Chapter 3

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Once I was inside I went straight to the bed room and pulled my pyjamas out of my closet and went into the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth.

When I was ready I went back into my room to see Hannah sitting on the end of my bed with this huge grin on her face.

"Who was he? and where can I get one?" she asked me laughing. "First, he was Harry and two, you already have one" I laughed and got into bed. "So..." she turns around crossing her legs, I just stared at her waiting for her to finish the god damn sentence! "Give me the details" she said bouncing on my bed like a little girl. "There are no details Hannah, we are just friends" I said shuffling down under the covers. "Friends?" she said with a shocked expression in her face, "You two cannot just be friends!" she yelped.

"Er, yes we are" I corrected her, "If you remember we are back to Dagenham tomorrow so if I were you I'd get some sleep" I said turning the bedside light off.

She groaned and walked over to the her bed, "You can't just be friends with someone you clearly have more chemistry with than..." I shot up in my bed and glared at her.

"All I'm saying is give him a chance, he's hot! and it's about time you got over you-know-who" she said and turned the light off and snuggled down under the covers.

I couldn't help but think she was right... Me and... he was just... I don't want to go through that again... I just can't. I just emerged myself into my thoughts and I slow dosed off the sleep.

I woke up to Hannah pouncing on my bed yelling, "There is someone at the door for you!" over and over again till I pushed her on the floor. I grabbed my hoodie and put it on over my pyjama top and walked to the door, I opened it to be greeted by the oh so familiar emerald green eyes, that haunted my dreams last night.

"We need to talk" he mumbled and pulled me out of the room and into the hall way and the door shut behind me. "What!" I whined. "You can't leave I need you to come to a group dinner tonight... you get to see Liam and the others." he said. "I can't I'm going home today, I promised my mum I'd be home today" I lied. "Katie, promises are made to be broken!" he raised his voice. "Harry I'm not coming end of! Just deal with it!" I yelled back turning around knocking on the door for Hannah to let me in. "No Katie!" he grabbed hold of my arm and turned me around. "You have to come tonight Kelsi is going to be there" he whined. "Harry no, just tell them I had to go home to my mum" I told him knocking on the door again. "Please Katie!" could hear his voice break and I turned around to see his eyes were red and the green in his eyes had lost their light.

"Uh... fine... but it's on your head if my mum kills me" I said smiling at him and I could see his face brighten, "Can I go now? I really should get out of these cow pyjamas" I said turning around knocking on the door again and I could hear Hannah coming. "I like them, they look cute." he smiled at me and I could feel my cheeks redden. "Goodbye Harry" I said walking inside. I went inside to have a shower and got ready. I walked out to see Hannah stretched out on the sofa watching TV.

"So you're ditching me then?" Hannah turned towards me.

"Yeah... looks like it..." I trailed off.

"You care about him don't you?" she mumbled.

"No I don't... I'm just a not ready to go back to Dagenham yet... staying here for an extra week might be exactly what I need" I replied.

"Fine well are you staying here?" she asks.

"Yeah I should be" I replied sitting down next to her.

"I might as well stay then" she smiles at me.

"Thanks..." I smiled at her, I don't want to be with Harry ... I just wanna her the is week over and done with but I know I still won't want to go home because I know I would end up seeing him... I'm not ready...

Why would anyone human do that? Hurt someone into hiding? All I did was love him. People called us childhood sweethearts. We had been dating for 2 years and we had known each other forever. I still don't completely understand what had happened. Me and Joe were fine, perfectly happy. that was until he returned from his hoiday. It just wasn't the same, he was different, he didn't want to go out any more. He wouldn't talk to me for weeks, I was naive enough to think that it was nothing, I was wrapped in this bubble. It all became clear when Hannah had talked me into confronting him. Sometimes I think back and think maybe I should have just broke it off with him. When I went to confront him I used the spare key he gave me because he wasn't due home for 20 minutes.

The key clicked in the door and I stepped inside, but I was surprised when I could hear noises come from upstairs. I dropped my bag down by the door and climbed the stairs slowly. I walked into his bed room to see a pair of legs wrapped around him. I grabbed the bottle of deodorant on the draw beside the door and threw it at him. "Fuck!" he yelled out in pain, turning around to see me standing in the doorway. I grabbed a bunch of other random objects and threw them at him as he clambered out of the bed pulling his boxers on. "For fuck sake Katie, quit it already!" he yelled walking towards me. I threw another bottle of deodorant and threw it at him and hit him in the crouch. Intsantly I felt better. "If it weren't clear, we are over" I said walking out of the door and heading back down stairs. "Katie, you can't break up with me!" he called after me coming dowwn the stairs. "Looks like I just did" I laughed and picked up my bag and walked out of the door.

The following week he called me, texted me, came round my house, stalked Hannah and used other peoples phone to contact me but seen as I never replied he started spreading rumors that i had slept with a bunch of random guys while he was on holiday. Everyone started to message me and call me a "slut", "whore", "skank" and all adjectives alike. My friends believed me, but everyone else seemed to believe him because he is the popular one. My friends never left my side, especially Hannah. Ever since that I have avoided relationships.

"Right, c'mon then Kate lets go Oxford street" Hannah snapped me out of my thoughts, I just smiled at her and headed out of the door.

A/N: Sorry its been a while, I'm trying to finish my other book, which shall also be posted soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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