Wabisuke makes a surprising move!

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Chapter Twenty Five:

Izami woke up later than she usually did on any other day. It was around ten in the morning when she awoke. She felt perfectly refreshed, and she felt great for the first time in a long time. She got herself ready for the day, doing all the usual mundane things, but she actually put time into her appearance, something she hadn't done since she was a pre-teen. She took time to put up her hair into a braid, she even took time to put on make-up, though it was nothing more than a bit of eyeliner, and mascara.

When Izami was ready for the day, still on high energy, she went for a walk outside. The sun was very warm, making her feel very good. She had passed a few old friends, spoke to them a bit, and then went on her way. She couldn't exactly point out where she was going, she was just going wherever the sidewalk took her. The day felt really nice for a walk.

"Hey, Izami-chan! How ya doin'?" Izami looked over her shoulder, smiling broadly at Wabisuke as he walked side by side to her. She briefly wondered why she hadn't sense him before he spoke out to her, but quickly disregarded it. She really didn't care.

"I'm doing pretty good. How about you?" Izami's tone was very perky, setting Wabisuke off slightly, but he made no comment. He just nodded slightly, a smile on his lips.

"I can tell you're doing good. You.. Do you have make-up?" He looked at her with squinted eyes, getting closer to her. She laughed, and leaned away slightly.

"Just some mascara and eyeliner. Nothing special." He nodded slightly, and went back to his regular position. Izami did the same.

"I've never seen you with any type of make up on before. It makes your eyes look nicer than usual. It makes them...I dunno...Pop out ya know?" Izami blushed, and nodded slightly.

"Th-thank you." She cleared her throat slightly, and looked away uncomfortably.

"Buuut," She sighed, and rolled her eyes. She knew that but, the kind that came with a criticism, was coming."Your hair is braided. It doesn't look right, but that could be just because I'm used to seeing a ponytail, or it down. This is new."

"My mother used to put it up in braids alot when I was very little." Her tone took on a sadness to it, like it always did when her parents were mentioned, but her smile never wavered.

"Oh." Wabisuke's tone was soft, understanding. He quickly dropped the subject, knowing how sensitive the subject was for her. He touched the end of her braid lightly before moving his hand back to his side."So what's the occasion? Why are you so happy?" Izami was uncomfortable with Wabisuke's sudden touch, but she said nothing of it, and moved on.

"You didn't answer my question. How are you?"

"I'm doing really good. Now answer my question." Izami laughed slightly.

"Is it so wrong for me to be happy?"

"No. I just haven't seen you like this in a really long time. Kinda threw me off to see you like this out of nowhere. Did you get laid or something?" He paused before adding on the last part rather cheekily, a grin on his face as he nudged his old friend. Izami gasped, blushing heavily. She hit his arm hard, and glared at him. He merely chuckled as he rubbed his arm.

"No! Don't be so damn stupid!'' Just like that, she was back to her old self. She had become annoyed, and flustered with his question. He just chuckled again.

"Well, what else explains all the joy?"

"Well, you ruined it by asking that question. Congrats." Izami rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms.

"Oooh, look who's Miss Touchy. I was just joking." Izami rolled her eyes.

"Well...Something did happen last night." He glanced over at her. She glanced back with a small smile." Sasuke and I have a date tonight. He asked when he came over last night. I said yes." Wabisuke frowned immediately, and stared forward. His jaw was tight for a moment before relaxing a bit. He didn't look at her as he spoke up again.

"Well..Congrats. Do you know where you're going?" Izami stared at him, her eyes searching his face for a moment before looking away. He wasn't even trying to disguise his displeasure. A part of her understood all too well, and it brought back her own worries, but tried not to let it show through. When Wabisuke got in those moods, it was just best not to show any hint of doubt.

"No, he didn't tell me. Just told me when he'd pick me up, which is at seven." Again Wabisuke said nothing, but nodded slightly.

"I'm happy for you." He said robotically. Izami nodded, and looked away. She knew that he was just lying, but she couldn't bring herself to call him out on it like she would have any other day.

"Thank you." Izami said softly, looking down at her feet with her lips pursed slightly. She really had no idea what else to say. It was a few minutes before he spoke again.

"Does that make you guys...Official? Like an official couple?" She glanced at him, eyebrows raised slightly. He sounded unsure. Almost jealous, in a way. In a way, it confused her.

"Does it matter?" She asked brusquely.

"I'm just curious." He answered strenuously, looking back at her.

"If it matters so much than...I...I'm not really sure. I think one date is hardly enough to call it official. Why do you care so much?" Izami looked back at him with a scowl, but his face remained unchanged. His eyebrows just moved together slightly, he bite the inside of his lips, but then relaxed his expression slightly.

"Because..." He glanced at her, and sighed. It was so hard to put everything he was thinking into words. More over, it was hard putting them into words when Izami was in these moods. He knew from past experiences that he would have to move about this very carefully."Because I care enough about you not to want to see you hurt again. I don't want to see you cry or be angry or whatever because he hurt you in some way. I want to see you happy, and if he can do that...Great! Be happy because I'll be happy too. That's all I have to say." Izami blushed, and looked down at her feet, unsure of how to respond. Wabisuke glanced at her, and sighed."Hey, don't look so down, ok? What happened to you being happy?" Izami smiled smally, and looked back up."No more sad face, ok? Don't make me sing that song. The happy song that used to get on your nerves, remember it?" Izami laughed, and shook her head.

"Sing that song and I swear...I'll hit you so hard your grandkids will feel it." Her smile was on her face, showing she meant no actually harm. Wabisuke paused for a moment, and then smirked.

"Hey! That's not nice! Why should my descendants feel the wrath of your anger?"

"Because they're goin to be idiots like you."

"And your kids...?"

"They'll be freakin' genius's like me." Wabisuke laughed, and shook his head.

"No comment." Izami glared at him playfully. She then shook her head with a giggle."So what do you plan on doing today? I mean until your date?" Izami shrugged, and sat on a bench. Wabisuke sat next to her. Izami's eyebrows knitted together with her thoughts. Again, doubts tugged at her mind, but she tried not to let it show.

"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it." Her tone was soft, with a hint of something else that Wabisuke couldn't quiet pinpoint. He merely pursed his lips slightly and nodded. He stared at his lap before glancing back at her.

"Well...I have to head back home. Thought I'd say hi." Izami nodded, and glanced at him.

"Well, see you around."

"Ok." Wabisuke paused for a second, looking at her intensely for a moment. He stood up, leaned over, and quickly pecked her on the lips. Izami's face blushed deeply, but before she could even respond, Wabisuke had already walked off. Izami touched her lips with her fingers, and then looked over at Wabsiuke's retreating figure, her heart pounding, but she made no move to go after him. Instead, she just felt confused. Why did he kiss her? Sighing, shaking her head, she shoved the memory out of the forefront of her mind, and then continued on with her day.

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