Christmas is here Part 2

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Hey guys sorry it took so long but here is the new chapter


Last time Mr.Shue told the Glee Club that they were going on a trip but where are they going is the question that the Glee Club wants to know


Mr. Shue: do you guys want to know where we are going?

Glee: YES!!

Mr. Shue: Drum roll Finn (finn does a drum roll) London!


Santana: are you serious?

Mr. Shue: does this answer your question (holds up 14 tickets to London)

Glee: (start cheering)

Mr. Shue: Finn? Rachel? you guys had an announcement as well?

Rachel: (looks at Finn. Finn nods his head)

they walk up to the front of the room

Rachel: umm well Finn and I are expecting someone in the next few months

Glee: WHAT?

Finn: seriously guys are you that blind and I thought I was dumb. Rachel's pregnant


Kurt: well this just keeps getting better and better

Glee: shut up Kurt

everyone laughs. bell rings.

Mr. Shue: class dismissed

~~~~~~~~ Later that day ~~~~~~~~

At Finn's house

Finn: hey mom Rachel's coming over for dinner

Carole: okay why?

Finn: well we have something to tell you

Carole: okay then what time is she coming over?

Finn: umm around 7 ish

Carole: okay I'll go start dinner

Finn walks upstairs and texts Rachel


Hey you still coming over for dinner? - Finn♥

Hey babe! yeah I'll be there at 7 if that's okay - Rach♥

Yeah that's fine ~ I hope mum takes the news well - Finn♥

So do I ~ I have to go but I'll see you soon Love you - Rach♥

Love you to - Finn♥


Rachel: (knocks on door)

Finn: Hey Rach come in

Rachel: thanks Finn

Carole: Hey Rachel. how's my favourite girl

Rachel: I'm great

Carole: well thats good. Dinners ready if you want to come in the dinning room

After dinner Finn and Rachel are about to tell Carole about Rachel's pregnancy

Finn: hey mom Rach and I have something to tell you. Rachel's pregnant

Carole: oh guys! I'll be here for you. (turns to Rachel) have you told your parents

Rachel: yes I have and I'm sorry Finn but I had to tell them my self becauce I knew that they would hurt you and I didn't want that to happen

Finn and Carole look at Rachel confused. Rachel sees there faces

Rachel: (sighs) they have always loved Jesse and he was the son that they never had so when he left they started to ignore me and I haven't talked to them in ages actually ever since Jesse left. So before I came here I told them and then (starts to cry) and then the me out and now I have nowhere else to go (she is hysterically crying now)

Finn: OMG! Rach that shouldn't have happened I'm so sorry (hugs her)

Carole: Rachel honey why don’t you stay here?

Rachel: (looks up from crying in Finn's shirt) really?

Carole: of course sweetie you are like a daughter to me and I would do any thing for you and Finn

Rachel: thank you so much Carole it really means a lot to me

Carole: it's no problem Rachel. do you have any of your things?

Rachel: yeah my dad's made me clean my room and everything that is mine out of the house so it's all in my car

Carole: Finn honey. Can you be the best boyfriend in the world and help Rachel get her stuff out of the car

Finn: of course I will (kisses Rachel's forehead) I'll be right back

Rachel: thankyou so much for this Carole

Carole: nonsense Rachel. and I think you can start calling me mom if your gonna live here

Rachel: how bout momma C

they both start laughing as Finn walks through the door

Finn: what's so funny?

Rachel: nothing you need to worry about Finny

Finn: whatever you say Rachie

By 10 o'clock they have moved all of Rachel's stuff into the house and now Rachel and Finn are cuddling on the couch watching TV

Carole: Hey guys i'm gonna head to bed Goodnight

Finn: Night Mom

Rachel: night momma C

Finn: (sees Rachel's tired) Lets get you and bubba to bed

Rachel: (giggles at the nickname for yhe baby) lets go. good night Finn

Finn: Good night Rach. I love you

Rachel: I love you more

Finn: (laughs) If you say so

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