Leah's Secret Ch. 17

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Chapter Seventeen

The story was never something Leah thought she would tell them. She thought it would be her secret forever, but it wasn't. The secret was too big to keep to herself.

She started by telling them that her Father beat her. She told them that she would sometimes walk away with only a few bruises and other times scars. She told them that she did her best to hide them up because they, the whole Collins family, were her real family. She hated her Father, and sometimes even her Mother.

She came up with her plan over time. She got her Mom to help her, and made her swear not to tell. When her Mother swore, they worked together, and made Leah's plan happen.

Leah made her Father very angry one day, which caused blood all over the place. Normally it was Leah's job to clean up her own blood, but when she didn't it gave the police the shred of proof they need.

Leah Rose Coburn disappeared without anyone knowing where she went. Not even her own Mother knew where she went. She ran away because she knew her Father would search all over for her. She hid in basements, and in abandon apartments and homes until everyone would forget her, and she made sure her Dad was arrested before she went back home.

When she went home after a few years, and realized she wasn't welcomed. Her Mother felt guilty for what they pulled off together. She felt guilty that she called the police, and was the one who put her husband in jail. It didn't matter though, because Greg did think he killed her and admitted it, though it was 3 years later. Tina didn't want any part of this plan anymore, so she kicked Leah out. She promised not to tell anyone, but Leah had to stay out of the house.

So she moved across the street.

By this time, the Collins already moved out of the house, and it was foreclosed. No one wanted the house, until then. Leah broke in, and stayed there for what seemed like forever. Sometimes she had food, sometimes she didn't. Sometimes she was freezing and sometimes she was so hot she was gasping for air. It was hard for Leah, but she made through it. She stayed there until her Mother passed away of what Leah likes to call- boredom. Okay, that's not what really happened but it should have been.

Tina Coburn moved out of the house because she couldn't stand the memories it brought to her, and the way the walls and floors were stained with blood.

Leah took the advantage.

She started exercising to stay in shape, and she did research on almost everyone in the town. She had the time.

By the time her Mother moved out of the house, Leah moved back in. The house was the same, and it was comfortable to live in. She found money she had hidden and used it for food and clothes.

Then she started to follow the Collins kids around. They lived pretty boring lives from what Leah saw. She saw Lewis always talking to his one friend and burying his face in his text book, but still remain the favorite of the family. She watched Alex play all his sports- not really getting into it- and then she watched him paint. He loved to paint and Leah knew it. It was the only way he could express himself without anyone caring. Then she watched Tricia fall asleep in some of her classes, and then try out for cheerleading- she didn't make the team.

Leah was there for all of this.

She took notes, and waited for her time to strike. She was angry that these kids got their chances at life, and wouldn't live it out to the fullest. She had to spend her life either being beaten, or in hiding. These children had the chances she had wanted all along, and they slowly wasted each of them.

"You should all hang your heads in shame," She snapped.

Only Tricia hung her head. Not because she was doing what Leah told her, but because she was losing a lot of blood, fast.

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