Leah's Secret

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(A/N) Okay, this is one of my favorite stories tht ive written. but idk if you'll like it:) please let me kno through comments, votes, fanning? I wld also take private messages. thanks!! hope to hear from you:) oh nd i put this as a horror but idk if it is so whatever:)

Chapter One


After coming home from Florida, Lewis' house was a mess. Everything was unpacked, and thrown all over the place. His Mom was wandering around frantically, trying to shove half of the clothes into the washer without breaking it.

When someone knocked on the door, everyone stopped. They all looked at the door, and waited for Mom to answer it.

She came down the steps in red skirt, and a white blouse. Her strained dark brown hair pulled into a loose bun at the back of her head. She had a basket of laundry in her arms, and a towel thrown over her shoulder. "Coming," She called, as she got closer to the door.

Lewis' brother, Alex, pushed Lewis, and then started to run. This was normally how Lewis and Alex started their game of tag; most of the time Lewis was always the one to win, because Lewis was the older, stronger, taller brother.

Lewis was at the age of six, while his younger brother Alex was four, and their younger sister, Patricia, was only two. Lewis always played with his younger siblings like today for example. Mom, also known as Marie, thought that Lewis was an excellent big brother, thinking that there couldn't be another as great.

"Well hello, Leah," Marie said, "Welcome. Come on in, please, come on in."

Lewis stopped chasing Alex, and watched as Leah walked in. Her hair was brown and short- a little above her shoulders- and was hung down with her bangs pulled to the side of her hair. "Hey Lewis," She said with a bright smile. Lewis walked over to her, and she rubbed his fuzzy head of hair.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Omar," Marie gushed, as she dug through the purse that was on the counter, "He loves it when you come over, and so do the kids."

Lewis smiled up at Leah and she smiled back at him. "They're really cute," Leah told Lewis' mother, "I love coming to see them."

Marie smiled at Leah, and pulled out a ten. "This enough?" She asked, showing it to Leah.

"Perfect," Leah told her, taking the bill from her hands, "And if you want I'll come play with the kids whenever you want. I love them, and I need the extra money."

"Oh they would love that," Marie gushed, pulling Lewis into her side. Lewis struggled to get free, and when he did he stumbled into Leah.

Alex came over, and looked up at Leah. He smiled at her, and then gave her a hug. That was things about little kids that Lewis hated. The little kids could go up and hug a stranger, and it wouldn't matter. So Leah hugged him back, and kissed the top of his head. "Where's Patricia?" Leah asked, looking around.

"Taking a nap," Marie answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should go," Leah whispered.

"No matter," Marie said, "She sleeps like a rock!"

Leah laughed, and then rubbed Lewis' head again. Lewis was so jealous of Alex right now- getting to hug Leah.

It was probably wasn't a secret by now, but Lewis loved Leah. They all say that you don't know what love is when you're younger, but Lewis did. He knew that he admired Leah, and wished that he was a little older so he could love her, and date her without the fact that she was too old for Lewis.

Leah was beautiful, and sweet, and generous, and even funny; she was always wearing cute outfits, and her hair was always perfect. She also always made sure that Lewis was included with everything she did.

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