chapter five

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Hours later, and I was still eating.

I felt like I had been starving for years. Rebekah assumed it was because of all the passing out I had done earlier.

They treated me well, the Mikaelsons. Well, all except Klaus. He had just snarled at me when I asked what his problem was and left to sit and brood in his room. Good riddance.

I helped Alexia and Rebekah wash the dishes. Since we were the only ones who had a hunger for actual food, and not blood, washing the dishes and putting everything away was on us.

Sitting down in the living room, wine glasses in hand, I decided that it was time.

"You said you'd answer my questions after I've eaten," I hinted.

Alexia sighed and downed her glass before picking up the bottle and refilling it, this time to the rim. I shook my head, amused, and sipped my wine.

"Fire away, my friend."

"Who's Kol?" I asked. I couldn't get the name out of my head. Kol, Kol, Kol. It was all I could think about. I had no face to match the name in my head, but I assumed it was the same man that had carried me out of that basement in my 'vision'.

"Remember how I mentioned you had a husband?" Alexia asked. "That's him. Kol. Daredevil, psychotic. A homicidal maniac, as Klaus and I like to call him."

"My brother," Rebekah added, twirling her dark hair around her fingers.

I looked down at my glass. "He sounds horrible," I commented. "Why would I marry him?" I asked, swallowing back tears. I felt pathetic. All I did was cry. But it wasn't out of sadness. Frustration. I was frustrated with the world.

"He's your soulmate," Rebekah said, putting her hand over mine.

"Just like Klaus is mine. Do you think I can stand him for more than five minutes? But I still love his crazy, murderous ass," Alexia said.

"He seems horrible as well," I said, letting out a weak laugh. "How did I meet him?"

Rebekah and Alexia shared a look, before shrugging at the same time. "No one other than you two know. You were always good at keeping it a secret. I guess it was justified, wanting to have that part about you two to yourselves."

"Will I ever get to meet him?" I asked, tears filling my eyes again. "I mean, if he's my soulmate, our paths have to cross again sometime, right?"

"Someday, maybe. I don't think he could do it now," Rebekah said, fiddling with her fingers. "He's been... Not okay ever since you died. My youngest brother has never been the one to hate the world. But when you got ripped away from him, he went out of his mind."

"You were his everything. Without you, Kol wasn't Kol," Alexia added.

I scowled. "Sounds toxic."

The girls nodded. "I guess, in a way, it was. But when you spend eight hundred years with someone, it's hard to not get used to them. To not depend on them for everything," Rebekah said.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

Sharing a look again, Rebekah and Alexia shrugged. "We don't know. We all figure it's best to leave him alone. He's somewhere in New Orleans, though. That's for sure."

"You know something," I realized. "What is it? I want to know," I demanded.

Sighing, Alexia downed her second glass of wine. "He walked in when you were passed out. We explained what was going on. He tried touching you, and you started screaming. It was horrible. He ran out when nobody was looking and we haven't heard from him yet."

"God knows what he's doing," Rebekah muttered, looking down at the coffee table.

I inhaled sharply, trying to calm myself. "What does he look like?" I asked.

Alexia smiled. "The man you knew is not the same man today. He's in a new body, like Rebekah. Courtesy of their mother. We're trying to figure out how to put them back."

"We're close to figuring it out," Rebekah added. It seemed so normal, talking about people in the wrong bodies, me being previously dead but now alive again. It wasn't normal, but what could I do at this point? I had to accept that this would be my life forever.

"Come on, we have some paintings so you can see who it is your soul is linked to," Alexia said, getting up and holding her hand out to me. I shook my head and took her hand, allowing her to drag me to a hallway in the enormous estate.

There were a few paintings on the wall. One of them was of Klaus, Elijah, and two strangers. A girl and a boy. The girl was blonde with blue eyes. She looked like an angel.

"That's me," Rebekah said, a smile playing on her lips. "In my original body."

That left the handsome boy, standing to the left of the chair Rebekah was sitting on. Elijah was behind her, hands on the back of the chair, and to the right of him, Klaus stood, hand on his brother's shoulder. Kol looked... Detached. Like he was there but wasn't at the same time.

"That's him?" I whispered. A nod from both girls confirmed that for me.

He didn't look like the psychotic murderer they had described to me. He looked angry, yes, but he seemed so alone. Sure, he was surrounded by his siblings in the painting, but I had never seen so much sorrow in anyone's eyes. They looked alive to me. Whoever painted that was talented. I looked down to the bottom of the painting and found the artists name.

"Klaus painted this?" I asked, completely flabbergasted.

"He's amazing, right?" Alexia grinned at me.

I nodded. "He looks sad," I commented, staring at his beautiful brown eyes.

"I guess he was," Rebekah mused. "Elijah, Niklaus and I were thick as thieves. It was hard for him to feel apart of the family. You were away the week this was painted. He probably hated every second Niklaus forced us to stand there."

She didn't sound guilty at all. She just admitted that they had always left their brother out, yet she didn't sound mildly upset.

I huffed and crossed my arms, annoyed at this fact.

"I want to find him," I decided. "I want to talk to him."

Rebekah sighed and ran a hand over her face. "Rose, he's very unstable. He doesn't even believe you're actually back. Who knows what he will do to you if you pop up out of nowhere?"

"If he loves me as much as you two say, then it won't be a problem. I'm going out either way. I don't care if I spend the entire night looking for him."

Seeing that sadness in his eyes made something go off in me. Like a light switch, I wanted the opposite of what I did before seeing that painting. I wanted to be with him, comfort him. Assure him that I was actually there with him again.

All these thoughts in my head made it hurt. I ignored the pain and let down all my inner walls. Images started flooding in. Happy, peaceful ones. Of times where everything was okay, of when I was okay.

They weren't clear, or anything. Just the emotion behind them. And I had a feeling that the reason I felt so at peace in my memories was because of the sad man in the painting that had once carried me out of a dark basement.

"At least sleep on it first?" Alexia pleaded with me, clasping her hands in front of her and pouting. "Pretty please?" She said, widening her eyes.

"You look like you're about to shit yourself, but fine," I said. "First thing tomorrow, I'm going out and finding my supposed soulmate."


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