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I screamed.''What's wrong?!''Rooz said shaking me like crazy.''N-nothing just a terrible N-night mare''.I tried to say.She just hugged me.''We can stay home if you want...'' I really wanted to see Oliver.But  my nightmare was just soo real.''Yeah..i want to stay home''.''Well we have a day free,James text-ed me''Rooz said smiling.''Something wrong Kathline''Edward said caring our break feast.''I heard you had a terrible night mare''.''Should i call your mother?''.Maybe a little bit weird but Rooz and i lived with Edward.He was our body guard/Butler But we always looked at him as a father.''No i have Rooz and you''.''And apparently Two gentle mans At the front door''Edward said looking out side the window.Rooz smiled.''GO!''We said laughing while Edward opened the door.''There room is upstairs first one left.I didn't care if they saw Rooz and me like this.My hair was good enough.Rooz was jumping on the bed when she heard footsteps .''Sit down''I said looking at The door.I started to smile when i saw one curly head walking in to the Room.One word(Jacuzzi sorry just some random thing  <3)Oliver.''Hmm that looks good''He said taking a bite of my bread.''Bread steal er''James said Doing the same thing by Rooz.We Al started to eat.''Why are you guys here?''.''We have to go to school. Research for The CRAZY and ONE,and we wanted to ask if you wanted to go with us.Perfect, perfect,Stupid,stupid boys.If you knew the truth would you ask it again.I don't think so... ''Sure''.I said eating my last thing on my plate.''We will wait outside''.''So what are we going to do?'' I looked at Rooz again but  now  serious.''Probably take notes,Look in the dossiers,Steal some of there keys,Find Escape routes,Finding traps''Rooz said picking a dress.''Here wear this''.''But it's to girly''I said looking disgust.I am a girl but this dress was way to pink.''Fine i have one in purple without the glitter''Rooz said trowing the dress to me.''We're ready!''We said running out of the door.''Bye Edward''.'Bye ladies''Edward yelled back.''We have to go around the building''James said.''But they got in by the front of the school''Oliver said.Tsss Oliver is smarter than you.The front,the back is to difficult,Well that's not true but to many cameras.I rolled my eyes.''Something wrong?''Oliver said.''No just why do you think they would take the back door?'' I said clearly annoyed.Rooz quickly answered''Yeah there is nothing important there''.Pwhieh she saved me..again.I should keep my mouth shut.Maybe with duck tape? ''No there's is nothing important there...''James said looking At Oliver.Lie...you're bad at lying.We can lie soo much better than you.But is that good?.We don't know.It's our life. ''Let's go''Rooz giving me a hand.I grabbed it and we started to walk.''It's kinda cute those sisters''James whispered To Oliver.''I don't know''Oliver said looking at Kathline.He knew she wasn't telling the truth Just like her sister.The whole afternoon was full of looking for strange things.''So what what have we learned''Rooz said looking in the notes i had made when we got home.''Some escape routes,Cameras code,The key of the Windows,some teacher rooms,And the Back door.''Rooz hugged me ''Love u little sister''.''Luff u to '' I said while looking back at the notes.''Angeline...Is it good what we are about to do...Is it good that we do this?''I say ed Looking with my big brown eyes a her.She didn't smile anymore.Instead tears were flowing over her cheeks.''I-i d-d-don't  k-know''She said hugging me tighter.We cried.Why did it had to be us?Why did life hated us soo much?Why did we have to be a nobody?Why?.''I'm sorry lady's''Edward say-ed walking away leaving to girls crying in each other arms.Yeah welcome in  the life  of a crazy one.

We waked up in our bed.Still hugging each other.''I'm sorry they can't go with you,They are sick,Bye''We heard Edward say.''Ooh you two are awake''Edward said.''Thank you Edward'' we said.Our throats hurt-ed from the crying.''You should stop if you don't want to lie anymore to those boys''Edward said serious.We looked shocked.Are you freaking kidding me?! It was...No ..IS our life. ''I know you have this life but if it kills you,stop''.Tears started to roll over my cheek and i had for the first time a panic attack.''No-No-No!!! I,M  NOT  GOING BACK TO THAT PLACE ,NEVER,GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!'' Edward looked shocked.This girl was so small,No one loved her and even when she loved this new life,Her past and the future were killing her slowly because of all the lies she had to say.And now it was killing her.''Kathline calm down please''Edward say-ed calmly.''No-No-no PLEASE DON'T SEND ME BA-BACK''.she screamed.Before she passed out.''Quick call this number!''Edward yelled at Rooz.Edward never yelled.''Please Come quick''.And short after that i waked up in a hospital bed.Surprised to see my mother.''Thank god you're awake''She said giving me to many kisses on my cheeks.'''Mum i'm fine''.''Are you really going to stop?'''My own mother asked.''I don't want to lie anymore''I said.''It's killing me''.She looked at me.''I see..''Was al she said before leaving the room.''I want to disappear.Suddenly A hand connected with my cheek.''Don't you ever dare to say that again.There she stood ,a crying Rooz.''Don't you ever dare to say that!''.She saw my scared face.''Omg i'm soo sorry i was really scared''She said hugging me.''I don't want to quit''.''Me to''Rooz said.We hated our past and we loved the future.''Can't wait for tomorrow night'' Rooz said looking at me.My mother smiled.She listened to the conversation.She hated it to.To lie.She was just like her daughter.A spy looking for love and she couldn't lie to the person she loved.She told him everything.But it turned in a nightmare.He's looking for her probably to arrest her.She married a different man but when the man found out she was pregnant of Kathline(skyler)He didn't loved her and he married the next day some Barbie.When she gave birth,The man was back for her child.She never saw the girl again.And now she was laying in the spy hospital.Crying her eyes out.I stopped crying when we got home ,Rooz helped me get dressed for bedtime.I was to tired to do it.I fell a sleep.Ow before i go welcome in  the life  of a crazy one.

I hope you love it  ;) tomorrow i will update a mission of them.Comment and vote please *big puppy eyes*

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