknown caller spoke.

Yoongi couldn't recognize the voice at all. Who the fuck could it be? How did they even get my number? What kind of shit is Namjoon in? Is it an ex? Some kinda secret lover? Or just some psycho trying to scare me?

Yoongi hung up the call and looked over at Namjoon, but didn't tell him anything.

"Who was it Yoon?" Namjoon asked as he tighten his grip on Yoongi's cold, pale hand.

"Huh? Oh it was just some scam call for some stupid cruise! Seriously who believes those kinds of calls? Haha!" Yoongi laughed trying to hide his confusion and small feeling of fear.

The sounds of the car engine and the rain landing on the car were all that Yoongi heard as he kept thinking about the unknown caller. Maybe it was Jin and Hoseok pulling a prank on him, but if it was then surely Yoongi would've been able to recognize the voice a little. The voice sounded like a girl's, but for now Yoongi just shrugged it off.

What's more important is spending time with Namjoon right now, fuck that unknown caller! Namjoon is my boyfriend and mine only.

Namjoon parked the car and got out of the car. Yoongi got out of the car and followed Namjoon inside the building. It was a small music store. Yoongi looked around at all the instruments hanging on the wall or in display cases, but what caught Yoongi's eye the most was the piano placed right in the corner of the shop. Yoongi smiled and immediately went to play it. Namjoon smiled as he went over and listened to Yoongi play the piano. The soft tune that Yoongi played made him forget about the unknown caller and the situation with dating Namjoon. Yoongi began to think only about the sounds of the piano and the rain. His two favorite things. Reality seemed to fade away, as if it was just Yoongi in a blank white room playing a piano with raining falling upon him. Yoongi smiled, but came back to reality as Namjoon kissed his cheek. Reality wasn't so bad with Namjoon around. What sucked the most is now he had something else to keep hidden, but this time it was something more than the secret of him dating Namjoon. Way more, but he just didn't know what exactly it was just yet.

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