Go Clean Yourself Up, This is Rediculous.

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Ris sighed, throwing himself down on the crumb-covered couch, running his hand through his choppy brown hair. "Why do I do this to myself." He knew the answer, he was a softie. Always willing to give others another chance, regardless of how bad they hurt him. He turned his head as the bathroom door swung open, steam rolling out.

"Sorry for showing up so late, had to get away from there..." Sam walked out of the bathroom wearing the dusty clothes he left, the ones Ris couldn't bear to part with. "This place looks... Exactly the same. Did you even get up while I was gone?" one look at Ris's greasy hair and the same exact shirt from the night Sam left told him the answer was no, or at least hardly.

"I haven't gotten to cleaning yet, or changing my clothes... or bathing. I haven't done much," Ris said, wincing. A glance at his shattered phone told him he wouldn't be checking his email anytime soon. "I'm pretty sure I missed the deadline on my latest project, I'll have to contact him and apologize. Do you think he'll understand? 'hey sorry I wasn't able to finish your logo, I was un the middle of a mid-life crisis.' Psh. I don't think ill miss 20 bucks for a lemonade stand logo anyway." He turned his attention to sam, who looked surprised, a little guilty... and was that pity?- "Hey don't look at me like that. You know I don't like to be a pity party. Go dry your hair, I'll make some food."

Sam looked away, at the dent in the wall, then down. To the shattered phone laying dejectedly on the wooden floor, then over to the couch where a soupy tub of ice-cream sat slowly dripping onto the floor. He quickly picked it up and set it on the kitchen counter. "I air dry my hair now." he said as he watched Ris shuffle over to the fridge, opening it and then very quickly recoiling and slamming the door shut, nose crinkled at the rotten stench of spoiled food.

Ris gagged a little before covering his nose with a hand "Urp- I think the milk went bad, or was that the burrito?-"

"The burrito from the date we went on at LEAST a week before we broke up?! God Ris! Thats disgusting, throw it away. I'll be upstairs, you should take a shower too. And change your clothes, nasty." Ris looked a little crest-fallen at that, but nodded.

"Alright, you know where the spare room is, I didn't throw out your old clothes so feel free to take them back. If you don't want to sleep in the spare room, the couch for you then. Don't go in my room if you don't like how it looks in here, wont be much better up there." Sam gave a thumbs up and started up the stairs, Ris stretched and sighed. "Time for a shower then." he took a whiff from his armpit and cringed again for what seemed like the millionth time that day, "Ew, I guess thats a little past due too." And with that, he walked quickly over to the shower, shedding his gross clothing and adjusted the water to the perfect temperature and quickly stepping in, watching as the sweat and overall grossness washed away.

Ris took long showers, Sam used this to his advantage and peeked into their- no. Ris's room. He kept true to his word- it was a mess inside. The air inside was thick with the stench of food that was starting to decompose, clothes littered everywhere BUT the basket, soda cans and dirty plates covering every possible surface. Sam wrinkled his nose, "Gross." stepping carefully to avoid plates and dirty clothes, he made his way over to his old dresser, scooping up as much clothes as he could fit in his arms, and slowly made his way back to the doorway. Taking a breath of the fresh-er air, then walking back to the guest room and tossing his clothes into the empty dresser. After a couple more trips, he was finished moving his clothes. He turned to the dusty old bed. Sighing, he walked over to stand beside the bed, pulling back the faded green blanket and settling down under the worn sheets. After a moment or two he kicked his feet in a fit to get rid of the sheets to just lay under the blanket, he hated sheets. Finally, he rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

After Ris's fingers were beyond pruned, he decided to leave the shower. Drying his hair out roughly with his favorite towel before slipping back into his boxers and pajama pants, gathering the rest of his dirty clothes, and making his way out of the bathroom and up the old creaky steps, being careful to avoid the spots he knew would give him splinters. After climbing the stairs and crossing the hallway, he noticed his door was open a few inches. "I thought I told him to stay out of my room. Wait- no, I told him to get his clothes, THEN get out of my room." he kicked his door open, it got jammed on a pile of clothes. Ris grumbled and squeezed himself through the small entrance into his room. He sighed, "I should probably clean this up."

Sam woke to the sound of footsteps coming up the old squeaky stairs, listening as the footsteps came closer to the guest room and then passing it, a few grumbles and then a thump he assumed was Ris kicking the door open, more agitated mumbles and a few creaks as Ris squeezed his way through the door, and then the soft 'Whump' of clothes being picked up and thrown into, hopefully, the clothes basket located in the corner of his room. He listened as Ris's footsteps made their way over to the other corner of his room, closest to the wall where Sam was currently laying. Then a loud plop sound as Ris got into bed his favorite way, by throwing himself onto the blankets and wiggling to get the cover over himself. Finally, there was silence. Sam began to drift off to sleep again, when there was a quiet creak, and then very faintly, the sound of Ris's footsteps going over to the door, a slow creak as the door was opened, then less muffled but still so quiet footsteps that Sam had to strain his ears to hear them, Ris's footsteps could be very quiet if he was trying. And trying meant he didn't want Sam to hear them. Predicting Ris's actions, Sam rolled over so his back was facing the door just before Ris opened it, just a crack. Enough to look through. Sam steadied his breathing to make it look like he was sleeping and waited, Ris watched him for a little bit. Sam could feel his gaze on the back of his head, before he finally closed the door again and walked silently back to his room, the sound of him carefully getting back into bed, and then once again, silence.

Needless to say, Sam was confused. It took him a few hours before exhaustion finally took over and he drifted back to sleep.


And that's the first chapter! I wrote it in like a hour so if you notice any major mistakes or grammar errors lemme know and I'll fix em'

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