Chapter 1

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The eighteen year-old yawned and sat up, her bushy hair tingling uncomfortably in her scalp. She itches her head and looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table, it seemed to be about 6:15 in the morning, her usual waking time. She wiped her eyes and lazily walked to the bathroom.

She took a w jock 8 minute shower and brushed her hair and teeth. This did almost nothing however, to tame the girls uncontrollable mane of hair. She put on a dark blue blouse and a pair of jeans with her black sweatshirt.

After putting on some tennis shoes, the girl heard a soft tap on her bedroom window. As she tried to open the frost-lined pane, a small grey owl flew in, hooting softly, with a letter tied around its foot.

She untied the letter and sent the owl off after feeding it a treat from her table side.

Dear Hermione Granger,
You are invited to join this year's eighth year at Hogwarts; School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have realized that through the last years, a proper education was not very prominent and I wish to help you learn more about our wonderful world. All supplies are listed below and can be found in Diagon Ally. Of course this invitation is optional, and since most students are legal adults, they have a right to deny this request. Do please take this invitation into consideration, and join Hogwarts for another magical year. Also, Hermione, you have been chosen to be head girl as of this year. Since it would be unfair to have an eighth year student as a head, I have decided that we will have four heads in total. Please enjoy your evening.

Headmaster Minerva McGonagall

Hermione continued to read over the supplies list and smiled softly to herself. She would love to go back to Hogwarts. It was, after all, one of her favorite places in the world. She decided to try and leave the past 2 years behind her and not think of all the heartache and loss because of the Wizarding War.

Hermione subconsciously rubbed her forearm, where her scare was. She didn't want to think about that though. She wanted to remember the great times she had with her best friends.

Hermione quickly used a muggle pen to write on a sheet of paper. She asked about if Harry and Ron were going to be returning for their last year, and informing them of her achievement in becoming one of the head girls.

Maybe, just maybe, They could have a normal school year.

Of course they couldn't.

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