Drew Callibry

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Today's Mood - Get in my way and you're lucky if you don't get your head ripped 

Song Of The Day - Lullaby by Nickelback  

Today's Outfit - OG full sleeved shirt, with a hand-painted red peace sign, denim blue,ripped jeans.  

Today's Accessories - Mom's silver charm bracelet

"Why don't I understand? Why don't you understand dad! Stop interfering in my life!"

I stomped into my room which was just about two steps away from the living room and banged the door shut. Well it was nothing new. I had just had another fight with my dad and I was not going to be surprised if Mr. Cartwright (Our neighbor) called the police assuming I had ripped my dad's head off. Today had started off as it usually did. I had woken up late, somewhere around 3 o'clock. Yeah I know I'm a lazy bum and all that but hey come on a girl who stays up all night long, working real hard on her physics practicals deserves some good sleep right? I'm not lying, alright? I tested the laws of gravity by jumping over the huge wall outside the apartment. Conclusion: my ass hurts. Then I tested um... the "Staying-Up-All-Night-Law". I call it....SUANEL. That is a law... maybe... uh in biology? See I practiced Biology too.  

So yeah, after all my hardwork I needed some extra good sleep. After I got up I went straight in to the kitchen where I found my dad sitting with his long legs crossed. He had this very grim expression on his face. My brother, Harvey, was sitting next to him, with a very grim expression too.

"Jeez. Did someone die? Why are we mourning?" I said, getting myself some cereal. 

"No one." said dad in a stern tone.

"Right. Well someone sure is going to be dead if you put on that expression forever." I said, licking the milk off my lips. 

"Sit down Drew."

" Oh thank you dad, I wouldn't have if you hadn't asked me to." 

" That's it. Drew, We need to talk."  

" Uh.... dad? haven't we been doing that, like, all along?"  

His expression changed into some sort of red, bursting-with-anger expression. Oh well I had succeeded in ticking him off. Again. Bingo! He got up and crossed his arms against his chest and tried to calm himself down. Then he spoke in this really hoarse tone, " Harvey, Go to your room." Okay, he never sends Harvey out. I must have ticked him off majorly.  


"Dad." I said in the same tone he had used. 

" OK, that's enough Drew. We need to talk about your behaviour. It's getting worse and I am not going to tolerate it anymore OK? You were out all night yesterday doing god knows what."

" Wait. What! How do you know I was out? Oh great! now you're getting Harvey to tell on me? " I said.  

Anger started building up in me. How could Harvey tell dad?

"Harvey didn't tell me anything Drew. He never ever does. The night guard spotted you and reported it to me. Harvey just wouldn't open up. Drew, you do realize that he is lying for what you do. You're just influencing him. I don't want him to turn out like a monster."

OUCH! Did he just call me a monster? A pang of guilt and anger shot through me. So I was a monster huh?  

"Oh! Right so I'm the monster now huh?"

"Drew, you very well know that that's not what I meant..."

"Oh right so what you meant was, that I am turning your little lovely son into a monster right?"

"Why do you make everything so complicated?! I'm just trying to talk. I do not like the way you're handling yourself. You stay up late every night, don't mix with the girls of your school, you always end up getting into trouble, you spend most of your time painting graffiti on the walls.  I want to help you. You never talk straight forwardly to anybody."

"No actually I talk way to straight forwardly dad, that's why you find it so hard to take!"

"Why don't you understand? I'm just trying to help."

"Why don't I understand? Why don't you understand dad! Stop interfering in my life!"

Well yeah, that was it! I know. I know. Bad me. Shouldn't talk to my dad like that... yadda yadda yadda.

But hey, come ON! I had my reasons. I know I was being too hard on him. But this was nothing compared to what he had done.  

Anyway. This is the part where I banged the door shut so hard that even Adolf Hitler would have pissed in his pants.  

Harvey was standing right next to the door, probably eavesdropping. My gaze softened as I turned towards him . 

My stern frown changed into half hearted smile.

"Too much drama in one morning eh?" I asked.  

"Well not really... considering the fact that it's afternoon."  he said, replacing his grim expression with an enormous smile. A smile pulled at the sides of my lips. He always had his way around me. He was one person who I could be soft with.  

I started to take a step towards him and stepped on the remote lying on the floor in the process.  

The small, and by small i mean very small, T.V that we had in our room switched on. A video started playing. 

I was there in the video and so was Harvey. I was probably eight and he was two. Both of us were running around each other in circles while our mother watched us. Dad had shot that video. I shifted my gaze from the T.V to harvey.  

His gaze wouldn't meet mine.

"I uh... found the dvd on the shelf and I was uh.. to tempted to watch it... I uh...." he said. I just froze in my place. 

I missed my mom so much. I just sat down in my position. My eyes glued to the T.V, Harvey came and snuggled next to me. And we watched the video. It went on for hours. Both of us, silly giggling for hours, and mom beaming down at us. My eyes nearly filled up with tears. i blinked them away. Wow it was a three hour video of us playing. Jeez how much film did my dad have in his camera anyway huh? I looked at Harvey. He was just sitting cuddled up next to me.


"I looked at him sympathetically.

"You miss mom, don't you."

"Yeah I do. But... I miss you more." he said.


I was puzzled.

"You see back when you were eight you were not that boring." he said cracking a smile.

"Oh I'm boring, I see" I said, switching the T.V off. and pouncing on him for a tickle fight.

"Hahah! Stop!!!" he screamed while laughing his head off. "Stop Drew! haha! You can go and tickle your boyfriend instead!"

"What boyfriend?" I said still tickling him.

" Oh... you know.....Caleb..."

"Caleb is not my boyfriend.' I said tickling him harder.

"Oh really?" he said.

"Yeah." I said, letting go of him to catch my breath. Meanwhile he managed to lunge himself on to me.  

I caught him in mid air. He sure was collecting spit. "No Harvey...no spitting.... bad boy." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry Drew." he said, grinning.

"It's fine! Now go and play with your action figures! Go on!" I said in the same tone. Just then  I noticed that Caleb was standing right at the door. OH MY GOD had he just opened the door without knocking? He knew I hated that. But I couldn't be bothered with that because I was blushing like a tomato already. Harvey then ran out quickly, giving me an ill-concealed wink that made me feel more giddier than I already felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2012 ⏰

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