chapter four

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warning; triggering content such as suicidal thoughts will appear in this chapter. proceed with caution.


"Wake up!" He screamed in her face as he shook her body.

She looked peaceful, laying in his arms with closed eyes and red hair just as wild as her spirit. The only sign of violence was the hole in her chest. Where her heart was supposed to be.

It was right next to her body. Damon Salvatore hadn't even bothered to move her body from the parking lot, so why Kol was surprised when he found her heart next to her head was beyond him.

There was cruelty, and there was pure evil. Kol always thought he and Rosemary were the definition of pure evil. But as he watched the only person he had loved and given himself fully to lay on the ground, dead, he knew that they were cruel.

Damon Salvatore, on the other hand, was pure evil. He didn't have a heart, for he wouldn't have done what he did to Kol and Rose if he did. Whatever love he thought he possessed for the girl he had killed Kol's soulmate for was not real.

"Rose, please, I need you," he sobbed, pressing his face into her neck. "Please," he pleaded.

Oh, what Kol would do to get her back. He wanted to kill himself, claw out his own heart and burn it to ashes so that he could join her on the other side. He hated absolutely everything about himself as he held the dead love of his life, his soulmate, in his arms. He hated being immortal, he hated that the only way for him to die was next to impossible.

Kol's siblings had taken it upon themselves to physically pry Kol away from Rosemary's body and then bury it. They didn't tell him scared he was going to waste away in a cemetery if he knew. They knew that Rosemary and Kol had an epic love. They knew that he would rather die than spend an eternity living without her.

They weren't surprised when they found him gone the next day.


Two years ago, he had seen his soulmate on the ground, dead. Two years later, he was in the same position. 

This time around, Kol was in a different body.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Kol forced his eyes away from Rosemary's limp body and looked up at his eldest brother. 

"If this is some kind of sick joke, it's not funny," he said. Every word that he said felt like acid was being poured down his throat. With every blink, he could see her eyes on him, filled with tears of pain. 

"It's not, Kol," Rebekah said softly, getting off the ground and leaving Rosemary in Alexia's arms. "She's truly back." 

Tears filled his eyes. "She can't be. The other side was destroyed. Mother didn't pull her out in time, I'm sure of it," he argued. He couldn't let himself believe it. He couldn't let himself believe that this was just another mind trick his mother had planned for him to test his loyalty. 

"It is her," Rebekah insisted and held his hands in hers. She bit her lip, looking down. "One thing though..." 

"What is it?" He pressed.

"She doesn't have her memories. All she knows is her name. According to Davina, she said 'Rose' when she was asked," Rebekah said. 

"See? That should be proof enough," he said, letting go of his sister's hands and walking towards her body. Even in her slumber, she looked like she was in pain. It got worse the closer Kol got to her. He could just see it on her face. He crouched down at stared at her. Holding his breath, he slowly reached out to touch her face.

As if he set her on fire, Rosemary let out a blood-curdling scream and started thrashing around. Kol felt like he had just been slapped. He got to his feet and backed away from her, all his siblings now surrounding her. 

He had to get out of there. 

Preoccupied with Rosemary's thrashing body, nobody noticed him slipping out of the door. Nobody noticed him running away from the estate, silently begging for someone to take him out of his misery. 

Two years had gone, and Kol Mikaelson still wanted to die. 


My body ached all over.

It felt like someone had set me on fire and let me burn for hours. I groaned as I sat up for the second time, awakening from a deep slumber. Deja-vu hit me as I asked, "What happened this time?"

"You passed out," Alexia stated. "Again. Seriously, what is it with you and being dramatic?"

"Dramatic?" I scoffed. "I would hardly call that dramatic. It's not like I did it on purpose!"

Behind me, Elijah took a sharp breath. He shared a look with Rebekah. "What? What is it?" I demanded.

"Nothing," Rebekah reassured. "You just... You sounded like your old self for a second."

My old self. I felt like running away from them. They knew me too well. I would never be enough for them, never fill in the old shoes I had worn before dying. Without my memories, I wasn't me. I wasn't the person they loved and had lived with for God know's how long. I looked down at my hands and nodded.

"Do you need anything?" Alexia asked as she helped me stand up.

"Water would be nice," I mumbled, lost in my thoughts. Who was I, really? Before I died. What was it about me that they loved so much? Did I have adorable quirks and habits? Was I nice or a total bully?

In a blur, Elijah was in front of me, a glass of water in his hand. He handed it to me and I gulped down all its content, feeling as if I had been roaming a desert for days without any water.

"What was I like? Before, I mean," I whispered. I had no doubt everyone could hear what I said, though.

"You were amazing," Alexia said, taking a hold of my hands. She gripped my chin and forced me to look at her. "You still are. There are a few changes. You used to have a British accent, for starters. You used unnecessarily long words. It used to be a struggle and a half to keep up with you. Only Kol could."

"Kol?" I asked, silently thanking her for her praise.

She looked at whoever stood behind me. She nodded and looked back at me. "Another story for another day. You've been through enough now. Sleep on it and ask me again tomorrow," Alexia said.

"No," I said firmly. "I want to know now. I can handle it," I promised.

Alexia looked hesitant. "Let's eat first, at least," she pleaded. I rolled my eyes before nodding.



all will be explained in due time, my dears. expect another chapter soon again, i happen to be on a roll tonight!

what do you think is going on with rose? 

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