Pranked: Day One

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I was having a dream. I'm not one hundred percent sure what that dream was about but all I saw was wolves in a forest, their yellow, glowing eyes watching me as if they wanted to devour me. The next thing I saw were humans. They were all tan, built, extremely hot.. But that's not the point. The point is that their expression looked just like the wolves. Hungry, wanting and something else I can't quite recall. I watched as they broke into a sprint, all of them in a row, coming after me before leaping into the air...

I woke up with a start in a cold sweat, my legs felt sore so I guessed I had been moving more in my sleep than in my dream. I shivered, I could feel my canines growing in defense so I got up and walked into the kitchen, my eyesight perfect in the night so I easily found the fridge. I opened the fridge door, reaching in to grab a water bottle before settling down on the couch to watch Twilight, how ironic. Halfway into the movie I took a sip of water. After getting to the part where Bella cut her arm I became exhausted and turned off the Tv before instantly falling asleep. I didn't have anymore dreams, it was quite peaceful.

I woke up to my brother roughly shaking my arm. "Wake up! You have thirty minutes to get ready." I heard him say. In response I groaned before standing up, my eyes still adjusting to the light. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick, short shower. After the shower I stepped out with only a towel and walked to my bedroom. I quickly dried off and put on underwear before grabbing my purple uniform shirt and my favorite dark blue jeggings. I put my favorite brown belt on before grabbing my socks, shoes and backpack and heading to the living room.

I quickly put on my purple socks to match my shirt and my gray sperry's with brown laces. "Oh crap! My hoodie!" I ran into my room to grab it and quickly put it on. I have no idea how I forgot it, it was freezing in there and my mom insisted I kept my vent open. After grabbing my bag I run out of the house, closing the door behind me, and to my brother's car, since I wasn't yet old enough to drive, in fact I was only fifteen. "About time" My brother, Morgan, said. "It's already bad enough I have to drive, but I have you too." I grinned widely. "I love you too Bubby." At that he rolled his eyes but a small smile flickered on his lips before he started driving.

When I get to Dustin Hill High School, the Rhinos, I head over to the cafeteria only to find nobody there. I mentally groan. "I guess I'm late." I walk to my first period class, AP Calculus, and grab the door handle, ready to explain myself. I twist the door handle and.. it's locked. What the hell? I continue to jiggle the door handle. "Hello?" I ask the deserted hallway, nothing except my echoes replies back. I begin to question where everyone was until a thought struck me. Today is Monday! Columbus Day! Ugh, you idiot! I walked back into the Cafeteria, then outside, hoping to find my brother and his car, but all I saw was an empty parking lot.

I groaned out loud this time and stomped around the corner, not noticing the tall, built figure in the shadows and began to walk home. "It would be a lot easier if you would just become your wolf." I heard a deep voice behind me. Without thinking I spun around, my canines growing instantly, my eyes glowing and my expression full of anger. I looked up, despite me being five foot nine, and saw that he towered over me. His lips were turned up in a smirk, his eyes teasing. At this point I noticed how hot he was. He had a nice jawline and his eyes were different shades of green."What do you want?" I practically growled. His smirk turned into a toothy smile, flashing his sharp canines before he ran up to me and tripped me, causing me to fall. I swear I heard him say "You" before everything went black.

I woke up blindfolded, my hands tied behind my back and my legs tied to the legs of the chair. I opened my mouth to scream but all that came out was a cough. "Tell Mr. Hoffman she's awake." I heard a man say before my blindfold came off revealing a tall man with dark brown hair or maybe it was black, I couldn't tell because it was dark. He had a smirk on his lips as he squatted down so he was level with me. "Hello. What's your name?" My eyes narrowed and I felt my canines growing against my bottom teeth. Who did this guy think he was? Kidnapping me and then asking for my name! I lunged forward with the chair, my mouth open and my teeth close to his neck. "You kidnap me, and then you have the audacity to ask for my name!?"

He merely growled and used his left hand, the right had a gun pressed to my chest, and pushed me back. "I wouldn't threaten me pup, you may be a wolf but I have a gun and last time I checked wolves are hunted by men with guns. So next time you may want to think before you bite." Then he hit me on the head with his gun. I grunted and could feel blood running down the side of my face. I felt the chair tip sideways and I braced myself for the fall, but suddenly someone grabbed the chair and steadied it. I hung my head down, my hair covering my face. "Braxon! You do NOT harm her! If I see you lay another hand on her I WILL kill you! I don't care who you are! We need her alive!" I let out a breath that I didn't know I had held in.


Welp!! Here's the beginning of my story..... I hope you enjoyed it. I feel like I rushed into it and it's going by too fast. If so let me know and I'll try to add more detail to make it longer. If any of you have any tips for me that would be GREAT!! No hate btw.

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