The Beginning

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From the beginning, I knew something wasn't right. My parents weren't very old when the met my dad was 17 and my mom 16. My mom thought that my dad was her knight in shining armor. They dated for 6 months before my mom got pregnant with me.

With my mom pregnant my dad decided to drop out of high school to get a job to help provide for my mom and I. He gets a job in a shop to make some money to help us at that time we were living in a trailer that didn't have heat so I was always cold and sick. My mom and dad would fight because on the weekends instead of spending time with his daughter and wife he would go out and drink.

My mom gets to her senior year and she is pregnant again this time with a boy when my little brother came home it was an instant change in my dad or so we thought. One night my dad came home drunk and angry for no reason. My mom sent me to my room where my brother was asleep and she starts asking my dad where he has been all night. He replies with" I can be anywhere I want to." My mom gets mad and tries to push him out of the house failing at doing so.

My dad comes back and hits my mom, then preceded to our room. Me crying and my brother still asleep he beats on the door trying to get in. Crying and screaming for him to stop my mother gets in between him and the door even though she knows it wont work she screams for me and my brother to go hide and right as we head for the closet my dad picks me up and throws me away from my little brother upset hurting and angry I run up to him and start hitting him even though I know that I cant do anything especially since I am a little girl.

Our neighbor calls the cops and they show up and take my dad away, and they take my brother and me to the hospital where we were checked out to make sure we were okay. My mom held onto me and my brothers that not to make sure we were okay and she cried just held us and cried afraid to let us go not knowing what was going to happen. 

The next morning my mom woke us up and put us in the car telling us that we were going to go do something fun to try and get our mind off of the events that took place last night. The feeling of hatred from then on settled into my mind because I knew that my mom wouldn't say no to my dad when he came back, she was too afraid and I knew it. 

With my dad always being drunk and never wanted us kids he never really came home or even checked up on us because he didn't care. My mom had to work two jobs to try and pay for food and for us to keep the trailer we were living in.  I would watch my mom come home to get ready to go back to work and it was so upsetting to know that you cant do anything to help your mom especially when your so young and you want to help out.  

In the next few weeks, my mom had finally given up and asked for help. We moved in with my grandparents and slept upstairs trying to figure out what we were going to do next, for the next few months my dad came to see us periodically even though it would be only for a few minutes then he was gone again at that point my mom had finally had enough knowing that my dad would always hurt her and think he could come back. What pushed my mom over the top was when my dad come over to my grandparents to see us and tried to throw my little brother out of the window. 

At that point, my mom had been done and wanted nothing to do with my dad told him he wasn't allowed to see us kids anymore. My little brother screaming and crying didn't want my dad to leave. A week later my mom and dad were back together then my youngest brother came into this world and I hated it because he was young and my mom wouldn't pay attention to me and my other brother. 

My dad was good for a while after that, holding my little brother sleeping with him, he was the little baby of the house. Then my parents started to fight again and my mom filed for a divorce and about a half month later the divorce was final and everyone was starting to feel better. 

Mom had met my stepdad and they were happy, they were trying to find a house to live in together at the same time of getting kicked out of my grandparent's house. Once my dad found this out he tried to take us from our mom but my mom was determined to keep us so she and my stepdad tried to reason with my dad on who got what. Well, my dad got a new girlfriend and they were determined to get us kids. 

Even though my mom tried and tried to get us kids my dad and his girlfriend had a strong case, the court wanted us to come in an talk to them but my mom didn't want us too because we were so young and she didn't want us to have a traumatic event that early in our lives even though what happens next was even worse than going up in front of a court and giving our case. In the next event, I will tell you I was so terrified this will always haunt me in my dreams. 

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