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'''End it''

Wait a minute

Every time you're near

Why does it always happen to us?

Did we something wrong,AGAIN.

Why did SHE had to show up.

I mean she took Edward from us.

She called me stupid,When i got shot in my leg.

I'm sooo sorry,I was trying to get the gun back and tried to save Rooz.

I Hate you mum.

I remembered it to well,I mean every teen age girl would love to see there lovely mum ,When she wakes up after some weird kidnap,forget thing.Hmm not sure if you know what i mean.Anyway...Wait that sounds bitchy...I'm sorry.

''What do you mean?''Rooz said stepping in front of me.Trying to hide me from the evil thing in the room.What i have to call my 'mum'.Well i mean you have read she was nice,But it was like her evil part toke her over.That's the problem of being a spy.You live can end in London,But start In Africa.You can die on the most weirdest Times,Different places.Yet you have to hide for your whole live.''No...''. I shove Rooz aside.''No...No...No!''.My mum Came closer to me.''You know it so easy to snap that pretty neck of you...''She said touching my jawline.''72,48,24,your choice''She said looking at the door.

My body's getting reckless

Hope I don't regret this

Wait a minute

Oliver and Jack.They came to visit us,Not as friends.They might be pissed...We looked at each other,They wouldn't believe us anymore.They gave their thrust to Kathline and Angeline.Not to Skyler and Rooz.So why wouldn't we choose 24.''24 hours''We said.She smiled.Ugh.Damn why?We had our stuff...

''What are you doing?''I froze.Oliver was standing in the door opening.James Blocked the other door.Rooz looked at me.''24...''She muttered.''24?What happened to you neck?''He sounded worried.Oliver was close.But i'm not Kathline anymore

Wait a minute

Every time you're near

My body's getting reckless

Hope I don't regret this

Wait a minute.

.''Pl-ple-please d-do-n't''I stuttered.Almost crying.

I love Oliver,More than a friend,But Crazy and Oliver are enemies.Not a cute couple.

But my heart keeps telling me the perfect lie

Oliver ignored my complaining and touched it.Making me shut my eyes in pain.

You rip me up with every last goodbye

I don't wanna say forever

It's just another now or never

''Why is she crying?''James whispered to Rooz.

So heart don't let me trust these butterflies

I don't trust these butterflies

'Cause they fool me every time.

''Hours...''Rooz whispered back.Fighting back the tears.

Skyler Looked so sad,Hating the fact Oliver  didn't got the hint,That it wans't her neck,But her heart breaking in two.

24 hours...You would think it means the time we had to get away from then.Nope.It was our time to chose when we wanted to...die.Yep about some 22 hours.We will lay dead in some elevator in a CHEAP hotel,Of course we would be 'stupid',Because the elevator was broken.It wouldn't be the strangest kill ever.Once Edward told us about that one time they had to kill  a spy,Who fell in love with a enemy.The whole Co was in danger.So she got choked by a stuffed animal in Disney Land In the candy shop With one ...Well something was missing from her face... It made me so sick.I didn't wanted to eat candy for 3 months.

''To get away right?''James Woke Rooz up out her little explaining thought.

No need to read your mind

I can read the signs.

Yeah right,Please James.

Hope I don't regret this.

She shook slowly her head.''It's not what you think it's mean''She carefully said.Walking to the door.

You rip me up with every last goodbye.

''Hey James...'' Rooz Hugged James.

For the last time she would hug the person.

''i like you alot''

She couldn't say it.

For the as time she looked into his eyes.

Meeting my eyes.

'It's time'

I stood up.

''What wrong?''Oliver looked at me.

You wanna catch me before I'm gone

But I'm already there

Yeah, I'm already there

You wanna stop me from moving on

I gave him a kiss.

''You're cute''

It was the first thing i said to him.

Seeing shock in his eyes.

And then it was time.Thick smoke filled the Room.''Rooz!'' I screamed feeling arms around me.Those weren't Rooz arms.I screamed.But then I noticed Someone on the ground.No..Two bodies...No...Please! I started to cry.And one moment in the Room,No on our way to our dead.My own mum wants to kill  me...Oliver...James

My heart keeps telling me the perfect lie

You rip me up with every last goodbye

I don't wanna say forever

It's just another now or never

So heart don't let me trust these butterflies

I don't trust these butterflies

'Cause they fool me every time

Help me....

CO:Crazy OneWhere stories live. Discover now