Why Are You Here?

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          The next morning, Sam woke to the smell of French Toast and eggs. Shedding the old green blanket he stood, before swinging open the old door, walking down the short hall, and then rounding the corner, heading down the creaky wooden stairs. He was soon greeted by Ris, wearing his black apron, cooking on the stove.

          "Mornin'." Ris said, voice rumbly, he had just woken up. He gestured to the plate of French Toast sitting on the recently cleaned off counter. "I made you food, you still like French toast right?" he said, his blue-green eyes focused on Sam's brown eyes.

          "Yeah, of course. Thanks." Sam said, rubbing his eyes and walking over to grab the plate and go sit at the table,

          "It should still be decently warm, but you might want to eat it fast or it'll get cold." Ris said, turning back to the stove, lifting the lid from the pan he was cooking his eggs in, and scooping them out, onto a paper plate with a spatula. The sound of the toaster springing toast up startled Sam

          "You should really get a new toaster, you've had that one since your mom gave it to you as a house warming present." Sam said, returning his focus back to his French toast. Ris shrugged

          "I don't need a new one right now, this guy still has a while longer in him yet." The younger boy said as he grabbed the toast, spreading a generous amount of butter on both pieces before taking his plate back to the table. Looking up at Sam after he took a bite of his food, chewing and resting his elbows on the table with his fork still held up close to his mouth, before lowering it and crossing his arms, still on the table. Still watching Sam.

          Sam felt Ris's gaze on him, something about it made him uneasy. He looked up for a moment and met the youngers blue-green eyes, then quickly looked back down to his French toast when he found he couldn't read the brown haired boys emotions. Ris was always unreadable when he either was making a conscious effort to remain unreadable, or he was upset. Looking back up, Sam met his eyes again. "Um, yes?" he asked, setting his fork down. Ris's glare continued to dig into him for a few moments longer, before he spoke, the tone made Sam's heart sink.

          "Why did you come back? Why are you... Here?" Ris said, he sniffled, swiping the back of his hand over his eyes and finally turning his gaze away. The way he said it, the heartbreak in his voice stunned Sam for a moment. He had never seen that much hurt and sadness in the brown haired boys eyes before.

          Sam thought for a moment, swallowed the lump in his throat, and spoke. Voice quiet,  almost a whisper. "I... Things didn't quite work out well with... Andy. We uh- we got in a bit of a fight. I was so mad, I wanted to punch him. So I left, it started raining, and I realized I left everything with Andy. So I came here..." He looked up and met Ris's eyes, which turned out to be a mistake as anger very quickly flashed across his eyes, the blue-green now feeling icy, but burning at the same time. A loud screech practically assaulted Sam's ears as Ris stood so fast the chair slid back, grinding wood on wood and almost tipping over.

          Ris slammed his hands down onto the table, shaking the silverware. "What?! So I'm a plan B? Thats what I've always been to you, haven't I! Just a backup plan?" The anger melted away into sadness so fast Sam wasn't even sure it had been there in the first place. Ris's eyes welled up with tears, quickly spilling over and down his cheeks. His sniffles turned to sobs, he slowly lowered himself back down into his chair, covering his face with his hands as his body shook with sobs. Sam quickly recovered from the shock of the outburst and stood, running over to the brown haired boy and gently putting his hand on his back,

          "No no no! thats not what I meant at all, I missed you. I realized how big of a mistake I made by leaving, I didn't even tell you I was breaking up with you to your face, I came back to make it up to you and... maybe start again?" Sam gently turned Ris's tear stained face so they could look each other in the eyes. "I'm sorry, for everything I've done. For hurting you this much, it was terrible of me. And this is terrible of me to ask- but. Can we start again? ... Will you let me be your boyfriend again?" Sam said, his voice tinted with hope. Hope that fell apart as Ris looked away, and slowly shook his head.

          "I am willing to forgive you, but we can't be together again... At least- not right now. I'm still really hurt, so I can't take you back right away. But I would like to get to know you some more. Maybe we can try again once we REALLY know each other." Sam nodded, sad but understanding. Ris saw the sadness in Sam's eyes, "Hey, I'm fed up with the sad sack stuff, no more of that." He said, opening his arms for a hug.

          Sam saw this and grinned, diving in for a hug and almost knocking Ris out of his chair. "Thank you for forgiving me." he said before standing, helping Ris to his feet as well, who brushed off his shirt and huffed contentedly. "Well, I should probably go shopping, I need to get some more food to stock the fridge, the only things that WERENT spoiled or moldy was the eggs I got a few days ago, butter which I'm convinced can not go bad, and bread." he then gestured to the shattered phone across the room, "I Also I need to replace my phone."

          Sam laughed at that, then reached up to wipe a trail left by a tear away. "Ok, but you should probably go wash your face first, still a little blotchy from crying and I'm sure half dried tears don't make people go 'Wow look at that person there, they sure have their life together!'" Sam smiled as Ris laughed.

          "Haha, alright. But I don't want to carry 50 pounds of groceries all by myself, feel like coming with?" He looked up at the older boy, who nodded

          "I would love to."


Sweet! another chapter done in the same day, sorry it's kinda short. Anyways, hope you like the story so far. Sorry not sorry for the angsty bits. I promise It wont be so sad in the next chapter, I'm not that mean.

Most of the time..

Anyways, love you all! I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!!!


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